Ok, so we discovered this tool at CHA.. I have seen it hanging around but never really paid attention to it.. LOL. Until I passed it by at CHA and it SCRRRRRReamed out my name… come try meeee come try meeeee.. so I did. And I loved it. Let me start by saying that there IS a learning curve with this little treasure and it can be a little frustrating (LOL) but the results are soooo worth it!!
meet KAJINKER and HIS friends (it’s a HE cuz he is a little temperamental..LOL)
I have tried hangtaggers in the past and the one great thing that differentiates the KA-JINKER from the others is that the tags are short.. so when you “shoot” the tag into the paper or fabric, it doesn’t dangle.. it fits securely! This machine is PHENOM to attach my teeny daisies and my other daisies and they have their own CUUUUUUTE embellishments too!!! Read the captions for my teeny tutorial. More info is available on their website too!
Once you thread your embellishment through the needle, you carefully press the trigger half way to “release” the tag and you follow up or continue with the same pressure for the second half of the click until the tag has gone through the other side of the paper and secured embellishment in place (this can be the tricky part and may waste a few tags til you get it right )
hmm… this thing looks creepy! LOL
:sigh: I need to get there!! BADLY! it’s been WAY too long 🙁
Hi Em!!
that’s a cool tool. lol
LOL! That’s not new…it is a buttonier!!! Boy do I remember when those came out!!! Instead of sewing a button onto your clothing, you just used the buttonier! Em, yours is prettier!!!
Hi Em
Interesting tool – but I think I would impale myself!!!
Hope you are having a great day with some of the visiting Sistahs. Sure wish I was there hangin’ with ya.
Mwah to all.
I want one of those!
OK that is one kewl tool. I know I’d stab myself with it (prolly more than once!) but I still think it’s kewl and it’s now on my wishlist – thanks a lot! I always wondered how one would attach all the teeny flower embellies you’ve been getting in – now I know!! Must get me a kajinker (I giggle every time at the name) and some itty bitty flowers!! LOL