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Vacation Time

Morning sistahs!

We are just preparing for our vacation to Mont Tremblant, Quebec with the family.  We have not had a vacation in years and years so we are looking forward to it! My girlfriend and her family are there waiting for us and the first question I asked was…. “IS THERE WIRELESSSSSS INTERNET SERVICE????” and she said NO.  Then I asked if there was a mall there.. and she said NOOOOO.. there is NOTHING TO DO BUT RELAX.  I hmphed and I mumphed and I HAROUMPHED… but I have now accepted that I will have to relax and not think.  So I am bringing lots of books with me.. and a sketchbook and card and scrapbook magazines and I will just try to simply chill… but shhhhh.. I still have my blackberry with me which I will kindly put on the “vibrate mode”..LOL..

The contest for the peerless will continue until the 11th and when I get back we will announce!

The bella boutique will be open throughout next week. Tuesday to Friday 10-5 (wednesday will open at 12:00-5:00) and Dena will still be processing orders and doing her usual wonderful customer service!  Nicky will be in as well teaching and greeting!

I will miss DA SISTAHS sooooo much but there will be lots in store for you when we get back cuz ALL of my CHA deliveries should be coming in!!

Mwah to da sistahs who have WIRELESS


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  1. HAVE FUN! It would be so nice to have a week unchained to my computer! LOL I think I may have forgotten how to relax and do nothing. You’ll have to explain how to do it when you get back!

  2. Hope you & the family have a great vacation. Try not to go through computer withdrawal & no sneaking off to the bathroom 50 times a day to check your blackberry. Eat, drink, eat some more & don’t get sunburnt. When you get back, you will all relaxed. See you then!!!

  3. Have a wonderful time, Em! Enjoy yourself and relax!

    And then, when you get back, we will be ready for all of the new CHA fun! Hooray!

  4. EmiBella, there may not be a mall at Tremblant but there is a really nice shopping village at the foot of the mountain…..oops should I have said that? LOL. Have a great vacation

  5. You need to read the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer.
    OMGosh will you ever be hooked! Enjoy you vacation !!!

  6. Em – darlinggggnnnkkkkk!!!!!

    I’m sure you will love Tremblant – it is really beautiful!! I have only been there in the winter, but I hear the summer is just as nice. YES….RELAX, RELAX, RELAX, take in the mountain air.

    If you miss the city, call me, I’m only an hour away from Tremblant, we’ll get some shopping in, a cocktail on the patio and then you can head back to the mountains to relax!

    Enjoy your vacation Em – it is well deserved!

  7. We just spent a week away from Internet and phone service, it truly is lovely! Use the time to enjoy your kids, they will never be this age again. 🙂

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