I’m talkin’ about da STAMP sistahs.. I LOVE THIS STAMP! I was so inspired that I made anuDDah (OOOHHH a new word I LOVE!) canvas…
This little girl, “nina” is fishing… and HOPING… and she caught da hope! LOL… I just play with whatevah comes in DISS head of mine.. and this is what came out..
layers and layers of glazed paint.. and I mean LOTS…some fluorescent pink paint to add a bit of whimsy to da vintage.. vintage 1890 ledger paper and a vintage receipt she was stamped on..vintage stamps (postal stamps..LOL).. and a little scribble here an there to make my mark..LOL and of course.. our new stamp “JUST ANOTHER LOVELY DAY” by Rheea..
and this is what fell out of my paintbrush.. LITERALLY..LOL
Hope you love it.
Will see you tomorrow for Bellarific friday
mwah mwah mwah to da sistahs who EMBRACE da WRINKLES.. and KRINKLES..
Wow!!! That is beautiful!
This is amazing. So beautiful, wrinkles and all!!
I love it!
Soooo freekin’ good Miz Em!!! Love the water around the image – pops right off the screen – I can only imagine how good this looks IRL
PS – I can embrace the wrinkles on the page….just having a hard time embracing them on my face.
I have seen it in real life! Both of them, and they are really,really beautiful. Rheea is an amazing artist, but I have to say Emily has brought them to life! I love the stamps Emily has brought into her store, but this artist speaks to me, and that for me is exciting.