Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Karma: what goes around comes around

Hiya sistahs!! I hope you had a PHENOM weekend!  I was VEhERRY busy cutting rubbah.. it’s been so busy around bellaland since CHA.  We are on a majorly tight shipping schedule cuz we are shipping to ARCHIVER’s!  Yup you heard me correctly.. I have a new BFF at Archivers who I love dearly and am so excited about this opportunity to ship to 44 stores!!  So basically, the next two weeks I will be buried under rubbah.. I sat at my kitchen table yesterday with my kidlets cutting and packaging and I went to my friends’ house for supPah on Saturday night and it was so funny.. I sat there with my pile o’ rubbah cutting.. my kids were flitting back and forth around me and the other kids at the house were MYSTIFIED at what I was doing… so they ask “*ahem* Em, what the HECK are you doing?”.. and my kids just look at them like it’s normal and say.. “she’s cutting rubber”.. their eyes were like “DUH”.. don’t YOUR parents cut rubbah? LOL.. I was laughing my head off.. oh what is normal to some….

So while I was cutting for 12 hours at the table yesterday, my kids were playing MADLIBS.. remember those??? If you don’t have them, I recommend you purchase them PRONTO.. cuz they kept us all busy.. the tv didn’t even go on!

so that was my weekend.  What did YOU do?

I promised to post a pic of my new TATTOOs.. and here they are (still healing)

Yup.. I do believe in Karma.  Firmly.  It may take a while til it happens but it does.  The top symbol is aHEART infinity symbol.. the hearts symbolize my 2 children and my eternal love for them and the Karma below it also follows the shape of the infinity symbol (what goes around comes around)..  so that’s that.

Already have my next one designed :).. just call me Kat von D. LOL

don’t forget this week’s challenge

Don’t forget to post a comment on the entry below for a chance to win $10 in bella buckeroonis!

Mwah to da sistahs who believe in Karma


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  1. Love the new tats! I’m always in the planning stages for the next one….it’s an addiction! LOL

  2. LOVE the new tattoo! I have 4 joining hearts on my foot for my 4 daughters! Hope Bella is coming to my Archivers!!!!

  3. Love the tattoos Emily! Have wanted one for a long time so maybe this will give me the incentive to do it. Also thrilled you will be shipping to Archivers as I am going there in about a month so will be on the lookout when I get there!

  4. I am so glad to hear that Bella’s will finally be at Archiver’s. For the past 4 years, everytime I got to fill out an email survey about my experience I have always said they need to sell StampinBella stamps. I am serious!! That is KARMA! So happy for you!

  5. LOL about the kiddies and cutting rubbah…funny how what’s “normal” in one’s house isn’t always so in someone else’s! 🙂 I like your tattoos and the meaning behind them but it’s tattoo free for me! One small stamp store here sells Bellas and when she gets a new shipment, I am like a bee to honey! Good for the people who have Archivers…and good for YOU.

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