Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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I just can’t shuddup today

I received a coupla new products today… LOOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEEEE THEMMMMMMMMM

 First is the handy ribbon organizer… look at it FULL.. this one is black but of course, guess what colour I chose to sell? 🙂

Is this not THE juiciest thing you have ever seen in your life?  LOVE it and so colorful and inspiring.. I keep mine right in front of me at home.. LOVE IT.  It has over 200 holes that you can put your ribbon through and so much space to put rolls in.. and a ZIPPAH and a HANDLE.. YUM!

I also received this handy caddy.. take a guess in what colour? LOL… part of the proceeds of this pink treasure goes to Breast Cancer.. so me lovey it.  It is completely see-through, made of a strong vinyl.. you can keep all your goodies and supplies in there or even your copics!  What a great stand for them 🙂

Also received my pom pom prongy thingies which were out of stock and are back!

ok, now for some MORE eye candy. Meet matilda muffinbread

[photopress image=”matildamuffinbreadcard.jpg”]

These are my FAVE and totally represent our wacky sense of humour.. Salt and PEPPAH shakers and the sentiment to a wonderful pair.. that sentiment also goes with imeldabella..LOL

here’s Nickabella’s card LOOOOVE IT?

[photopress image=”saltandpepper.jpg”]

next meed “attitudy” cats.. I LOOOOVE THEM.. can be used for any occasion..LOL… only meeeee

[photopress image=”cats_with_tude.jpg”]

notice the BLING in aquamarine, the fishy charm and the paper?  the paper will be in a kit shortly (tomorrow) with all matching accessories… YUMMMMMMM.. you likey da kitties with da ATTITUDE???

 LASTEST BUT NOT LEASTEST, meet cuddlycat.. I just love her.  That’s all I have to say..LOL (can you BELIEVE that that is all I have to say?)… sample to follow tomorrow!


mwah to da sistahs-who-will-pull-ribbonZ-out-of-a-teeny-hole-stuff-supplies-in-a-see-through-case-stamp-with-cute-stamps-and-sprinkle-a-little-salt-and-peppah-for-flayvah





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  1. Cute stuff Em!! I love those shakers – and I hope that with the addition of the cats….there will be dog images to follow??!?!? Perhaps a cute little boy with a puppy to match that little girl and her cat??!?!?

  2. Em-it’s GREAT! Gotta have the ribbon holder for sure!! And yes, I just *may* pick up my next order in person!!

    That Muffin looks soooo cute it could pass for a cupacake with a little Glittah on it!

  3. Em………..
    I love reading your Blog….you make me smile!!
    Tomorrow I will be back to see your new News…..You are making it very hard to sneak small packages into the house…..hehehehehe

  4. OK Em……………..Stop now! LOL….just kidding. I will have to do inventory on my shopping cart.
    You have no idea how many times I read Matilda MuffinHEAD…………d’uh. I have it right now. I love the kitties!!!!

  5. love it Em! But what about us dog people? Polo, my JRT is sad, first I am leaving him in October to meet you, and now to top it off, no new doggies…but shhh, I still love ya!

  6. LOVE, love, love Matilda Muffinhead!! Can’t wait to get her. Thank you, thank you!!

  7. My list just keeps getting longer…which means I should probably order soon! Love the cats and would like to see some single cats with attitude to match the one I have at home!

  8. All soooo yummy!! I have a Ribbon Pull EZ I got it for Xmas from my MIL and I LOOVVEEEE IT!! and all these yummy stamps.. OHHH I can’t takeeee ittt!!!! Want them all 🙂

  9. I bought the same ribbon holder in pastel blue and have been filling it this weekend & can’t believe how much it holds! I bought one for a friend also in the lavendar color.

  10. Love the new cats!! (’bout time-lol!) Now, my request is for a little boy with the cats. Not all little boys have or love dogs, y’know. My little boy would be just delighted if I had a boy stamp with a cat- and I’ve never seen one before!

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