Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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looky who/what arrived!

does anyone spot my significant fella??? hmmmmm??????

well if not, he is buried under our new coredinations ordah!  It should be all posted today!


[photopress image=”ryancoredinations_001.jpg”]


mwah to da sistahs who see a little glimpsy of da hubby and da store!


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  1. How fun! My question-on your wall you have the bellas really big-will someone ever be able to buy them? I would love them in my stamping room!!!!
    Thanks, Jodi

  2. OHHHH how cool.. OHH I hope the gals save me some! I can’t shop until next week!! BOOOWHHHOOO!! 🙂

    Tell your Honey the girls will be soon to save him cause I know there will be a buying frenzy REALLY SOON! 🙂

  3. PAPAHHHHHH!!!!!! My favorite thing!!!!
    Besides Bella’s of course. 🙂
    The papah looks fab – gorgealicious colours
    The hubs peekin’ out is cute too!
    Yay, I get to shop this Saturday……
    5 more sleeps until the Bellacardclass.
    formerly known to you as “PinkyDinkyDo”

  4. well he’s lookin’ happy behind that stack of papah….you probably didn’t tell him yet that he had to put it all away! LOL!!!! was gonna order on the weekend, glad i waited it out!

  5. Em,
    It’s so good to see where you work!! I love the place, it looks so chic and cozy! I was to work there too!! Thanks for showing your corner of the world!

  6. Looks great! Gorgeous Colors in that big stack! I’m sure he’s loving helping you out! And yes, I’d LOVE some Bella Wall Art too!!

  7. I love the bella wall art! The paper looks very interesting and that is so cool that you have a hubby that helps and he even lets you take a photo!

  8. Wow your space looks great.. I especially love the bellas on the wall! I want bellas on my wall!!! Your husband has a look on his face that seems to say “I’ve given up” lol.

  9. lovin the hubby pic, no blog is complete without the supportive DH’s that put up with us and our *addiction*

  10. I would LOVEY some BIG Bella for my wall too!!!!!! Those are adorable! Can’t wait to shop for the new papah!


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