Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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it’s bellarific friday in Toronto.. oh and everywhere else..LOL- and an announcement!

Hiya sistahs!  whatcha doin?

My head is POUNDING.. I am sooo in tune with the’s terrible.. I woke up with a migraine and sure enough it’s dark and yucky and damp outside.  Does that ever happen to you?

What do you have planned for the weekend?  guess where I am gonna be this weekend?  Yep you guessed it.. in 2 arenas… BOTH my kids have hockey tournaments..  I had to call an S.o.S. to my Mother in Law from montreal to come and help me out and guess what?  she did :).. so she is at the arena with Jayden this morning since 7:10 (OMG she must love my kids).. and then one more this afternoon and tyler has one more this afternoon.. and then 2 tomorrow morning for Tyler and one in the afternoon for Jayden… SOMEBODY PLEASE ASK ME HOW I GOT MYSELF INTO THIS?????   wahhhhhhhhh!

Ok enough complaining.. Let’s get down to BIDNISS.

Some bellarific winnahs from last week!

Winnah for CONTRIBUTIN’ a card goes toooo ($20 in bella bucks)

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

10-MARYANN you win!  please email me and I will send your vouchah!

Timestamp: 2012-11-23 14:41:59 UTC

And now for da COMMENTAYTIN’ winnah ($10 in bella bucks) goes to…

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

4- Christine you win!  please email me and I will send your vouchah!

Timestamp: 2012-11-23 14:43:01 UTC


Ok now for an announcement!   We have now closed our DT call and thank everyone for sending in their applications.  We SOOO appreciate it and treasure each one.  It was very difficult to decide!   We have 2 more DT members to welcome!  We are SOOO thrilled that they decided to join our little family and trust me when I say they fit right in!

Please go visit and say hello to ANGELABELLA Thomas .. her work is gorgeous and so bright and vivid.. her specialty is Tombow markers and it just opens a whole new world!  or reopens an old world LOL.. It’s so much fun to try new things!

Now again put your hands together and welcome AMANDABELLA Reed!  Her work is stunning and will compliment all of the drooly inspiration you see here every week.. so go and say hello will ya?

OK so this week’s theme was HOLIDAY WISHES

let’s see what da BABES came up with shall we?

Since we have two new ones starting next week, they decided to contribute this week so OF COURSE I have to feature them under the baberooni heading just for you to get a taste of their work!

Amandabella used JINGLE BELLS

Angelabella used POLLY PACKAGES


and of course our “INSIDE CARD SPECIALIST”s inside

Cathabella used Frostier (with some birch bark that she picked up on a nature walk.. I loved that 🙂 )

Danabella used FROSTIER

Elaineabella used FROSTIER

Marybella used WHOOOO MEEEE?


Regabella used the tree from our NATURE GRAFFITI set


Vickibella used UPTOWN GIRL WINONA

How’s DAT for inspiration hmmmmm?

Now for da SISTAHOOD!


How’s DAT for a bellarific friday?? hmmmmmm?

Don’t forget to put a comment so you have a chance to win $10 next week!

next week’s theme is a sketch

MWAH to da sistahs who love  BELLARIFIC FRIDAY!





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  1. Welcome new Bella Babes! Can’t wait to see what you show us. These are great projects this week. So nice to see the great ideas for Frostier, which arrived in the mail and is begging to be used! Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Hey girlies! Very nice cards this week! I have a housefull of inlaws so I didn’t have time to play this week :-(. I hope all the U.S. sistahs had a good Thanksgiving! We have round two on Sunday……so much for da weight watchers points this week!!!! Have a great weekend everyone! Pegs.

  3. All the DTs cards are beautiful- and the 2 new bellas are a perfect fit- beautiful work, girls- you set the bar high!!

  4. Welcome new BellaBabes!!! Wonderful cards…I love playing along even if I do leave it to the very-last-minute some weeks! Thanks Em 🙂 Frostier was very popular this week!!

  5. Great cards ladies – welcome new Bella’s! I’m excited that there is now a Bella that uses Tombow markers. I don’t have Copics, just Tombows and Prismacolor pencils and gamsol.

    Migraines? I can relate, sort of. I have two rare brain disorders and they do not like changes in weather either, along with many other things. I don’t actually get migraines but I get extreme pressure and pain from Trigeminal Neuralgia. Yeah, stormy days are bad!

    Nice of your mother in law to help out too. Family is everything!

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