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it’s AJ monday!

Hiya sistahs!

How was da WEEKEND?  We had lots of running around to do and  entertained 16 people on Saturday night… but I still managed to get in some creative time for me!  Honestly, I don’t think I could survive if I didn’t..  weird ay?

So how are you enjoying the release?  I am honestly so proud of it and can’t wait to play with them.. actually I am working on a little teeny tiny canvas using one of them.. will show you tomorrow 🙂

I signed up last week for TIM HOLTZ’s CREATIVE CHEMISTRY CLASS and I don’t think I’ve been the same since starting to watch them LOL.  I LOVE to learn sistahs.. you know that about me right?  I LOVE to see and understand how things work.. and see how something may be unique in it’s own right.  Taking this class has taught me the amazing properties and uses of RANGER product.  I never realized how brilliant Tim Holtz was… until watching these videos.  It is a $35 class.. has 10 days of pure technique and product knowledge and is worth every penny and then some.  I was never so “keen” on all things distress (although I must admit I do own it all..LOL)… but guess what?  after watching this series (only on day 6 and open for subscribers forever).. I am going to start USING the product.. ALL OF IT.

Having said that, our theme for next week’s AJ monday will be to use something from the DISTRESS line.  Learn about it.. experiment with it.. spray it, heat it, dribble it.. PLAY and LEARN… you will not regret it.

Ok, so we have a very mini AJ monday this week :(.. but I don’t care.. I love the people who are actually sending projects in and I do know there are many of you following personally.  I’m ok with DAT.

Our theme this week was to create a VIRTUAL pinboard of all the things that inspired you this week.  and I honestly thing that it should be our theme every week.. then you will create a huge inspirational journal.. fun no?

Here's my page
Here's PINKY's page
Here's Violet's page

I thank you all for going on this journey with me.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

So our GIFTIES with purchase for the release lasts until Wednesday MIDNIGHT.. so get all that shoppin’ in!

Also, if you haven’t placed a comment to win VICKI’S new book CREATIVE FOUNDATIONS, don’t forget to leave a comment on the link mentioned above!

Mwah to da sistahs who will get INKY!



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  1. Hi Emily I’m new to blogs and yours is actually the first I read on a daily basis. I think I’d like to join your art journaling group. What is involved and mostly when do I need to submit my stuff and how do I send it to you? I have a digital camera but have never sent anything to a blog before. Thanks Heather G.

    1. Hi Heather! We would love to have you! You can follow with our theme of the week or do your own thing :). You can email me your entry up until the Sunday before the Monday it is due to be posted. You can email your entry to me at Emily at stampingbella dot com

      Can’t wait!

  2. Lovely art journal pages, as always! I keep promising myself I’ll get mine done this week, but the week goes by and I haven’t even cracked open my art journal. 🙁
    I’ll try again this week!

  3. Beautiful pages as usual, I’m going to try a little harder to get something done for next week. I’ve been getting ready for a craft show and just didn’t have time for fun stuff.

  4. Em – your page is wonderful. As I approached 40 I too found myself doing a lot of soul searching. There is something very beautiful about aging. I hope that you embrace it. You are off to a great start – you have a beautiful, artistic, loving soul. That in itself will carry you.

    Violet -WOW. What a page!! I love how you were able to pin so many elements into a small space (page) and have it all work together. Fantastic composition!!

    For me and my page – I did not have a whole lot going on this week but did find this (Birdy) artist. Her CD is great, easy listening. Great background music for my creative space. I am hoping to find time for AJ’ling this week and look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. Ya’ll are so inspiring.

      1. Yes Miz Em – go to youtube and type in “Birdy” to watch her video’s or go to itunes for a listen. “People help the People” and “Skinny Love” are my favorite tunes.

  5. Did you have to tell me about the Tim Holtz class??!!! Now I want all the distress ink pads! LOL. Scared to watch anymore lessons! Love the AJ pages ladies…just gorgeous!

  6. Not too many entries this week but enjoyed the ones posted.
    Pinky – thanks for the kind words. There are so many things that inspire me I just had to get them all on…glad it looked ok. I was a little worried about it.

    I love my Distress inks and I played around with a page this afternoon – with my left hand only as I have tennis elbow in the right arm and have to rest it. Interesting experience to say the least. This page is not as “full”.

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