Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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it’s BELLARIFIC FRIDAY sistahs!!!

And how has everyone been??? hmmmm????

Well I have been hiding in my “cave” working working working and sneaking in the studio for some “ME TIME”.. remember my “bunny painting” I showed you a while ago?  Well it is now complete.. wanna see????   Here’s the evolution of DA BUNNIES.

step one.. the idea comes to me
coming to life !
shading and details and she's done! I wonder what they see....

Ok now on to our regularly scheduled program..LOL

Let’s discuss some winnahs for last week!  DOUBLE BUCKEROONIS!

Winnah for contributin’ ($40 in bella bucks WOOHOO!) goes to..

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

4-VIOLET YOU WIN!! please email me and I will send your vouchah!

Timestamp: 2012-12-07 20:46:13 UTC

and now for our COMMENTAYTIN’ winnah ($20 in bella bucks.. WOOHOO!)

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

12- Diana L you win!  please email me and I will send your vouchah!

Timestamp: 2012-12-07 20:48:10 UTC

So now for this week’s challenge!  and we have new BABEROONIS to celebrate!

USE A TAG on your card or MAKE A TAG using one of your stamps 🙂

let’s see what da BABEROONIS came up with shall we?

Amandabella used IZZIE HAS A PREZZIE
Angelabella used CAR WITH TREE
Danabella used A GIFT FOR YOU
Elaineabella used DAHLIA FLOWER HEAD
Kimabella used JINGLEBELLA
Vickibella used CHRISTMAS PEEPS

Paulineabella and Regabella are both off for December.. Carla is back next friday but check out her blog for some new cards next week!

Ok Now for da SISTAHOOD

Christine used YOGABELLA
Elaine H ( a new contributin' sistah) used Queen Millie and King Milo
and here is the inside!
Kathy used MARTHA LULU
Maria L used MAVIS wearing HOLLY
Patti used FROSTY
Violet used ROSES AMONG US

Are ya DROOLIN’ yet?

Next week’s theme is OUR LAST ONE OF THE YEAR!! *sniff*  .. so MAKE IT GOOD will ya? LOL… and PARTICIPATE… will ya?

Ok here’s da SKETCH

Don’t forget to leave a comment here for the chance to win DOUBLE BELLA BUCKS! ($20)  or CONTRIBUTE to next week’s sketch for a chance to win $40 in bella bucks!

Mwah to da sistahs who are making a card as we speak




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  1. Oh no…..I finally got my act together and contributed and it’s not there 🙂 Could you check your email? I sent it a few days ago. Thanks! Ladies, these are wonderful!! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  2. Great cards, especially from the babes. Everyone always does such a good job colouring. Have a good week. Christmas is coming fast 🙂

  3. Another great selection of tags and cards. Thanks for picking my name as the winnah!! Cool. I’ve had a very painful week so this really helped lift my spirits.

  4. Stunning tags-what a lot of lovely inspiration-and luckily I have some of those stamps!!Thanks for the chance to win bella bucks. BTW, I love my new stamps, Em.

  5. Hello galz, this is uptown Ava…. wink wink
    The Kim O’connell sure does a great job with my stamp. Caught her latest creation and I think she has it right. In fact I think she has been peeking in my photo albums to get it all colors co-ordinated. I am sure I looked just like the stamp did 20 years ago!!!!
    Again the ladies have show cased the stamps well on this post, Bravo!!!
    Ava g

  6. Lovely cards! I gotta get cracking on my holiday cards! I dunno how the holidays just creep up on us so fast! Another year went by!

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