Janet! Please email me as to whether you would like me to put it in your account or online!
I can’t believe 2 local sistahs won!!
So how was your weekend? what did you do???? LOL asking the question as if you are in my living room!
We had family in from out of town which was INSANE cuz we had Tyler’s bday party… Wanna see our PARTAY?
tyler's the one in the middle in the white 🙂cheers! nothing like sugar infested SLUSHIEShave you ever seen an INDIANA JONES $60 ICE CREAM CAKE?? (INSERT SHRIEK HERE)
so here’s da SKETCH for BELLARIFIC FRIDAY JUNE 26th DESIGNED BY NICKY TRANSLATED by SHANNAN! Don’t forget to email me (emily@stampingbella.com) by THURSDAY JUNE 25th (my BirFday)! and maybe you can win some Bella Bucks!! please put BELLARIFIC FRIDAY JUNE 26th in the subject line
oh, and did I mention that we have an OUTSTANDING release and a surprise on THURSDAY?? OMG you will be soooo verrrrrry excited!
Mwah to da sistahs who love da surPriZes
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Wow! Congrats Carolyn! Congrats Janet!! Happy shopping girls! Just in time for the release!!
Emily, party looks awesome! Omg, $60??? Yowza!! Maybe we should start making Bella cakes!! Can’t wait for the release, I’ll be chk’ing in hourly on Thursday! LOL!
Great sketch Nicky and just in time, I’m working on teacher’s cards, so off I go!! Have a GREAT day everyone and enjoy this wonderful sunshine!!!!!!!
Oooooo! I am so excited for the release….is it Thursday yet?? 😛
Congrats to the winnahs ~
Great sketch ~ I’m going to *try* to play along this week :o)
And Tyler’s cake was AMAZING! I’m in the process of whipping up two cakes as we are having a birthday party on Saturday for my youngest two boys (their birthdays are a day apart, so we are doing a 2-for-1 this year with the birthday party ~ HA!).
So it will be party central around here….I can’t wait to kick off the festivities with a Bella party (and release ~ WOOT) on Thursday :o)
Wow, I can’t believe it. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I worked so hard on that card too. Well just in time for my all day crop this Sat. See you then Bellarific Babes!!!!
Oh man – in a “mandatory” staff function on Thursday and won’t be able to check in during the day – hope I don’t miss anything!! LOL
Cannot wait to see what’s new!!!
Wow $60!! Was it made of gold??? Just kidding. Love the sketch and want to play along but wow…so much fun…can I stand it?? I don’t own any bellas yet but want too.
FRIDAY JUNE 26 IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!! Day after yours…how exciting….PARTY!!! Still looking for a job so it will be a minor celebration and maybe a cake LOL.
Another fun sketch….and talk about fun, loved playing along in the Birthday Blog Hop! So many great creations, you should have birthdays more often, lol!
June 19th, 2009 at 8:38 pm eeveryones cards are amazing! i am so sad i couldn’t play this week:( sniffs sniff)