Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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ever wish

that you had your own fairy godmother?  there have been SOOOO many times where I have said “I WISH”…. you?  Well Bella has said the same thing.. ovah and ovah and ovah again.. so here we go.. this is the story about how I met Jan Dolby There is a “ONE OF A KIND SHOW” every year in toronto.. actually twice a year and Ryan and I go and spend a lovely evening downtown just browsing, buying and minding our own Bidniss.. until I saw JANNNNNNNNNNN.  Jan was sitting and eating (first time all day I am sure since being on her feet all day) and I started FREAKING OUT… I am not sure if it was that obvious (winks) but I almost HUGGED this stranger.. I saw her artwork and LOVED her sense of humor..  I immediately commissioned her to make this painting for my wall at work.. just imagine taking a class with Nicky.. looking up and seeing them:

[photopress image=”thegirls2__4_.jpg”]

When I saw them, I fell in love with them and with Jan (but we will add an eye to the middle one  right Jan? *winks*)… we exchanged phone numbers, I gave her a business card and hoped that we would connect… of course did I wait long?  did Jan?  It was Kismet… we met the following Tuesday and recreated STELLA… the fairy godmother.. sometimes she retains water in her feet (don’t we all)?  sometimes she acts a bit goofy (don’t we all?).. sometimes she may drink a little too much (HICCUP!) but she will be doing MANY things with us and the bellas.  She is always wielding (is that a WORD?) her magic wand… and she always has her little displaced tiara.. just in case.. YA NEVAH KNOW WHEN YOU NEED A WAND OR A TIARA ya know.  I love that she represents different ages.. grandmas, 30 somethings.. she is ageless and full of spunk.   I have her up in front of me and she just makes me smile… I see her with sparkly shoes.. I see her with a sparkly tiara.. I dunno.. I am hopelessly in love.  With all of my artists.  Who draw my favorite characters.

Big fat kisses Jan

thank you for taking a risk with me

let’s watch our relationship blossom and grow.

Mwah to my Jan


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  1. I love everything about Jan’s work!!! You have excellent taste in artists (in my humble opinion LOL) and she is totally tops in my book. I want to BE her…or maybe just meet her! 😀

  2. Girls … I have my tiara on and I’m waving my wand … makin’ wishes come true! … You’re magical Emily … Stella’s artist … Jan Dolby xo

  3. Ok I just checked out her blog & she’s given me the motivation to get off my computer chair & into my scrap room to play w/some colors! Awesome stuff!!

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