Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Hiya Sistahs!

I have SPRUNG back to health magically..! Nothing like GOOOOOOOOD antibiotics..LOL!  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Bellaland was OUTTA CONTROL this weekend.  With Paulabella and Lindabella here, it’s no doubt a MADHOUSE.. but a happy madhouse!  We had an amazing time.. copics and prismas flying all over the place, inky hands, smiley faces.. ahhhh heaven on earth!  Would love to hear what you did this weekend!

Well while Paulabella was teaching her class (there was NO ROOM FOR EMMABELLA.. class too full), I made a layout in preparation for the launch of SCRAPPINGBELLA!  Let me know what you thinky (pardon the crooked picture.. LOL)

take a looky at my Jayden looking up at her PAPA who was taking the picture ( you can actually see his foot next to her.. lol)
take a looky at my Jayden looking up at her PAPA who was taking the picture ( you can actually see his foot next to her.. lol). In this layout, I used WEBSTER'S PAGES PARIS COUTURE PAPER (love that line), K&CO's WOODGRAIN paper and LETTERS, JENNI BOWLIN buttons with a pink rhinestone center and punched butterflies sprayed with GLIMMER MIST.. OMG SCRUMMY!
closeup of punched out circles (from the pictures and the JENNI BOWLIN BUTTONS)
closeup of punched out circles (from the pictures and the JENNI BOWLIN BUTTONS) oh and the little butterfly 🙂
on this closeup I used the JENNI BOWLIN BUTTON PACKAGING as my JOURNALING block..
on this closeup I used the JENNI BOWLIN BUTTON PACKAGING as my JOURNALING block..

Let’s discuss some winnahs from BELLARIFIC FRIDAY, SHALL WE?

The random winnah of $20 in BELLABUCKS from the SUBMISSIONS last friday is  (DRUM ROLL PLEASE…)

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

10- JESSICA PRANAITIS you win!! Email me and I will send you your voucher!	

Timestamp: 2009-11-16 19:04:06 UTC

now for our PEANUT GALLERY winnah!

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

18-RHONDA you win! Please email me and I will forward your $10 voucher!	

Timestamp: 2009-11-16 19:50:57 UTC

Now sistahs, don’t forget BELLARIFIC FRIDAY NOV. 20th!  the theme is ANYTHING BELLA (the character Bella, that is)

And p.s. did you know we will be celebrating our 3 years on line in less than a month? OH YOU DON”T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE IN FOR…LOL



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  1. Glad you are feeling well! The bug must have left you and came to me. Spent the whole weekend on the couch in my jammies. Didn’t accomplish a single thing. 🙁

    Love the layout!!!

  2. I love the layout! Had a great weekend at Stamping Bella! I can’t wait until Paula and Linda come back. I forgot the page with the cards Linda gave. Will you save it for me. See you soon

  3. Hi Em,
    Glad you feel better!
    We’ve been dealing with sickness too, so I’ll spare you my weekend woas. BUT – all is well!
    By Bella – you mean any Bella (the girl). Yes?

  4. WOW! Scrapping Bella is sure to be a huge success if you keep tempting us with pages like this! It is fantastic…I think sarah’s talent is rubbing off! Had a FAB time at Bella land and look forward to coming back!

  5. LOVE the lay-out ~ the little circular picture at the top..what a great idea! I am so scrap-lifting that =P
    Absolutely canNOT wait to see what Scrapping Bella has in store for us =)

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