Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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What the HECK is DIS? Some BLOGGY CANDY!

Hiya sistahs!  are you wondering what this is??? IF you are, then I am succeeding in my “MISSION”! LOL

I am going to do some fun things on my blog with BELLA BUCKS up for grabs!  We are doing this in celebration of our upcoming 3 year birthday for Stamping Bella on line, and the BIRTH of the new!  So play along with us, you won’t be disappointed!

Try to guess what the above image is.  You have until SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22nd, to place your guesses in the comment section.  I will gather all of the CORRECT answers, and I will randomly draw a winner for an amazing $50 SHOPPING SPREE at da BELLA!

P.S. don’t forget about BELLARIFIC FRIDAY THIS WEEK!  THEME IS ANYTHING BELLA (the character bella) in any of your cards, layouts, or any creations for that matter!

Have fun sistahs!


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  1. They’re gloves to dry your hair: “the gloves offer a great way to dry curly hair and scrunch shape and volume into it at the same time.” Fab! 🙂

  2. Hand Dry Hand Gloves!!!
    LOL! the crazy things we see on infomercials! If they work, I gotta get me a pair cause I hate going to be with wet hair, but don’t have time to blow dry my hair either!

  3. Well, my first thought was that you had chopped the hands off of Cookie Monster’s grandpa…. fuzzy gray hair…. get it? But because I can’t sleep at night and end up staring at the TV, I will concur… Hand Dry Hair Gloves!

  4. I must agree with everyone else…Hand Dry Hair Gloves! I think these would work well on Liam’s hair when I’m trying to get him off to school in the mornings!

  5. OK Em so how do these work? They are for Hand dry gloves for people with curly hair (which I don’t have) so I had never heard about them till I was trying to figure our what the picture was.

  6. I have to admit I thought they were Ryan or your sons winter gloves at first! But since everyone else is saying they are for drying curly hair…well I am going to have to go with that! I have never seen those before! That’s how you get that fabulous perfect curly hair!

  7. Ohh those are the Hand Hair Drying Gloves. My friend who is a stylist has them and loves them. I keep telling her to get me some.

  8. They belong to the Abominable Snowman and you better return them! He’s big and scary and I hear he wants his gloves back! 🙂

    The correct answer, although not as funny, would be the Hand Hair Drying Gloves.

  9. I have to agree with Christine Dol. I thought they were the warmest gloves I have ever seen, but after researching the other answers, I agree. Dry Hair Gloves. How come I have curly hair and have NEVER heard of these things? AMAZING!

  10. I was so excited that I knew what they were… apparently so did everyone else! It would have been nice to have these back in college when I had curlier hair… I used to scrunch it up in clips and let it air dry for hours!

    My husband thinks they would make the ultimate car drying gloves!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Well I guess you don’t need me to tell ya As everyone else has!! But here is what I want to know??!! How do they work?? Please spill it sistah!

  12. LOL, because I know you so well . . . My guess is “you BOUGHT those” because of what they said they would do so “you HAD to have them” and I think an eskimo could sell you ice cubes too 🙂

  13. Well I was going to say they looked like dusting gloves, but from all the comments it looks like they are hair dry gloves. Really? Hair Dry gloves? Never ever heard of that. Do they work? I’m most intrigued by these special power gloves.
    Boy would I me a bella card making fool with a $50 gc…HOLLA

  14. Hair Drying Gloves!! The perfect tool for short hair that looks best with the “shag” look going on – a little mousse or gel and a little scruffing and scrunching and you are on your way!!!

  15. They are hair drying gloves. Although if I had a pair, I would probably just wear them as gloves because they look so warm and cozy.

  16. I know that they are the Hair Drying Gloves for curly hair. But since everyone else knows that, too, I thought I should come up with some better answers. LOL

    Special gloves for picking up after dogs.
    Toilet scrubbing gloves.
    Hand massaging gloves~that would be awesome!
    Funky toe socks.
    Doggie gloves.
    Ooh the best: how about Ob/Gyn gloves so that at east ONE THING they touch us with is warm! LOL

  17. first I was stumped, then I thought they might be special gloves for dusting horizontal blinds. Then I read a bazillion comments that said hair drying gloves! What a great idea. They should take it to the Dragon’s Den – at least one of the dragons with hair has curly hair.

  18. I was going to suggest they are Hand Drying Hair Gloves, but apparently I am not alone in this suggestion! Maybe the could be used to dry the dishes!

  19. Hand dry gloves!! I’ve wondered if they actually work…I never blow dry my hair but I really hate to sleep with wet hair when it’s cold out.

  20. They are Hair Drying Glove! I would love to know if they really work. Give us the scoop! Happy 3rd Birthday and many many more to come. Thanks for a chance at this sweet celebration candy.

  21. Don’t know if they work but they are Hand Dry Hair Drying GLoves..
    Congrats on 3 years!!
    Thanks for the chance to win! I would love to win and go on a shopping spree! 🙂

  22. These are Hand Drying gloves, perfect for my granddaughters beautiful curly hair, unlike her Nana’s straight hair.

  23. Hand Dry Hair Drying Gloves!! They look like the dish drying gloves, but the tag gives them away. I’ve always used a towel to try to scrunch the crazy curls into place, but should pick up some of these!!

  24. I have extra curly hair so I know they’re for drying my [your] hair! (Unless you used them to dry your just-washed truck, which I was tempted to do once).

  25. It’s what every curly haired sistah needs – hand dry hair glove. hmmm I see an accessory line of stamps starting for frizzybella and co…

  26. They are hand dry hair gloves for beautifuly curly hair like yours!

    Do they work well? If so my cousin has beauitemous hair like yours and if they workie…than I will get a pair for her.

    Thanks for a chance to win a Bella shopping spree…

  27. Hand dry hair gloves — would love to know if they work since my daughter has insanely gorgeous hair — no clue where she got it from because it wasn’t from me.

    First I thought maybe they were gloves to clean up glitter, hmmm, wonder if that would work? 🙂

  28. They must be Hand Dry Hair Gloves….just guessing after reading all of the above comments?! I have baby fine, straighter than straight hair so I probably changed the channel when this infomercial came on. I love the Cookie Monsters grandpa comment though! Funny!!!!!

  29. Hand Dry hair gloves. Not too sure what they are for. At first I thought that they were part of an elephant halloween costume!
    Thanks for the fun.

  30. These appear to be the Hand Dry Hand Glove. Oh my gosh do they work? I can’t get my curls to look the way I used to when I was younger, now I just look like a hot frizzy mess and I am tired of that flat iron!!!

  31. First of all BIG CONGRATULATIONS on the upcoming 3 years, may there be many many more years to come!!!
    The answer to you questions is Hand Dry Hair Gloves….

  32. When I clicked on the pic, it said “hair glove” so I’m not sure it would be fair for me to win since I saw the name.
    Anywhoooooooooooo YAY for three years!

  33. My DIL has a pair of these ’cause she has hair like yours. They are most definitely Hand Dry Hair Gloves.

    Congratulations on 3 years – what a great anniversary for you and your co-workers.

  34. I was at first going to say gloves for a mouse costume, but obviously, my actual guess is Hand dry hair gloves!!! Thanks for such a generous, and fun, contest!!

  35. These are gloves to be used to dry curly hair. If you have them you have probably used them. Lucky you to have natural curly hair, I was not blessed with this!

  36. These are hair drying gloves! I’ve never heard of these, but with a DVR now, I never watch commercials! Am I missing out on something??? 🙂

  37. of course they are what everyone else says….hand dry hair gloves. so do you scrunch the water out of your hair? should i get a pair for when i wear my hair curly?

  38. Hand Dry Hand Gloves! Can’t believe my insomniac midnight TV viewings might come in useful in Bella-land 😉

    Congrats on 3 years!!

  39. OMG – hair drying GLOVES! I thought the veggie scrubber gloves (Williams & Sonoma) were out of the box. As one curly-haired to another Em, where do I get my hands on these?

  40. Definitely Hand Dry Hair Gloves.. I’ve heard abt them but unfortunately im so gutted that i IRON my hair cos curly hair doesnt suit me.. My hair is ever so damn thick that it puffs out too much if i curl n mousse in my hair!

  41. love all these wonderful cards….so many talented ladies out there!! thanks for all the inspiration!!


  42. Hi Emily! Well these gloves are supposed to work miracles so you’ll have to let us know your experience with them! =) Oh, product name is: Hand Dry Hair Glove by Hothead. I’ve actually watched a video about using the gloves on youtube, gotta love youtube! 😉

  43. My roommate had those: The image is of Hand Dry Hair Gloves!!!

    She said they really worked! It’s a good thing I never borrowed them without asking. When I read Hand Dry, I thought they were for dry hands (maybe you lather the lotion on and then wear the gloves to bed)-I hate to admit!

    I already have 30 Bella Stamps I’m trying to decide between if I win…

  44. My clock says it is 11:35 pm. and it’s still the 22nd so it seems like I am in time to guess what those hairy gloves are. I thought at first they must be Ryan’s but I don’t think his hair style would warrant him using those gloves to dry and crunch up his hair. But then, one never knows. LOL!

  45. OK… so I thought they were some kind of monster gloves… but according to everybody, they are Hand drying hair gloves… whatever that means… never heard of them… :o)

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