Hiya sistahs!
Happy RELEASE DAY! This year we have done things a bit differently because of the theft that has been going on in this industry. It has been a hard year trying to stop the thieves in China and all over the world from taking our images. Let’s hope our small changes will make a difference. I put this small release together for spring and Valentines Day but really all of our stamps can be used year round. We are all about love all year round :). Click on our WHAT’S NEW section to see all the new GOODIES!
We have celebrated BLACK FRIDAY and now it is only fair to celebrate our Boxing Day here in Canada (and the UK!).. the stores are INSANE here on that day so why not do a little online shopping.. no lines.. no shoving.. no pushing.. you get the idea. We will not be having a sale for quite a while so if you have been waiting .. now is your time! We have lots of cool plans for 2019.
We will be featuring the baberoonis creations over the next few days.. for now, if you would like to be inspired , click on the stamp you are interested in and then “CLICK FOR MORE IDEAS” and you will see the wonderful creations corresponding with that stamp! You will also see that the usual quality is not as crystal clear.. unfortunately this is what the climate has forced us to do. We are so proud of our images yet cant scream it from the rooftops :(.. so we hope you get all the great ideas our baberoonis have come up with and are inspired!
We have a brand new line called CURVY GIRLS.. they are SOOOOOO AWESOME! People have been asking for a “heavier” uptown girl and I think our Curvy Girl is just perfect. She gives me a 70’s vintage vibe.. I dunno.. I just feel happy when I see her. We have new AMAZING oddballs.. We have an UPTOWNIE.. some KITTIES. and a brand new range of the CUTEST babies you have ever seen!
I hope you love this release as much as I do 🙂
Code for 20% off is : boxingday2018 (case sensitive)
Happy Shopping!
I’m really sorry to hear about all the theft. I love your images and it’s hard enough for businesses to stay afloat today; I hope patrons of the paper/crafting world pay close attention as well.
So sorry to hear about the theft..very disappointing. Your images, creativity and talent bring so much joy to us all. And I hope you continue to do so for many years to come.
As always, a fantastic release! They are all wonderful, but oh! Those babies!!
I, too, am so sorry to hear about the theft of not just your images but throughout the entire industry. That’s exactly why I don’t buy from “those China sites”. I don’t want to name them but you know who they are. I wish people would realize that when they buy knockoffs they become complicent in the theft of intellectual property, and they are getting shoddy items to boot.
So happy to see some new Oddballs added to the line. You’ve really hit a home run with those characters. I love them, but everyone who has seen my finished cards have commented on them – from my 6-year-old niece to my 70-year-old mom. They really have a lot of appeal.
Happy Holidays!
SO sorry about the theft! It is terrible and so disappointing! I love all your stamps! The videos are so helpful, too! XX
Ohhh, those babies in the pots are so cute as well as the kitties. Love the Oddball Queen & verse, that is a must have. It’s a great release as always.
Dear Stamping Bella,
I love your stamps so much! I put your name in my watermark when I share images of your amazing stamps, telling everyone who will listen where these amazing and highly creative stamps come from. I’m so sorry to hear about the theft. I understand, my soap designs and photography has been stolen many times… It is NOT a compliment. I will continue to support you in your original designs. Much love for this new year. Please keep going, keep being your magical creative self!
Oddballs and kitties…. gotta check ’em out!
Love your stamps!
The theft is awful and it has been happening more often on a lot of different sites, so sorry this has happened to you!
The China sites would not be around and would not survive if crafters would not Buy from them! Please crafters do not buy from these people. They are stealing intellectual property! How would you feel if you thought up a creative, funny or unusual stamp (your creation and your baby) and then someone stole the idea? You would be enraged!
I L-O-V-E the new curvy girls! They’re gorgeous!
Thank you for the sale!
I love them all. The curvy girls are so cute and I love the townies. I can’t resist the potted babies!!!