From what i can tell, the LuLus are going to be ADORABLE!!!
I’ll have to go back and look at the secrets and decide my vote…
Hiya tootsies! How was your weekend? Ours was a bit quiet.. we had an amazing crop on Saturday where we had such an amazing time..Prizes, and Chatter, and GOSSIP.. we even discussed our current contest!
So let’s begin with first things first. Da winnahs of da Bellarific Friday contests.
Winnah of the PEANUT GALLERY (commentator– how many more weeks am I gonna havta ‘splain what our PEANUT GALLERY is? LOL)
Here are your random numbers:
11- Vicki! will be sending you your $10 bella bucks shortly!
Timestamp: 2009-07-27 16:13:52 UTC
Now let’s discuss the winnah for da CONTRIBUTORS of this week’s sketch!
Here are your random numbers:
29- Stephanie Zito.. you win! with your LITTLE EMMY!! Please email me your information and we will email you a $20 gift certificate!
Timestamp: 2009-07-27 16:17:07 UTC
Ok.. NOW.. LOL… I am still LOL’ing at all our contributors to the TELL US YOUR SECRET BLOG.. I honestly COULD NOT PICK ONE.. so here is my surprise. I will randomly pick a $50 winner…AND for the second part, I will need DA SISTAHS to do some MORE work… YOU need to vote. The winnah you pick will also win a $50 prize. SO… use this blog post to post WHO YOU think should win… I will close this post for the second winnah NEXT MONDAY
HERE is da RANDOM winnah for the $50 prize
Here are your random numbers:
22- SIOBHAN you win the $50!! please email me and I will send you your MOOLAH ASAP! CONGRATS!
Timestamp: 2009-07-27 16:39:49 UTC
WELL I must say I had a BLAST with this contest and I have more up my sleeve.. I am the QUEEN of conversation starters..LOL
Ok, let’s move on now to this week’s BELLARIFIC SKETCH sponsored by LINDABELLA
Now don’t forget to send your entry as a JPEG attachment to by THURSDAY JULY 30th. I can’t wait to see your entries! Don’t forget that the winner of the SUBMISSION can get a $20 gift voucher which will come in VERY HANDY this week *winks* as our release will be coming this Thursday as well! Now I NEVAH usually do this but I will be trying to show some sample cards using the new line before the release just to wet your appetites… My card today features our new ARTIST called LULU. This line will be called the LULUS and her name is HENRIETTA LULU and she comes with the sentiment.. 4 more coming from this collection 🙂 and LOTS MORE…
I used DREAM STREET PAPERS MJ- BOWL OF CHERRIES paper and the reverse side with the brown polkadots.. LOVE IT. I also used our DOODLEBUG BRADDIES CHERRIES as an embellishment as well as our EK SUCCESS photo corner scallop punch. I also used our CLEAR glaze pens for the CHERRIES in her hair and on her skirt.. and I made her little shoes PATENT leather with the glaze pens..LOL. Of course I also used our amazing static bag to treat the paper and our OH SO SPARKLY glittah
and the inside
cuz I SURE DO.
From what i can tell, the LuLus are going to be ADORABLE!!!
I’ll have to go back and look at the secrets and decide my vote…
Congrats to the winners! 🙂 And reading everyone’s secrets was a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see the new line of LuLu’s. I think they are going to be so darn cute. 🙂
Oh wow, how stinkin’ cute is this stamp…can’t wait to see more and to be able to order these little images! TFS, I think!
I’d like to vote for Kelli for her secret.
I cant choose between Lisa M. (July 22nd, 2009 at 9:44 pm) and Jamie K (July 23rd, 2009 at 3:08 pm).
This was so much fun !!!
Lulu is gorgeous!!! i will have to go back through the secrets to see which one I think is the best!
OMG! As if I am not already addicted enough to Stamping Bella! I love the new Lulus. I know only one is displayed, but let’s face it, all that Stamping Bella has to offer is pretty sweet! Can’t wait to see all the new stuff!
Ok, I have to vote for 2 because of how hilarious and different they were from all the others.
1. Shelly for her secret about doing the fake cooking show in her kitchen when she cooks. That one made me ROTFL!
2. Jennifer R. who throws her husband’s used towel in the dryer to make him think it’s freshly washed! How many days can she get away with that for I wonder?!!
Ok, I am voting for (Vicki Morris Says: July 25th, 2009 at 8:58 pm) cause I feel her pain and, turning all shade of red myself, I have been there, done that!
Oh no!!!!!!!!!! I can already feel it… my wallet’s in for it! Now, I’ll be on pins and needles until Thursday!!! I’ve already had to move all my stamping bella stamps into their own storage box!!! Can’t wait!!!
Lulu is dahling!!! My votes would be for Megan the dietician (July 22 @ 6:37pm) and Heather D (July 24 @ 1:53am) and I was very relieved to see how many girls secretly drink pickle juice…my hubby thinks I’m crazy as he caught me doing this a couple times…lol
Paula loves LuLu!!! Paula wants to see more.
Paula wants to buy them all
Before they hit the store!!
Paula is a fan and she believes in YOU
She knows Emily has the bestest taste
There’s nothing Em can’t do!!
You got the amazin’ artists sistah!!!!!
oh, and I vote the girl who fooled her hubby with the clean towel…so something I would do! hehe
Yippee!! I love you Em and Random Number Generator! 🙂 Another secret I have…I have to use my fingers to add that “Please Add” line before you can post. I stink at Math. 🙂
So…here is my pick for “Reader’s Choice”:
Kimberly Davison Says:
July 22nd, 2009 at 12:54 pm
That War Craft thing was too funny! My DH would be proud of you!
Wow, you must have had a hard time with this one. I think I should win some Bella bucks for reading everyone. Everyday I continued on from where I left off. If I had to pick one, I’d have to say that Penny counting all her small snacks and only eating even numbers was great, but the all time funniest has to be…drum roll please… Rebecca. I laughed at the thought of her running around the house screaming hysterically while her 1 year old chased her with a banana peel. There must be a support group for that. LOL
Rebecca, you’ve got my vote, thanks for sharing.
Hugs xx
Oops, look at the time, it’s time for my Oreo middles. Shhh, don’t tell dh, or the midgets (my kids).
Congrats to the winners!! I so loved reading all your secrets! My winner would be Carolyn Orgar (July 22nd, 2009 at 6:49 am) (just saw she is the one commenting before me) with her Oreo secret. I’m not a fan of Oreo cookies but just eating the yummie bits of something is soooooo something I could do and my husband getting angry about that when he would find that out would be soooo something he would do. Could for you for creating four kids :). Oh and I think Oreo is such a cool pets name!
In the end I mean good… not could… such a stupid mistake!!
WOW it was brutal to see that LULU love at first sight really really want to see the collection Will stay tuned
Bravo once again
I vote for Carolyn’s Oreo’s Secret too! How on earth have you not been rumbled?! Another great sketch too, I’ve jotted it down xx
OMG!!!! I am a CHERRY OBSESSED person and am in LOVE. This WILL be mine! 🙂
OMG. . . I LUUUHUVVV her. Not as much as “da Bella” herself. . . but she is pretty darned close. I am definately going to be ordering. . . can’t wait to see more!!!!
Congrats to all of the winners! I LOVE Lulu…and just as Charlene said above me “not as much as “da Bella herself!” I think she’s just adorable though and those sentiments…so cute! Can’t wait to see the rest of this line!
I’d like to vote for JenniferCR’s secret!!
I have to vote for JenniferCR also. Still using a “blankie????” LOL
I’d like to vote for JenniferCR’s secret!!
JenniferCR still uses a blankie-hanky? I’ve got to vote for her secret!
I vote for JenniferCR secret as I can verify the hanky story.
ACK! Still can’t decide on a vote…I had to read them all again and they made me laugh sooo much!
I can’t pick just one secret to vote on. I think they’re all great!! I LOVE the LULU!!
I vote for JenniferCR
Gena Says:
July 24th, 2009 at 9:06 pm
Ok, so I am a huge rock person, love Led Zeppelin, black Sabbath, Metallica, etc……Was never really into pop music or dance music and I could not believe it but I balled my eyes out when Michael jackson died. I’ve never really liked his music or cared for him all that much, but cried so much when he died and then again watching the memorial. I even have a secret playlist on my Ipod with all his songs now….. Go figure!
I vote for Gena. I cried too, I’m so glad I’m not the only one! 😉
I think these new stamps are going to be a big hit. Just toooooo cute. This one displayed almost looks like Betty Bop to me! Good job on the designs..
Lulu is such a cutie pie!! She’s gonna be a huge hit!
My vote is for Jennifer R who warms up her husband used towel every day so he thinks it a fresh one. It really made me laugh. He is one spoiled husband. I’d make him do his own wash and then he wouldn’t make such a ridiculous demand but I do love Jennifer’s solution. It would certainly keep peace in the family. LOL!
I had fun reading those secrets. I had a hard time picking just one. Jennifer R’s towel story was my favourite, and Michele V’s pickle juice was a close second.
A’ waiting for LuLus, she is ADORABLE ……………. when is she coming? they should design a pregnant LuLus.
I want to vote for Carol S because I am the SAME way about garbage disposals. I am new to all of this. Do I put the link to my sketch card here AND email it?
I vote for JenniferCR’s secret…I love that she still gets “new” ones from her Dad! (0:
My vote goes to Jennifercr’s hankie secret. I think it’s hilarious and adorable all at the same time!
I loved reading everybody’s dirtly little secrets…what a great contest!!! It is hard to pick just one. I would have to pick Michelle B on July 22nd, she still needs her blankie when she sleeps.
Oh my, she IS cute! I can’t wait to see more!!
I’d like to vote for JenniferCR please. These secrets were all so funny tho!
I would like to vote for Jennifercr.
I vote for JenniferCR’s hankie secret/story…I too like that she still gets new ones from her dad! LOL!
My vote goes to Jennifercr.
July 24th, 2009 at 7:09 pm eSo many beautiful cards~impossible to choose a fave! Can’t wait til Thursday!