Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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having a little challenge on Facebook…

I thought we would have one here too for those of you NOT on facebook 🙂

As I hinted in the past, there are going to be lots of amazing changes here in Bellaland.. and the biggest change will allow me to spend MORE time with my sistahs!!!  This makes me happy.  Reminds me of the good ole’ days.   So as part of this celebration of having more time in my life  I thought we would have a “selfie” challenge.  Basically hold up your favorite stamp/stamps, take a picture of you and link it in the comments below… I love putting a face to a name .. and would love to get to know all of you bettah!

So here’s mine.. in my vacation place..wearing NO makeup LOL.. holding up FLOOR PLAN and FRAMED NUMBERS


So won’t ya post yours to the comments?  Contest will be open for 3 weeks and a $50 voucher will be given to a random poster.


so COME ON… Where are you already 🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who will be sick of da BELLA.


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  1. Hi!!! I’m Laila from Brazil!! And I’m addicted to Stamping Bella’s stamps… Sombrero Girl is very special to me, because it was the first one I’ve got!!! 😉
    Hugs, Laila.

  2. I hate a hard time picking but love using Glossy Accents on the sun glasses on Sunny is Stylish and I just attended a wedding and loved making the card using Brett and Brenda get Married. Love all the Uptown Girl stamps.

  3. Gee, we can only pick one??? I guess right now, at this very moment, my favorite is Audrey Loves Make Up…so classical! Sorry, don’t know how to upload a picture…I’m such a nerd…but I craft like crazy! Thanks!

  4. I had a really hard time picking one. However, I am surrounded by some amazing women who are going to be even more amazing moms, and therefore my pick is going to have to be Brynn and her Baby Shower. I have been using this stamp a lot to make shower cards, and just love how it give you the chance to colour it in neutral colours, blues and greens and pinks and purples.

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