Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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ok keep refreshing.. I will show only 3 today

you will have to wait til tomorrrrow to see more!

let me know what you thinky…



see you tomorrow!  don’t forget bellarific friday!




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  1. That is SO naughty! If I show you half my Bellariffic card now will you show me the other half of the 2nd one?! LOL 🙂

    1. her name is Flynn.. shhhh she is Wryn’s little sister and Wryn has NOT been advised that she has been born yet..LOL

  2. I took a lookie and like the Peekie so far! Only 3???? LOL I NEED more peeks! LOL
    Loving the Bunny ears..and the 2nd looks darling…how bout the other side? lol :c)

  3. Yay! Wryn is coming in rubbah!!!!!! Em, you’re the best!!!!! I’m kinda dancing in my seat right now 🙂 Love the uptown bunny and the funky bar code stamp – totally cool 🙂 Looking forward to tomorrow’s tease 🙂

  4. Darn, I should’ve read the previous comments before jumping to the comment form… It’s not Wryn, but I guess Flynn is going to be just as FANTASTIC!!!

  5. Only HALF of an image? That’s like only half of a slice of cake!!! Oh so not nice Emily. 😉

  6. I keep refreshing to get my phone to load the whole image! I forgot that its only a sneakie peekie… Too funny show us more!

  7. Lookin’ good! Will tune in tomorrow. You are mean, mean, mean. I can’t handle suspense. I am the person that has to watch tv shows on DVD so I can see the next episode immediately. You are mean!

  8. Lol – a little sister for Wryn – I bet she’s gonna be pleased – NOT!!! And I knew my budget was shoot to pieces – time to smile at the bank manager again :).

    Hugs, Mette

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