Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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I wanted to leave

you with a warm and fuzzy feeling before I left.. so I have introduced “knittabella” with the most awesome sentiments to go with!! let me know what you thinky!  I think she is adorabella… OH how cute is THAT word?

So I went to get my hair done today.. I instantly ask when it will be over.. they know me by now and say “soon”.. I say, how about now? and 3 minutes later again.. until they tell me to be quiet, sit still, learn how to relax and just DEAL.  I like that kinda hairdresser! LOL.  I dunno about you but I have absolutely no patience to sit there and that is why I am in DEEP SHOCK when I look in the mirror 4 months later and gasp when I see grey… A)  I no likey grey on my head and B) I think about sitting in that chair for HOURS.. i mean.. I could be cutting, packing, blabbing etc, no?  Thank Goodness I have my mobile phone where I respond to emails while I am sitting there asking if it was over yet.. LOL.. Mimmo (hairdresser) asks me if I ever stop working and I just shake my head cuz I know if I open my mouth I will ask him if it’s almost over 😉

So of course I fly out of the hairdresser’s once it is over (see previous post where scrunchies and hairpins are left behind cuz I left so fast) and I am halfway home and I reach for my phone.. .which wasn’t in my purse.. which means…. I LEFT IT THEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.  OMG.. had to turn back (cuz life would be incomplete without my children, husband AND PHONE).. they just shake their heads, no words were exchanged, they hand me my phone, I cross my eyes and do the cuckoo thing.. where I twirl my hand around the side of my head?  you know showing that I am cuckoo.. and I left again.

We were invited for a family get to know your child’s camp night and we all went.. sure enough, it started to rain.  Rain + Curly hair = DISASTER. need I say more?  I wanted to walk around the camp with a garbage bag around my head but I knew I would mortify both son and dear Hub and 2 YO daughter so I refrained and cringed every time a drop hit my head (am I a GOOD MOM OR WHAT?).  So that’s the story I am leaving you with.  I am off to LUG my HUGE suitcase full of clothes I will NEVER wear downstairs so I can crawl into my cab at 5:15AM.

night night sistahs

love to you



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  1. Have a WONDERFUL time Em, and please —- R E L A X —— you don’t have to do the entire show in one day, but knowing you, you’ll manage somehow ! haaaa !
    I hope you have room in those suitcases for some *stuff* … you know the *stuff* my DH calls “Scrap-Crap” Ha.
    We’ll miss you Pickel!! !!

  2. OMG Em……that Bella was made for me, I LOVE her! I’m an avid knitter and stamper, so there is nothing more perfect! Can’t wait to make some cards for all my knitter friends with her. And the sentiments are PERFECT too! MWAH! And have a great vacation, you deserve it!

  3. Ok, I can so relate!! But, I honestly think it is time to reveal…………you!!
    And your new do of course!! I hope you Have so much fun this weekend!!!

  4. Oh my gosh Em…this Bella actually brought tears to my eyes! My grandmother use to knit. Oh the memories it brought back…thank-you for such a special bella!!!
    Safe travels,
    And don’t forget your cell phone in the morning:)

  5. I coudn’t agree more with you…She is adorabella!!!!!! So cute!…In my cart already!

    Have fun at the CHA….Can’t wait to see pics of it!!!!

  6. I love Knitabella she is so adorabella!!!! Have a great time at CHA you will be missed!!!!

    Hugs, Jenabella

  7. Em, I hope you have soooo much fun at CHA. Come back with lots of goodies for us.
    I think that knitabella is my fave to date. Her sentiments had me rolling! Thanks for the reveals before you left!

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