Here are your random numbers:
37-HELEN VAN DAALEN! (Please email me and I will send you your stamp!)
Timestamp: 2014-12-17 13:52:11 UTC
if you recognize these famous 80’s valley girl expressions and you’re around my age, you will SO appreciate uptown girl FARRAH loves FLASHDANCE… see the slinky hanging shirt? the LEGWARMERS? the GUM CHEWING? Farrah is one of my favorites and that’s why I kinda saved her for the end LOL.
Do you LIKE LOVE HER as much as I LIKE do? if so, leave a comment for a LIKE chance to LIKE win her… like ok?
Like MWAH.
Yep, I remember leg warmers. But, do you remember boot toppers?? Super cute new image!!
I like totally, remember all that and like, I had leg warmers, and like, I LOVE Farrah!
Like this is so cute!
love her!!
Love her! I’m like totally an 80’s girl. 😉
She is super cute!
Ok really? Like I just love her, like she is totally, like she is my bestie, like wow!
My wallet is going to get hit hard! Love’
Like, I really love her…like totally! she is just so like, rad! Like, 80’s forever, like totally…..
AWESOME !!!!!!!!!
What a great girly image… LIKE love the bubble gum 😉
LOL! She is hilarious. This is so the stamp set you use to make a card(s) for your best mate(s).
Like WOW! She’s totally like cute! I remember those 80s! 🙂
LOl…omg…that’s me in the 80’s !! Flash dance girl! Too cute! Can’t wait for the new site to go up 😉
omg this is soooo darn cute and was LIke totally me in high school!!!
Like her OMG..love her!!Flashdance great movie…leg warmers coming back..cannot wait
She is so stinkin’ cute and right up my alley with that aditude!!!
She like sorta cracks me up!
Oh she is just fab!! Who doesn’t like the 80’s??!!! Like!
Haha like she’s totally like adorable! And the sentiment is like OMG! Love it, like!
The bubblegum is such a cute touch!!!!!
Hahahahahha so cute!!! I was still young in the 80’s but man do I remember that…. I so wanted to be grown up so I could dress like that.
Like OMG is right! Some of my best memories are from the 80’s like I gotta have her!
Gotta have her?
2 more days til the huge release! i’m definitely liking ALL of it so far! Can’t wait to see more!
Good job my birthday is November I know what I’m asking for x
Fantastic girl, no doubt. Love her, love the film, love 80s.
Sooooooooo cute!
Another very cute image.
Like WOW! She is like adorable.
OMG I Love her!!
I’m like so totally in awe; helloooo, is she like cute or what?!!
Love love love the leg warmers!
Like for real, I would like so love to own like her! 😉
Oh I love that movie and remember my daughter did too and she wanted to live in her leg warmers. lol She reminds me of precious memories, I can’t wait to add her to my collection!
O. This new series is really gunna hurt. Like, fer sure, totally man.
She is LIKE so awesome!
omg! she is bitchin to the maxxx! 🙂 Lia
OMG Love her!
LOL…especially seeing the leggings and the leg warmers!
now that brings back memories! love her!
Like OMG shis is like Awesome! Loving this new image and yes I sooo remember the 80’s well – di dnot go anywhere with out my flashdance tops and legwarmers, lol!
Shari G.
Like I totally get her, really cool! Legwarmers rock, man!
I’m having Madonna flashbacks!
Have loved all the sneak peeks 🙂
You know I had the Frank Zappa album “Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch” just to be able to listen to Valley Girl over and over and over again! We need to get together and karaoke it… Love this image and your FAB new website! Congratulations!!!!!
seriously just had some flashbacks!!! Love her
Like OMG!!
Brings back memories!!
like TOTALLY! I like love her! All the new images are beyond amazing!
Who won the new stamps from the comments I never saw it announced?
Lucy x