and since some people don’t wanna tweet (even though I am having a BLAST with it..LOL).. I am gonna show you 2 of the 3 snapshots (can’t find the other right now but will update) I tweeted about.. and I will tweet (can I say tweet more??? ) more throughout the weekend.. and MUH-AYBE will put some here too 😉 .. I want ALLLLL my sistahs happy..
Ready set go!
Jane Davenport is one of our new artists from Australia. She is ABSOLUTELY PHENOM.. I LOVE her!! I took all of her classes and she has been a true inspiration to me. I mean really. And when someone inspires me.. I FORCE everyone to get inspired too.. LOL. Jane taught me how to DRAW. I mean really she did. Watching her.. observing her ways.. sharing the love of art supplies.. we are really kindred spirits :). Jane is hosting an event at Teesha Moore’s art annex.. if you are around that area or feel like taking an amazing class and traveling.. I would recommend this one! I want to go SO BADLY but the timing is just off for me and I am so sad :(.
sneak peek one. If you KNOW Jane and just browse around her blog.. you will know which one this is… this is Jane’s trademark and this image makes me SOOOO VERY HAPPY.. gonna stamp this EVERYWHERE..LOL
Love this one… can’t wait for you to see the rest of her 🙂
There are going to be MANY images released on Tuesday.. you will be astonished (never use that word.. dunno why it came out).. I do have a lot of “valentiney” images per se.. but if you know me, I am not so much into “seasonal” images. If I buy an image.. I want to be able to use it ALL YEAR LONG.. so the images you will see on TOOSDAY are SO versatile and can be used for ValentiMES (as my kids say) or birthdays.. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. this release. LOL.. I’m like a recording. Every release is like GROUNDHOG DAY..LOL..
I would also like to welcome some new sistahs from SPLITCOAST who are contributing this week! if you post on splitcoast as well quoting our keyword (you can find that on our thread there) you have two chances to win some BUCKEROONIS!
Ok Let’s DISCUSS BELLARIFIC FRIDAY this week.. the first of 2012! There will be firsts of MANY things in 2012! WOOOHOOO
The theme for this week was a SKETCH.. and our LOVELY and TALENTED Ebrubella will be supplying these sketches for us for the year!! how amazing is she?? This was this week’s sketch
Let’s see what da baberoonis came up with shall weeeeee????
Cathabella used LITTLE PEEP’s HEART
Ebrubella used MEREDITH the TEACUP GIRL
Paulabella used EUNICE and IRVING
Paulineabella used LOVEY HUGGABUGG
Regabella used HOUSE CIRCLE
Robinabella used VERONICA
Steubybella used KISSY
TELL me that isn’t EYE CANDY? *sigh* I missed these posts…..
Ok and now for our special SISTAHOOD!
LOOOOOVE these cards and I hope you are inspired to go and craft!
Don’t forget to keep checking here , twitter, facebook, ..LOL I am now a social media GODDESS.. for some more sneaky peekies.. lots of uptown girls coming!
mwah mwah mwah
oh and AJ monday theme… RESOLUTIONS. Wanna see some mixed media goodies
oh and did you know that I tweet now? 😉 lol just kiddinK
Wow!! ALL of these cards are FABulous!! Such Pretty Papers and stamps!!
I LOVE Jane!!!! I have taken all her classes too. But still working on drawing arms. She is just marvy!!!!!
Great entries!!! I forgot to email you my card for the challenge! It’s up on my blog today
and I also attached a picture!
Great cards!!! Can’t wait for the new release!!!
Another great day of fantastic card making! Way to go ladies!!!
Oh what fabulous cards this week!!! Makes me happy 🙂 Hey, do you twitter, by chance? Just wondered cause I wasn’t sure.
I was going to say the cards are fabulous, but Shannan already said that……hmmm….let’s see… about they are delightful!!!!
glad to see all of the cards they are love them..but where is mine I emailed it to ya..Oh well maybe it did not make but…well thks ladies for sharing another great job done by all
Kissy is my fav. Too cute
Great to see you are feeling better Em! Great cards by everyone! I have missed the bella challenges. Can’t wait to see the new release!
Lovely, lovely, lovely!!! I can’t wait to see the new releases!!
You’re on Twitter now?! 🙂 Lots of lovely cards, what a great way to start 2012! I look forward to Tuesday so I can “use” more stamps! 🙂
Love you Em and so glad you are all better now…
I can’t wait for my stampees to be ‘born’!
Such creativity. Love everyone’s designs. You’re all so inspiring.
Ah, intriguing new releases…
Now, do I own the Little Peep’s Heart stamp? I really can’t remember and I’m at work so I can’t find out just yet! Regardless, Cathabella did a marvey job on it!
One word….AWESOME!
What gorgeous cards! Awesome colors/ coloring EVERYONE! Unfortunately I don’t see my card. I did send something but was having computer issues and sent it around 10:00am Friday, when I realized that it hadn’t gone thru Thursday night, but alas Emily had already posted. Anyway, thanks for sharing everyone.
oooooh. I just realized there is a file attachment. I will try to post a picture of my card myself – hope that’s okay!!
Happy New Year everyone!! And to a fresh set of new card ideas!! I didn’t realize Bellerific Friday was starting this week! I must have missed that piece of news!! Hope to join you ladies soon!
Can’t wait to see the new release!
I LOVED all these entries. What an amazing turnout for the first challenge!
Really loving all the cards this week, absolutely gorgeous.
Beautiful work ladies! I really loved these ones. I had meant to play along, but the week got away from me. I have a Bella image in mind for next week’s challenge though. Good times!
Love the peeks! And great job with the sketch by all!!! 🙂
You ARE a social media goddess!!!
Oh what great cards! So nice to see the new sistah’s!
Great cards once again this week. I’m really enjoying the weekly challenges….gets the mojo working.
Beautiful cards this week! Love the sneak peeks!