Hiya sistahs.. I am SO productive this week.. LOL it’s only TOOSDAY. But still.. you know those days where you feel you got SO MUCH DONE? that’s how I feel 🙂
Today’s theme for AJ TOOSDAY was this inspiration pic:
I just loved the texture, the color and how the book will look on it’s side with that “crunchy” page LOL
I found a bag of buttons and goodies yesterday and had a FIELD day with my page.. I also couldn’t resist doodling my signature little girl in one of the frames 🙂
Ok for next week’s theme… LOL.. journal your STARBUCKS order.. draw the cup.. make a page about how coffee/tea makes you feel.
If you don’t drink coffee or tea? It’s a free day where you can choose your own theme and submit!
Have fun sistahs!
don’t forget to comment on the post above for a chance to win $10 in bella bucks!
Nice to see the creative juices flowing!!
Beautiful pages everyone, I particularly love Heather’s circle flowers page. Guess I’m always drawn to flowers.
Hey Emily really where do you get such cool buttons??? I went through my stash but have none as diverse as yours!! Any tips for me ? On gathering such a cool stash of my own?
I was really actually struggling with this circle theme. I did a couple of pages cause I wasn’t really sure if I liked them. I don’t mind one or two circles but I found it difficult to FILL a page with circles. Strange what gets us stumped sometimes eh?
I love this! such a fun idea and so happy and colourful! 🙂