I heard through the grapevine (hee hee I have CONNECTIONS YA KNOW) that there is now a little teeny tiny weeny winy bit of room on the cruise!!! SOOOO if you wannnnnna join in on the fun….. click on Stamp and Cruise for more information and COME AND JOIN US!! will ya? won’t ya? we NNNNEEEEDDD to meet DA SISTAHS! and boy do we have goodies planned.. ohboyohboyohboy (said with hands rubbing togethah)
for even MORE information click here
You can rest assured sistahs that Nichole, Gina, Nicky and I have lots of goodies planned!!!
let me ..er ‘ahem’ I mean, let us know if you can make it
You may be asking yourselves.. there is NO WAY my hubby would join me on this adventure *right Sarah?* *winks*
but rest assured that the hubbies will be entertained! I mean Ryan will be there and Ryan is a MASTER ORGANIZER.. Nicky’s hubster Joe, and Gina’s and Nichole’s hubs… it will be fun!! The guys will have such a great time just knowing that we will no?
Mwah to da sistahs who will swim with DIS SISTAH (well, not so much swim but HANG OUT FO SHO’)
i am so flippin excited!!!! My dh is tooooooooooooooooo!
I would LOVE to go but unfortunately as a teacher there’s no way I can get the time off. 🙁 Plus I get really seasick so I’m not sure a cruise would be a great idea!!
I hope y’all have a FABULOUS time and come back sharing some of the great ideas for those of us who can’t make it!!
Oooooooh…..my hubby is actually considering the cruise! Not sure if he’s just humouring me, or he really would go??? My friend are will be out to visit tomorrow afternoon – see ya then!
Anyone know how much is costs for a single to go on the cruise?
Oh Em. This is not fair. My kitchen reno has been put off several times due to the mini-trips I have taken & here you are tempting me with a mega-trip. The only cruise I can take right now is a trip around Toronto Islands in a leaky dinghy with one oar. But there is always next year, right?