Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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doo doo doo doo DOO do do do.. YOU SAY IT’S RELEASE DAY..

doo doo doo doo DO doo doo doo…YOU GET A GIFT TOO YA.. (sang to the sound of “you say it’s your birFday.. in case you didn’t notice..LOL)

Here’s our gifty this month..

if your order is:

$35.00-49.99– you receive a KETTO stamp of OUR choice

$50.00-74.99– You receive a KETTO stamp and a TIDDLY stamp of OUR choice

$75.00-$99.99– You receive a KETTO stamp, a TIDDLY stamp, and a BELLA stamp of our choice

and finally:

$100++ you receive all of the above AND A LULU stamp of our choice 🙂

(if you spend over $100 you receive over $35 in stampies!).. good no?  Even if you have them already.. you can give it as blog candy, to a newbie and get them hooked ;).. etc.

How’s that for a GREAT start to a GREAT day?


I am so excited for this release for several reasons…

(1) cuz I have been preparing and collecting images for so long that I am DYING to share it with you

(2) I am SOOOO very tired because of #1..LOL

(3)  I can finally say that I have designed a few sets in this collection 🙂  took me 7 years to get up the GUTZ (ooh  I like how that looks.. GUTZ  GUTZ… GUTZY…LOL)

(4) cuz I am TIRED

(5)  Cuz I am introducing a dear friend of mine who is quite FAMOUS and is now a PROUD AUTHOR.. and debuting her new stamp line.. SOOO EXCITED

(6)  K I need to stop whining a little.


I’d like to introduce VICKI BOUTIN and her new CREATIVE FOUNDATIONS line of stamps!!!  She has recently authored an AMAZING .. YUMMALISH-OUS MIXED MEDIA BOOK which I think EVERYONE should have in their library 🙂 called CREATIVE FOUNDATIONS

Vicki was kind enough to allow me to give a SIGNED copy away to one LUCKY commentaytah!!  CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT NOW YOU HAVE A REASON TO TALK TO ME VIA COMMENTS? LOL…  you can find it on AMAZON HERE and here is what the book cover looks like.. I LOOOVE IT!!  doesn’t it look YUM?

So if you can put a comment on this post, I will keep it open until MONDAY MARCH 26th and will announce a winnah on TOOSDAY.. k?

Here’s a pic of the cutesy “flippy” (she is known for her wispy her hair- CAN YOU TELL IT’S 2 AM?)


and here’s a little bio

“Vicki has loved making pretty things since she was a little girl.  With a background in fine arts and graphic design she was always searching for a creative outlet that was a good fit.  She finally found it in the world of paper crafting after the birth of her first child 10 years ago.  She hasn’t looked back since!


In 2006 Vicki became a Creating Keepsakes Hall of Fame winner and went on to be part of Better Homes and Gardens Scrapbooks Etc’s Creative Team.  Her work is currently published in Scrapbooks, Etc and Vicki writes a quarterly article for Scrapbooks and Cards, Today magazine.  She enjoys working closely with a number of the industry’s top manufacturers including Core’dinations, 7 Gypsies, Basic Grey, Little Yellow Bicycle and Pink Paislee.  Vicki is also a Ranger Certified instructor.


Vicki is always on a mission to learn something new and then find a way to share it!  That is where teaching comes in.  She has taught workshops in the United States, Canada and Europe and loves to approach art in a fun, fresh and accessible way.  Her motto is “Try anything once.  You won’t know if it’s your style unless you try it!”  Her workshops offer an opportunity to meet new friends, try new things and most of all have FUN!!!


Vicki’s first book Creative Foundations hit stores in January 2012 and is jam packed with techniques and ideas to jump start readers creativity.  Look for it at your local book store or online at your favorite book vendor.”


You can follow Vicki on her blog:


HERE WE GOOOO!  Here are Vicki’s TWIRLYBIRDS.. a whole family of them!  and a cute branch.. these are amazing on layouts, journal pages or cards.. LOVE


Here is Vicki’s IN SO MANY WORDS set

Again so versatile on cards, journals and layouts!

Here are Vicki’s Journal strips!  The words fit right in.. you can also use these as design elements… LOVE

Here is Vicki’s LOVE NOTES background stamp.. I LLLLLOVE this stamp sooo much!  also perfect for ALL media!

Here are Vicki’s LABEL IT stamps.. again, all words fit in here.. LOVE


ok OFF to take kidlets to school! will be back!

Ok I am BACK and showered!  and off to my NEXT destination.. aren’t you happy we get to hang out today? LOL

Let’s release a coupla MO’s shall we?


And of course his partner FIXER GIRL! (I think I NEED that toolbox)

K on my way to my NEXT destinations!  to pick up gloves and deliver them and a winter coat for Jayden at school.. she is going ice skating with her class (indoor of’s SOOO BEEYOOTIFUL out)


THENNNNNNN back to release more?

OK.. i was thinkin’  how the HECK can I run errands when I have a releasathon going on???? So here I am in Bellaland and am resuming the release!  READY?  SET? GOOOOO!!

Let’s do some AMARIAH/RAMONA stamps k?  You asked for them and they are a comin!

Meet Ramona loves CAKE!

Meet RAMONA and TEDDY in their balloon

Amariah is introducing a new character today.. I love her.


YUMMY so far?

Here’s another set that I helped design :).. I LOOOVE this set for scrapping and Project lifing… for JOURNALING and mixed MEDIA-ING… LOVE.

here is a new element in our LIFEBOOK collection… these are called HEADLINERS.. this one is the WEEK in a NUTSHELL headliners

and some HAPPY FLOWERS I helped design 😉

Here are DANCING DAFFODILS (set of 3 dancers LOL)

and one of my FAVES.. Em’s Mixed Media flowers

and the LANTERN FLOWERS you saw yesterday 🙂

Here is my FUNKY BARCODE set… LOOOOVE this set :).. all the words come separately and you can mixy and matchy.. you can use these again in any media.. journals.. cards… I love the graphic bold lines!  This is a set of 4.. beautiful sizes

Here’s REGABELLA’s sample

Now if any of you have met WRYN at Christy’s house  and fell in love with her which I sure did.. then you are SURE to love FLYNN, her little sister :)..


here’s Danabella’s card


Here is Danabella”s card


Ok you wanted some UPTOWNIES right?????  THESE are OUTSTANDING if I do say so myself 🙂

MEET uptown girl LOLLY and her BROLLY 🙂

Here’s Paulabella’s  UPTOWN GIRL LOLLY and her BROLLY card



and here is FLORA the CYCLIST.. look at the spokes in her wheels… and her little basket of flowers…yum!



Here’s Paulabella’s UPTOWN GIRL BUNNY card


NOW IS THAT A RELEASE OR WHAT SISTAHS?  OK.. I am DONE (I think).. will do a final review to see if I am missing anything..LOL

ENJOY! and take advantage of our free gifties 🙂










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  1. Super excited about this release! Loving the stamps so far….this might be a big purchase….just don’t tell my hubby 😉

  2. I don’t even know where to begin there are so many fantastic stamps….. I have been resisting the uptown girls for awhile, but I just can’t take it anymore I have to own at least a few of them!!

  3. Question: How can one possibly choose which ones to get?….Answer: Really simple….you need to get them all! (Thank you very much!)

  4. GORGEOUS. I will place an order tonight and the book looks super fantabulous, as super fantabulous as the new stamps!!! Lovin it!!

  5. WOW Miz Em – you have outdone yourself once again. Just when I was thinking “I do not need anymore stamps”…dang girl….you proven me wrong. I NEEEED some of these!!

    I have admired Vicki’s work for quite some time. Those stamps of hers are quite versatile. Looks like an interesting book as well!

    Hugs to you and the Bella crew.

  6. Wow!! What a great line up of releases and a fantastik book to check out. Love the incentives too!! Thank you! Thank you!!

  7. YaBaDaBaDooo for release day! You have been very busy Em with all these new images and more to come (I hope!). How cutsie are those barcodes? YUMMM! DElish! Can’t wait to see some 😀

  8. Love this release, it was worth all the refreshing! So much talent. Seeing the Project Life stamps I want to start PL…even though I’d bore the pants off of anyone who read mine. And a chance to win Vicki’s book is just the icing on the cake. Thanks:)

  9. These are gorgeous stamps! Makes me want to be a stamper! LOL
    Where is the tag with the words?? You forgot my favourite!

  10. ok, so when I left Bellaland I didn’t get to come home with most of these…but WOOOhoo I can put my order in and make them mine now! lol I think I need another week off though, because I am sooo in love with all this stuff!! Ok, post to make and stuff to color. Oh, and I have loved Vicki from way back in my scrapping days. I remember topping her and Scrapfest and yelling “hey! I know you!” I LOVE her hair too. 🙂

  11. Just love all these sets. So fun. And all different. Vicki’s book looks wonderful. Love that cover!

  12. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……..AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWeeeeeeeee
    OMG…..fabulous… everything, and want that book!!!!!

    You are truly amazing…..Dear Emily: I want it all!!!!! xoxo

  13. The new stamps are exciting. I also love Vicki’s hair and her talent. Would love to have a copy of her book.

  14. Wow! Love all the new stamps!! Love Vicki! Was fortunate to be able to meet her in Saskatoon last fall! Would love to win a copy of her book!

  15. No wonder you are tired…WOW BIG release.

    love the Vicki release and the Mo Fixer boy is cute just to name a few.

    thanks for a chance to win Vicki’s book.

  16. The uptown girls are my fav – as usual, but everything looks amazing!

    I would love to win this book – and hope to meet Vicki @ Crop and Create Burnaby!!!

  17. Wow stamps are fab! Will be by to buy more from yer fab store!! You’re getting as addicting as a shoe store!

  18. I am not sure how the heck I missed this post! LOL! loven’ it – Great Job to Em and her creative team!

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