Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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One Year On

It’s hard to believe that it has been a whole year since we lost our founder, Emily Block. Our Emilybella. Da Bella. ForeverBella. Time is such a strange thing. It feels like such a long time, and also like no time at all.

I hope she would be proud of us all for keeping Stamping Bella going over the past year, and for continuing the Sistahood she loved so much. I think she would be. It hasn’t been easy, there have been lots of tears, and a steep learning curve for me personally taking on many of the tasks Emily performed, especially without Emily there to help, or to receive and return ranty messages in ALL CAPS. I spend a lot of time sending her ranty messages in my head. It helps.

I miss her immensely, as I know that so many do. For me at least, Stamping Bella gives me a sense of connection to her. I hope it does that for others too. She remains very much at the heart of everything we do. When our illustrator and I work on creating images to become stamps my first thought is always “What would Emily say about this?” Sometimes the responding thought makes me laugh out loud. Thankfully we both worked on images with Emily for so long that we have a good idea how she would feel about them. She would love the stamps we have released this past year, and she would be so excited about those we have coming in future releases.

Emily LOVED rubber, or rubbah as she would say. She loved inking up our beautiful blue rubbah with a juicy (joosy) ink pad and feeling the impression of the stamp on the paper. She wanted to share the joy that sparked with the world, and she did just that.

Thank you so very much to all of you for continuing to support Stamping Bella, and for continuing to create and share wonderful things featuring our stamps, keeping that joy alive. It always meant a lot to Emily, and it still means a lot to the whole team, and to her family and friends.



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  1. Hi Ladies (& any Gents), I think Emily would be beyond proud that between you all you’ve stepped up to the plate. To keeping her dream alive & growing strong. Although I can’t buy direct from you due to international shipping costs I do but from a website in the UK that buys from you directly ( Diestodiefor)
    Can’t wait to see what you’ve all got in store for us

  2. Thank you to all who have continued Emily’s dream.she would be very proud of all and everyone.
    Thank you again


  3. What a lovely post Elaine. I still think my Stamping Bella blue rubber stamps are the most crisp impression of any stamp I own. And they are also some of the sweetest images in my stash ??

  4. I can’t believe it’s already been a year either. Hugs to you all for keeping Emily’s dream alive and growing. It’s very difficult to lose somebody you’ve always held in your heart and loved. Ladies and gentlemen (or is it ‘man’), supporters and newbies, I think Emily would have a smile on her face and pride in her eyes thinking “WOW, I’m so very proud of my Stamping Bella family.” Emily helped make you all who you are today – a piece of your story – and she loved you all too. Every time you smile and think of her, you’re continuing her dream. I don’t think it gets any better than that… you should all very proud of yourselves too. Thank you.

  5. You’ve all done an amazing job keeping Emily’s dream and legacy alive. Well done Elaine, it won’t have been easy. Beautiful tribute to Emily and I’ll bet she’s super proud up there in her Angel wings of all you and the team have achieved this year ??????

  6. Oh my gosh, it’s been a whole year! 5 weeks ago my mom passed from a stroke. It seems like just yesterday. We are having a celebration of her life on Dec. 3rd. It always seems so final when this happens. I LOVE Stamping Bella and I know Emily would be proud of what you’ve done. I’m sure she is watching over us and smiling down on us.

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