Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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and it was a nice, “status” quo week.  The poptarts will be in next week’s layout LOL.

So??? have you started yet??? LOL

So here’s a little peek into my home.  Feel welcome 🙂

I used many Elle Studio tidbits and doodads.. LOVE.  They just come in SO handy!   I am always on the lookout for new goodies to put in project life.. you know.. to be HIP and CURRENT..LOL  and of course CUZ I NEED NEW STUFF right? hmph

Ok here’s my 2 page spread this week..

welcome to my week! I have highlighted a few images.. if you look closely, you may just see a tantrum happening..LOL. I actually asked tyler what he was not happy about then cuz I couldn't remember.. and neither could he! LOL


Ok so the picture above made me laugh SO hard.. it was taken at Michaels.. they grabbed these hats to entertain themselves.. but the first thing I thought this picture resembled was THIS!  Is that HILARIOUS or what? LOL.  I should include a little picture of this behind the picture but I did write about it next to it..LOL

my STUUUUUUUDDDD muffin.. after a haircut (and a little bit of ELLE studio going down the side)
Now this post it note pad (THE OMG) was sold at my bookstore along with other cute things I picked up ( you will see them throughout the weeks to come. What a shame about Whitney... so sad 🙁 RIP Whitney.
Saturday night CHINESE TAKE OUT Before a VERY big game.. MOntreal vs. Toronto... our home is a very big CANADIENS fan...LOL.. I could honestly care less but gotta pretend. It was funny because I wanted to take a picture of the actual end score on my iphone.. so I went to a hockey website and saw that Montreal was playing last night against North Carolina (i think).. anyway.. Ryan says to me.. I wanna watch the game.. I said nonchalantly, Oh they are playing North Carolina? he was DUMBFOUNDED..LOL. So I am learning some things doing project life..LOL. P.S. I HATE the label I put on top of that picture.. it's dark, does not match and is SO SEALED down I would have to get a truck to lift it so I left it and it is BOTHERING me..LOL

well that’s it :).. and you will notice that I always write TO the kids.. not ABOUT the kids.. that’s just me 🙂

Now let’s see DENABELLA’S layout

and Sheryl’s

and here is Elaineabella’s from the UK!  She finally got her kit and couldn’t wait to play!


Hope you have a VERY crafty day 🙂



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  1. Wheeeee! So happy to finally be playing. 😀

    Thank you for sharing, Em, I love checking out your Project Life posts, even if you are a complete enabler. 😛 Love your American Gothic style kidlets. 😀

  2. Hey Em ~ how cute are those tootsies of yours and the kids in the straw-pilgram hats! LOL It’s wonderful how you documented all this daily routine stuff … ’cause when you’re old and grey and missing a few memory chips, you’ll be able to reference back to all these loveable times 🙂

  3. okay…I’m convinced! I need a Project Life in my life. I’m so inspired by you (of course if you see I just left a note in your last week’s entry you’ll wonder if I can do it every week…LOL) Ok…so how do I get started? Any guidelines? Sites I should check out? Where do you get your album and pages…those little pocket pages seem so do able to me!! I saw where you get your cards and papers so that isn’t a problem…looking forward to this new challenge!!

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