Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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OH SYLVIA… yes Micki… How do you call your LOVERBOY… OH LOVERBOY… SNEAK PEEK DAY 8!


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Here are your random numbers:

73-LYNNE ATTIX you win!
please email me with subject line "SYLVIA WINNAH" and 
your snail mail address please!	

Timestamp: 2013-09-13 23:54:56 UTC



Hiya sistahs,

I am SOOOO thrilled with the response to this release.  I am SO. VERY. PROUD. OF. IT.  I have been desperate for a line like this and finally met my “match” in Christine when we developed this one.  THEY ARE JUST PERFECT!! (to me anyway :))… Whenever I have a release, I always have butterflies in my tummy.. like will da sistahs love it as much as I do?  Will they appreciate the humor?  And if you have been with me for the last 8 years, then you totally will.. if you’re a new sistah, well then Welcome to da world of da bella … BWAHAHAHA. LOL.  Just as I anticipated, da sistahs pulled through and love this line as much as I do.. And I am grateful.  And I am hoping I ordered enough LOL.

So the release will be THIS FRIDAY… ya hear me?  THIS. FRIDAY.  Finally!  what we have been waiting for!

Meet SYLVIA.. she is airing her laundry without shame..LOL.. size and all.  And of course we share EVERYTHING with our besties don’t we?

Ok another little story.  Which is QUITE embarassing but I will tell it.  So I have nicknamed my darling, adorable, loveable delicious husband HAL.   From the movie SHALLOW HAL.  Have you seen that movie?  The gist (sp) of it is that there is this man (Jack Black) who is obssessed with looks and figures of women.. only Gorgeous SKINNY women were the ones for him.. until something happened.. not sure if it was a spell or a dare or something of the sort.. Anyway he then meets Gwyneth Paltrow and FALLS HARD for her.  totally in love with her.. and sees her as this beautiful, skinny, brilliant, gorgeous little thing.. but in reality.. she is very large.. everyone around him sees it but he doesn’t… they go shopping and she picks up a pair of underwear that he sees as this minuscule thong.. but in effect they are enormous queen size panties..LOL.   she dives in the pool and he sees a little splash, but in reality, she empties the pool of water.. anyway you get the point.  So that is how Ryan sees me… as this beautiful little thing where in effect I am Gwynethy (not the real Gwyneth)..LOL

So one day he was folding the laundry and he picks up my underwear to fold and I WANTED TO DIE.. although we have been married for 16 years, I still am quite shy about my intimates.. know what I mean sistahs? LOL.. and he holds them up to lay on the ground and fold them innocently.  Well I DOVE.. and I mean DOVE into the laundry pile to grab my less than mini skivvies and told him NEVAH to fold them again.  He had no idea what hit him, my little Hal.. but now you and I know the truth…. There is not much I WOULDN’T share with my Ryan.. except. folding. my. undies.

Meet Sylvia.. she has no shame.  She doesn’t really care.  She has gone through enough that she is ready and at a place to share EVERYTHING.

You know, some people ask me.. how many characters can you actually come up with?  Why don’t you have any flowers or trees or hearts like other companies do.  While I do have some generic stamps, my “thing” is da sistahood.. my thing is identifying with these characters.  Each one tells their own story.  Each one allows us to say “that reminds me of” and rekindle great memories.. or “she’s SO blabla”… When I hear those comments, I know I have accomplished what I have set out to accomplish.  Stamping is a social and magical journey.. and the more we “relate” to the images,the more amazing the stamping experience is.  That’s how I have always felt.

I urge you to read the comments on the seniorita’s .. every sistah has a story.. some brought tears of joy , and some brought on painful tears…. I applaud our sistahood for sharing their stories without fear .  BRAVO to my sistahs for continuously making my dreams come true.

Ok here’s Sylvia (and my undies LOL)


Christine wrote me a quick email telling me to tell all of you that she is reading all the comments and is so thrilled with the reception of these images.  She is in terrible pain so she couldn’t write but please know she is reading each and every comment.

WANNA WIN-A Sylvia?  Leave a comment here for a chance!

Mwah to da sistahs who have a HAL and a SYLVIA in their lives


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  1. I love these stamps. I hope you consider bundling all of them. It would be tooooooooo hard to choose just one a time. They are so relevant to our lives all the while adding a touch of whimsy.

  2. I really like her. I love how beautiful the women in your new series are. Comfortable in their own skin. Keep p the good work.

  3. In 30 years or so, this will be me. Actually, I fully intend to – in 30 years’ time – have a little of each and every one of these senior-itas in me. Because they are fabulous, and one day I shall be fabulous like them.

    And how wonderful that your Hal actually folds the laundry! 15 years on, and I still can’t even get mine to put his dirty clothes in the basket!

    Is it Friday yet? x

  4. Oh boy do I understand what you’re saying!!! Don’t touch ’em and certainly don’t hold them up in the air!!!! ACK!! Thanks for today’s funny!!

  5. Another sentiment for this one could be “wanna hang out ”

    And I love how there is “more of them to love” with all of these new gals!!

  6. I’m not sure which is funnier – your story or Sylvia – ha ha ha – and yes I love Shallow Hal – it’s perfect.
    I have been creating cards with all the new images in my mind and now Friday can’t come fast enough to order.
    Well done!!!

  7. Nothing wrong with BIG knickers!!!
    Funny story…when I was pregnant (millions of yrs ago!!!) I had to buy some old ladies cotton,white,perforated fabric knickers to go round my huuuuge bump.I was taken in hospital with blood pressure & must have forgotten a pair of my knickers behind,when I was allowed home,so the cleaner who recognised me from where we lived,sent them home,via her daughters boyfriend,to give to his mum who is friends with my mum!!! Can you even imagine the shame,when I realised these ugly huge knickers had been travelling to find me!!! laughable now though!!!
    BTW luv this stamp 😀 x

  8. Oh my gosh Em! I can SOOO relate to your story. I remember when I was getting married. I was a size 14 at the time, but felt HUGE (In retrospect, i looked pretty darned good back then). My Mother was hosting a Trosseau (sp?) Tea for me, in which you display all of your shower gifts and apparently all of the clothes that you take on your honeymoon. WELL…the fur flied between us when she set out my granny panties….SERIOUSLY????? Maybe if there were some pretty frillies to show……but IRON UNDERWEAR????? OMG….. I told her that even a Thong would look like a Pup tent and to BACK AWAY FROM MY UNDERWEAR….it was clearly going back INTO the suitcase!!!!!

    Christine, I LOVE your new images………EM, you always inspire me

    Love and HUGS


  9. EM, I love the fact that you do the characters. There are so many flowers and trees out there as you said I love that I can use a sweet loving character. Please keep them coming I just love them and maybe tomorrow we will see Hal?????? Lol

  10. So this is Wednesday– and Friday we get the whole deal, right? Excitement is swelling!! Sylvia is a real Gal in my book. She can move into my neighborhood anytime. I still have hopes of seeing Harriet in her Hot rod racing past Sylvia’s house and Laughing at the interesting line art that is hung out there for all to see!!!
    Keep up the good work. You can soooooo read the SENIOR-itas.

  11. I really can’t pick a favorite stamp! Like everyone else, I’m going to have to have them all! I can relate to each and everyone of these senior-itas. Each time a I see a new stamp, I start imagining the new card and who to send it to. I love this! Thank you so much for this line. You ladies are the best!

  12. let’s just say that my skivvies would bring the entire line DOWN! 😉 no one EVER folds my undies but me. grins! and oh, they are so old and tattered it’s awful.

    talk about airing our dirty laundry…. ha!
    what a fun stamp!

  13. Thank you so much for providing a line of stamps where the female isn’t young and skinny. I love how ‘real’ these images are, they are so fun! And thank you for sharing your story. I agree with another comment above, please consider offering a ‘bundle’ because I could never pick just one. The images are so beautifully illustrated.

  14. Just when I think it can’t get better than the last stamp….

    I know what you mean about still being shy in front of your husband, I think that’s kinda cute and means we still care what they think lol

  15. I adore Sylvia!! I need all of these Senior-itas in my collection!! They just make me smile (and laugh out loud), so I know they’ll make other people smile too. You are too funny with your stories!!!

  16. Ohhhhhh I love Sylvia, she reminds me of my Mom, when I was a child we lined dried most of our clothes and it was nothing to see undies hangin all in a row!!!! When I think back to those days no one thought anything about it but today I would never hang my undies out for the whole world to see. I can’t wait until Friday, I know I will have a problem choosing which ones I want, may have to order them all!!!!! Thank you for these adorable women, I can’t wait to play with them!!!

  17. OMG…I can so relate. I would die of embarrassment if my hubby of 49 years ever picked up my intimates to fold!!!!!! Yet, I do his every laundry day and think nothing of it (just brought them in off the clothes line in fact)

    Can’t wait to order!!!!

  18. my husband is also a Hal too. I’ve had to send him to buy female items and bras (with brand & model #, of course) (and then he tweeted about it) but he doesn’t do laundry. Its great we have a new set of stamping friends.

  19. I don’t know what I love more… sharing your laundry story or Sylvia hanging hers. This new line of senior-itas make me smile all over my face (which seems to make more wrinkles). LOL!!!

  20. O-M-G! I can’t stand this ~ I think I will pee my “larger than average size” bloomers! Sylvia is a hoot as are all these new characters. I’m ALMOST sorry the release is Friday since that means we won’t get to see a new stamp :0/

  21. Oh my goodness, I’ve just recently gone through a purge of my underwear drawer and there were certainly some that I’d prefer to never see the light of day!

    You go, Sylvia!

  22. Another great stamp! Love it. Hubby has always done our laundry and when my daughter started to wear a bra (but barely needed one) he came up stairs swinging it around saying, “Who’s slingshot is this?” Ooooh did she give it to him, which he expected of course. Seeing this latest image immediately made me think of this story and it happened about 20 years ago.

  23. haha 🙂 yeah, I’m a Sylvia… and I could’ve been a Gwyneth in Shallow Hal if I had found the man in my life, wich I haven’t yet. Meanwhile I have fun with my stampies and theese new images really brought the fun!!! 😀

  24. Everyday I love the image and think they couldn’t get any better. The next day I check and again it got better. Great images love them all. I think I need a second job to afford them ALL but still love them.

  25. Yay!! The only reason I can wait till Friday is because I want to see the next two stamps :o)
    I know who I will make a card for with each stamp!
    Sylvia is ME! Oh dear – I was all of 90 pounds when I got married and now OH NO!!
    Love your stories Em you are so funny!
    Thank you again to Christine :o)

  26. My undies are in too sad condition to be aired. The only ones I can find that I like are wearing so thin they have holes. Sad… 🙂

  27. I am still laughing about your Hal story, Em! Seriously I can relate to that situation LOL!!! And this Senior-ita is just hilarious!!! You have made my week with these stamps and stories! LOVE love LOVE. 🙂 I hope Christine is resting -she can read and smile later!

  28. I can relate to the story. However, I am someone who likes to hang my clothes on the clothesline. So, I take great care to “hide” my unmentionables in the rest of the laundry.

  29. ah, sylvia is as loveable as the rest of the lovely senior-itas! i love that she looks like she’s so happy and she doesn’t have a care in the world but her task at hand. i also love christine’s attention to detail, but the images look like they’ll be so fun to colour. i’m new to SB and own three of christine’s animal cuties, but i’ll be shopping on friday for my senior-ita faves too.

  30. I absolutely love all this weeks sneak peeks of the new line of sistahs! Icahn relate to each and every one, I think as we get older we are all more comfortable in our own skin, that’s what these wonderful ladies are all saying….we have come into our own! I bet you will be sold out and have to order more to fill your back order, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  31. Tee Hee – love the bra!! I can so relate to the secret undies. I dread when my mother in law comes and she thinks it’s okay to wash their clothes with ours… REALLY nobody (expect maybe my husband) folds my underwear!!

  32. ok it is killing me the wait..I love this image..I agree with the lady who said you should consider bundling these babes…

  33. Adorable! This character made me laugh out loud. My mother-in-law, not a big woman, regularly sewed herself the biggest bloomers ever–by hand. They looked like sails from an old clipper ship when she hung them out to dry on the line.

  34. How old am I that i remember helping my mom hang the laundry?!!!!
    Always knew you’re a lucky girl who married a sweetie. He’s one of the good guys. And he does laundry…

  35. Where do I start? but just to say they are all simpley fabulous!! and yes I hope you order lots and lots of them as I to, want them all. I can just relate!!!

  36. loving (and relating to) all the new stamps. I know a lot of girlfriends who would get a big kick out of receiving cards with these images and Friday they are available!! There should be an avalanche of orders!

  37. Good for Sylvia! When I hang undies out to dry, I hide them on the inside most line and hang something bigger like shirts on the next line out, so they are obscured from view.
    And how sweet of your hubby to see the true you, not the exterior.

  38. Oh yes yet you post another sneek peak that is totally me. I live in the country and for years hung all our clothes on the line. So no one would see how big my undies were I would only put one clothes pin on the panties in one corner. That way they hung down straight. Ahh Ha no see size…. Love this stamp and I want it.

  39. I am can think of so many ways to use this drawing and so many friends to send it to LOVVVVVE It want it and all the rest..

  40. I think I love this one DA BESTEST!!! She is just too adorable and.. let me tell you, that undies is the piece of cake!!!

    LOL!! Thank you so much for making me laugh!!

  41. I loved the title of this post and your story. That is awesome. Thank you for sharing. I guess I am more open with my underwear. I grew up on a farm where we always hung our clothes out – including underwear. But now that I think about it more carefully I would probably think twice before hanging it up in town. Probably just because I live too close to my neighbours and that would be a bit embarrassing.

  42. She’s ADORBS!!! You know what I love, I love that her big undies are flowered and have a little ruffle on the leg, obviously she’s think’in oh yeah…..I got it going on girlfriend…I got it going on! Thanks for your hilarious story, I am still laughing at the visual:D

  43. OMG, I’m the ezact same way with MY intimates and my hubs, even though it’s 42 1/2 years for us and he has taken care of me in intimate ways because of medical matters. We still want them to think we are their Gwyneth!! And no matter what size we are in reality, we all want to be Sylvia and not give a crap about the book-cover judgments of other people! Talk about a sistahhood!! Well done!! Darnell

  44. OMG, laugh, I howled. This stamp says it all. I worked with a lady who pegged her undies out randomly interspersed with her other washing, so no-one else would home in on them. I love this stamp 🙂


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