Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Happy birFday to RYAN, happy BirFday to Ryan….

Just wanted to wish my deliciously yummalish phenomalish husband a happy birthday… we had a great day today!! Had sushi for lunch, had cake with candles (I didn’t cuz I started weight watchers today.. hmph).. but we all celebrated in Bellaland.. Nicky, dena, ryan and me!

First  i would like to tell everyone how IMPRESSED I was with this week’s contributions!  Absolutely SENNNNNNNSATIONAL SISTAHS!!!  It makes me sooo happy 🙂

Now for DA WINNAHS from Friday!

The winner of da sistahood contribution is

KIMBERLY LOWREY!  What a beeyootiful card using Tatiana Ketto.. so BOLD and gorgeous!  Great job!  We will send you a $20 gift voucher shortly!

Now DA WINNAH from da PEANUT gallery (commentators) is #37 (For Ryan’s birFday)

CINDY VERNON! : you will receive a $20 voucher as well!  Happy shopping!

Thank you all for participating.. we SO appreciate you using and enjoying our stamps!

Now let’s take a looky at what DA BABES have been up to 🙂

Danabella has been SOOOOOOOOO busy making STUNNING cards!!  If you scroll through her blog, you will see our reindeer circle, alteeTUDE, ampleeTUDE, and flowahbella! yummy eye candy!!

Joannabella has also been a very biZzy bee making stunnaLICIOUS (nice word ay?) cards!  Take a look at her bloggypoo and you will see cards using teeoffabella, and polar bear circle and bluebell bittybloom

Karenabella: made a stunning card using Queen Anne Bittybloom..omg! and she also made a gorgeous card using shower BUGG sooo cute!

Lindabella made a STUNNING card using SUCKITUP STELLA.. soo funny!

Hope you LOVEY and congrats to da winnahs!!

Mwah to da sistahs who will support da weight watcha!


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  1. Hi Em,
    Great Bellarific cards as usual.
    Hoping to see you all this week. 🙂
    Happy B-day to Ryan.

    Always supporting Da Bella,

  2. Happy Birthday to Ryan!

    Congrats to the winnahs! Can’t wait to see the next challenge!

  3. Happy Birthday Ryan!! Sounds like you all had a wonderful day today!

    Congrats to both winners and happy shopping!

    Emily, keep up the great work, we all look fwd to what you’re coming up with next and love, love, love seeing all your stamps in action!

  4. Happy birFday Ryan!!!!!!! Hope you day is beyond belief wonderful! Eat a piece of cake for Em…if I was closer I’d be doing the weight watchers thing with ya Em…do you think I can lose 10 lbs before I leave on Wednesday????? the forcast calls for 96 degree highs, i don’t have a wardrobe (or body) for those kind of temps! LOL!

  5. WOW – so surprised to see my card as the winner. Hmmm…how to spend more money in bellaland?! Not hard at all. Thanks for the opportunity!

    Happy Birfday, Ryan (love it!)…and lots of support for the weight watchers! I altered notebooks with my Barbella and Weightwatchabellas for food and exercise journals – made writing it all down that much more fun.

    Thanks again!

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