Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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I hope you have all flown down to come see me..LOL.  I know you will all be there in spirit like true sistahs 🙂

It’s friday morning and I feel like it’s time for bed… got kids ready for school (you should SEE what I look like taking them.. OMG).. THEN I decide I need to wear something at the show that doesn’t have GESSO smack on my boob (all of you who come to bellaland know EGGSACTLY what I am talking about..LOL).. drove to walmart with hair askew, a winter jacket and flipflops (winter jacket because no bra on..LOL)… Thank goodness I didn’t bump into anyone.. but all was accomplished.

I wanted to shout out to DENABELLA and HELENABELLA  and RUBYBELLA  (in no particular order..LOL) for working SO HARD in making this event happen.. they were so calm and quiet.. I was the hysterical one..  they set up the booth.. really tried hard to remove some stress from my plate and I so appreciate it.  THANK YOU !!!  Thank you to Christine for doing the make and takes at the show and helping me out in creating them.. thank you to my husband for renting a truck and setting all the furniture up.. thanks to my kids for ATTEMPTING to not be annoying..LOL.. thank you to my TWINNIES for helping package and to Susan and Janis and Sylvia  for accepting me throwing rubber (literally) their way to package for me 🙂 LOL…  and thank you to Paulabella, Lindabella, and Paulineabella for driving in for me (not really.. they wanna see the show LOL).  Thanks to Regabella who doesnt know what she’s in for when she comes to say hi (LOL) .. notice how I am saying thank you BEFORE the event.. you just wait to see what Monday’s post will be..LOL

Ok back to bidniss because I need to get ready!

Last week’s winnahs are


For commentaytin’ ($10 in bella buckeroonis) goes to

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

2- SUZI you win!  please email me and I will send you your vouchah!

Timestamp: 2012-04-13 14:34:37 UTC


Now for da CONTRIBUTIN’ winnah! ($20 in bella buckeroonis)

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

5-Christine H you win!  please email me and I will send your buckeroonis!

Timestamp: 2012-04-13 14:35:53 UTC


Now to the MEAT n’  PATAYTAS (lolol) of the post

The theme this week is APRIL SHOWERS.. so playing with the theme, it could be any kind of “shower”…

So let’s start shall we?

Let’s see what our babes came up with!

Cathabella used UPTOWN GIRL AVA

Danabella used UMBRELLA PEEP


Lindabella used UPTOWN GIRL LUCILLE sends her love

Paulabella used our CARNATION FLOWER HEAD

and here’s the inside


look at the dimension!

Here is Paulineabella’s card using PREGABELLA




Ok no time to sigh!  gotta get rid of DA FRIZZ!

Here’s da AMAZING sistahood!

Gaby da minibella used SHOWERBUGG
Halley used POSIE PIXIE
Lindsay used ALL BUMMED OUT baby
Maria (gaby's mom) used SHOWERBUGG

if I am missing anyone, please forgive me and email me and I will put it up on Monday 🙂

Hope to see you at Scrapfest!

Don’t forget to leave a comment to be eligible to win $10 in bella buckeroonis!

mwah mwah mwah!

OOH I also wanted to leave you with my current FAVORITE song (and of course my ringtone..LOL).. I LOOVE LOOOVE LOOOVE this song.. sing it, hum it.. it inspires me.  I hope it inspires you too!

here’s the GLEE version which I love too 🙂  enjoy

** don’t forget to blast it!**

mwah mwah mwah!






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  1. Can’t wait to see you ladies, I’m coming shopping after class!!! And hopefully do your make and take they are always so good

  2. Yeah for all the braless woman !! That just cracked me up Em … I too went braless the othe day and of course, my hawk-eyed DH spotted this and wondered if it was a special day or a holiday ! LOL And my hair, as I currently type this comment, looks like I was zapped by an eletrical outlet :)-
    All the entries this week are wonderful and are a direct response to all your inspiration you share with all of us on this blog. So I can`t wait to see what today`s post inspires … boobs & crazy hair…. Hmph.
    Have a blast in Kitchener and make sure you get into loads of trouble 😉


  3. Beautiful work as always everyone. Wish I was coming to Kitchener, but not this year. Love the song too, Em. But should I be worried that you are inspired by a song about falling down drunk? Hmmm…Let me know next time you go out drinking, I like a good cocktail too ;)!

  4. Beautiful cards! I loved the comment about going braless! We have a running joke between my friends and I about if my bra is off, I’m staying in for the night because, nothing is worth the hassle of putting it back on!

  5. Yeah, I liked the winter coat because no bra on too. Sometimes the girls just have to be free!

    Great cards this week. I didn’t participate this week (big frown) too much drama, not enough time.

  6. I love the music you add! and of course the I also love to see all the cards each Friday. Em you have a wonderful team behind you! What a lucky gal you are!

  7. Scrapfest was awesome! Make n take looked great but never got a chance to do it. LOTS of people wanted to do it! So popular bella! Awesome cards from all the ladies!

  8. Soooo happy I made it to the Stamping Bella Boofth!!!! Lol;) great make and take, used up some of my VISA card on new stamps and markers! Love you ladies, hey Helen good thing I know how to work a computer!

  9. What fab creations!!! And why does EVERYTHING always fall smack on the BOOB? SERIOUSLY? Is it a magnet? Oye.

  10. Lovely samples – been shoppin the store (found those awesome Jane Girl stamps) and got totally sidetracked looking at all the eye candy on the blog!

  11. What a beautiful selection of eye candy!!!!!
    Wish I could have been there, it sounds like tooo much fun!!!
    Love the boob mention… so true… and ditto for the bras!! sigh…

    1. Hiya, they are the koi watercolor markers set of 24, the blending pens and the strath more watercolor paper. All of it is online now 🙂

  12. I love seeing how some of the images are being cropped, really gives me ideas on how to gain even more versatility out of my stamps. Way to go!

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