Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Quickutz meet BELLA, BELLA meet Quickutz!

here she is.. in all her splendour LOL.. A year in the making and she is finally here! OMG.. I am in love with her, and she will be a collector’s item.. exclusive to DA BELLA!  We are trying to build on her image and make her cute little outfits!  Is this FUN OR WHAT?  She comes on two 4*4 dies for the revolution, bigshot etc!  She is so much fun to dress and, well, to look at!  There are quite a few little pieces to glue but like I said, I had a BLAST “building” her!

I made this little cover of a mini album using her.. boy do I have a project ahead of me!

I used prism papers and paper pieced.. I also used the whole new COSMO CRICKET EARLY BIRD line.. a bag o buttons, cosmo cricket stickers and OF COURSE some preciosa BLING.. nothing is shinier my sistahs!!  DO you see her necklace and bracelet? and the bling going up the side of her pants? OMG
I used prism papers and paper pieced.. I also used the whole new COSMO CRICKET EARLY BIRD line.. a bag o buttons, cosmo cricket stickers and OF COURSE some preciosa BLING.. nothing is shinier my sistahs!! DO you see her necklace and bracelet? and the bling going up the side of her pants? OMG

and here are the rest of the pages I have to work on.. HMPH! (but the papers are STUNNING.. would look good plain too, no? LOL)

Here’s a card I made using it as well!

check out her FUNKY pants!!
check out her FUNKY pants!!

So that’s the big news.. WANNA WIN ONE??? Place a comment on this entry!  We will close the contest on Tuesday next week.. and don’t forget to participate in yesterday’s blog entry.. SO MUCH GOING ON!!!

P.S. check out Sarahbella’s blog later on.. she will have a layout using da QUICKUTZABELLA!

mwah to da sistahs who lovey da QUICKUTZ


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  1. Wow, I love her!!!! Just think of all the possibilities! Thanks Em for the chance to win her! You’re the best evah!

  2. How fun is she??? I just pulled out some of my old QuicKutz mini dies this past weekend to play with. How glad am I that they work in my Cuttlebug as that hand-held die cutter, although cutting edge (no pun intended) at the time, really gave me “wrist-grief”?

    Can’t wait to see what Sarahbella has in store for her…

  3. Oh myyyyyyyyy that’s like a bella paper doll…doesn’t get much better than that! I love this!

  4. OMG – how cute! Paper dolls rock, even for us big girls. Thanks for working to bring us this, Em. I’d love to try it out.

  5. Oh…I think I just died and gone to heaven! Lol I absolutely love that! Congrats on the new adventures! Wow! Wow! Wow!

  6. OMG, I am soooo excited at first I was depressed because I thought it was just for the Quickkutz but then I see its for all machines. I cant wait to get my hands on this lovely darling. Great job.

  7. She is soooooooo cute and absolutely a must have! I hope to see more of these in the future!

  8. Wait… I just realized that i can use a cuttlebug with her… right??? right??? right???

    I so take back the “I’ll pass in winning it”… PLEASE SIGN ME UP!

    🙂 Sorry for the double post.


  9. I am in love with this. How can I order one….So would love this to add to my collection 🙂

  10. Congrats Em on this Fab addition to your Bella line! She looks lovely and I will have to make a trip to Bellaland soon to get my first ever Quickutz! I can’t resist her.

  11. How freakin fabulous is that?!?! I Loved my paper dolls as a girl growing up.. and now as a “grown up” (heheh, yah right!) I can have them again!! She’s fabulous. I love the card with her funky pants. And the bling you did on the one on the mini -album!! FAN-Freaking-TASTIC! Love it!!

  12. Oh my goodness – she is da bomb! Makes me feel like a kid wanting to play with my paper dolls!

  13. Oh my gosh, she is so stinkin ADORABLE. Great, great, great job. She would be fabulous for my friends and I’s Shop Hop pages. She is wonderful, I know you have to be so thrilled with her.

  14. Bella is bellisimo! So fun and adorable and cute and clever and…I could go on and on! Good luck to everyone!

  15. So cute!! What a great idea!!! Now my girls and I will have something so fun to play dress up with!!!!

  16. OMG, how cute is she??? What an awesome surprise!! Great job on your mini album cover too!!

    Christine, did you make a trip to Bella today?? I’m thinking you did!

  17. OMG!! I can’t wait to get one. How much fun is this? I am both a Quickutz and Bella addict. The two go together GREAT!! 🙂

  18. How awesome is bella now? Such a cool idea, and so much easier to paper piece than stamping and cutting!

  19. She’s cute!!! I have a sizzix (old big red and the sidekick). I think I could make her work! Isn’t she darlin’!!?!?!

  20. That is just tooooo cute! Matching outfits and accessories too?!! Amazzzzing!! Can’t wait to see all the lickle bellabitts! x

  21. She is amazing! I want her! I want her! I MUST have her! Great Job! I cant wait to dress her up!

  22. I love it. I have been in the scrapbooking business for a while. I use Quickutz allot. I think this is just to darn cute. Thanks for getting this made.

  23. How adorable!! A must have!! Thank you for a chance to win her. (Keeping my fingers crossed :))

  24. WOW! I had so many paper dolls as a little girl but none of them looked this good! She’s gorgeous and I would love to play with her and introduce the same love to my little girl!

  25. I have a scissor/blowdryer/skating/graduating Bella who just got a job at Holister for the summer! We need the a quickkutz shopping Bella for sure!

  26. When I saw the banner, I had to click…I’m thrilled!
    Opens a whole new realm…such exciting news! wahoo!

  27. oh my bella! U are just gonna kill my budget! THIS IS THE THING THAT JUST PUT ME OVER THE EDGE……..I will now have to break down and purchase one those die cutting machines! thank you oh great enabler queenabella!

  28. Wow that is just too cute Em! And it lets us indulge in our childhood love of paper dolls! So cute and I can’t wait to see what more you come up with from the QuickKutz line!

  29. are you kidding me?!?! LOL that is so cute – leave it to da bella queen to come up with that! Wowsa – so many possibilies!!!!

  30. Love this . I have always wanted a stamp from this site, but I don’t order on-line afraid of security issues. LOVE THIS DIE. I have a revoluation and hope to some day get this die. It is precious !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. YIPPEEEE! I am in heaven now. You have managed to combine two of my absolute favs and that is die cutting and bellas. Man-o-man this is so cool I just can’t stand it.

  32. Em – I have been driving all day today in horrible rain enroute to Ohio and the only thing that got me through was thinking “Em is doing a release today, can’t wait to get to my hotel and logg on to see what was up her sleeve this time”……….WOWZERS…..I was not expecting that…..I knew it would be good, ’cause you never disappoint, but I didn’t know it was going to be THAT GOOD…..I LOOOOOOVE IT!!!!
    I love the litle swing in her hip – to cute!

  33. WOW!!! Just when you thought Bella couldn’t get any better…..!!! Bellas are in a league all their own :). Great job, Em!

  34. Em……..that is CRAAAAAAzee!!!! how freakin fantastic is she??? i know what it’s like since i recently had a product come into being that was a year in the making! congrats

  35. This is tooo cute and so unique. I love her. Congrats on all your hard work getting this together. She was so worth the wait!

  36. OK I don’t usually do this but AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! ( I hope i did not hurt your ears) I LOVE LOVE LOVE HER!!! What a fun and beautiful think you have made 🙂 YIPPIE!!! She is amazing!

  37. OMGosh Em, she is fabulous!!! How exciting!! I can’t wait to see what other accessories you come up with for her…:) Mwah to you!!

  38. So cute and so cool! Can’t wait to get one! Congrats on the new addition to your line of products!

  39. Really neat. First time to this sight and it has been full of information. Love the idea of Quickutz;)

  40. Wow!! Great new die! I’m already thinking of ways to use her (feeding my QK addiction!). 🙂 Hopefully we’ll see more QK Bellas!

  41. sooooo Cute! JUST what QK needed. and when you said more clothing and accessories – well that just means she is a MUST HAVE! Does this mean some different hair types too? sooooooooooooo fantastic! well done!

  42. Woot woot for your new Quickcutzabella! Thanks for giving us a new way to enjoy your Bellas and also for the chance to win:)

  43. She’s darling! I love the hair. Can’t wait to see what other outfits she might get to wear. Thanks for the chance to win!

  44. How stinkin’ cute is this. I can think of a ton of things to make with this die cut. I love it!!!!

  45. I gotta have it…please, pretty please pick me. I promise I will give her a good home and lots of exercise.

  46. I just logged in to see what I “need” before I finish my order and now just can’t believe how super duper exciting is this!!! SOO cute! Can’t wait and love that you made custom pants!

  47. How cute!!! She’s absolutely adorable! I can imagine 1000 different papers for the clothing and bags. Thanks so much for the chance to win! 🙂

  48. What a GREAT die – can’t wait to own one of these so I can get busy using her – have almost every one of the stamps so must own this die – love, love, love her! EM this was a WONDERFUL idea!

  49. How cool is that. I almost fainted when I read your post. What endless possibilites, what a great effect…. I am almost speachless. I know what I will dream of the next nights and I know what I WANT for sure.

  50. OH EM!!! How adorable!!! How I would love to win one!!! Can’t wait to see what you come up with for her bella outfits!!!

  51. WOW, Em! I LOVE the Quickutzabella! What a great idea – can’t wait to make some goodies with her. I loved the bling necklace, etc. on your project – great job!

  52. Ann stole my saying….TOTALLY STINKIN CUTE! Not only do i want to win her….but i have GOT to have her!

  53. Where does your creativity end? Not only would I love these for layouts, but my kids would have blast with them too! Fantastic stuff! Keep it coming!

  54. Oh my Lord…she’s fabulous!!! This is a must-have for Bella-lovers. So hoping to win. Thanks for the chance.

  55. Wow! How cute is she!! What a must-have! I love coming to your blog when I need a little pick-me-up. You never disappoint 🙂

  56. Oh my gosh, she is way too cute!! The outfit possibilities with just that single die set is unbelievable! You’re really putting the pinch on my pocketbook, you know. 🙂

  57. (¯`’•.¸(¯`’•.¸(¯`’•.¸ * BEYOND MY FASCINATION * ¸.•’´¯)¸.•’´¯)¸.•’´¯)
    (¯`’•.¸(¯`’•.¸(¯`’•.¸ * W O W * ¸.•’´¯)¸.•’´¯)¸.•’´¯)

    Emily, this is just a great surprise, as I never even thought … never imagined …. trying to invision what else is up your sleeve 🙂

  58. This is the ultimate for Bella Lovers…. we can dress her, bling her, stickle her….. the ideas are raging through my head! She is a definite prize to be sought after! Thanks for the chance to win her!

  59. She is amazing, wonderful as my friends and I say “FFT” the first f is ‘fan’ and the t is ‘tastic’ I’ll let you imagine what the middle f is!!!! We save this word for the most special, amazing and fun things. And well, of COURSE quick cutz Bella qualifies!

    yay for you em. this is awesome!

  60. Wow is she great. My Revolution is biting at the bit to have her roll thru it. I sure hope I win so I don’t have to lose sleep trying to but her.

  61. OMG!! She is so cute! I’m loving the die cut and the wonderful dimension you can get with them. You’ve just given me another reason to build up my bella collection, lol. Way to go!

  62. I LOOOOOOOOOVE this. I have to have it!!! This is so original, I haven’t seen anything like it. Oh, the possibilities!!!!!

  63. She is just adorable – I love her! What a fantastic idea! She can be so fashionable with all the great papers out there.

  64. What a great idea! She is so pretty but would look even prettier running through my cuttlebug 🙂

  65. Wow!! What a great accomplishment. Who wouldn’t love a bella quickutz???
    I know I would 🙂

  66. OMG!!!!! I LOVE her and need her! 🙂 My love affair with Bellas and QK have now become one….*sigh* I am seriously drooling over here!!

  67. I am sooooo excited!!! I really hope to win this Bella. i promise I will give her a safe and loving home.

  68. This is just adorable. Wow Bella paper dolls…now that is just way to cool. Thanks for a chance.

  69. New to Stampin Bella but love it and love the concept of the new Quikutz with her. Would love to win one & play with it.

  70. OMG I love her! Have to have her (cause if I don’t win her, I’ll have to buy her!)

    Great job Emily! She was well worth the work and the wait!

  71. Oh Em!
    What fun! She will be the coolest paper doll to dress and embellish! I hope there will be more!! Thanks for sharing!

  72. I’m so glad to see what “big girls” can do when they start playing with paper. What a wonderful paperdollabella you have added to your bella line and what FUN you have had playing…that’s soooo easy to see!!!

  73. I love the Bella Paperdoll and look forward to seeing more about her. I just got a BigShot through StampinUp but haven’t had a chance to use it yet.

  74. I’m brand new to your blog, and I must say I am enjoying the site! Love the QuicKutz Bella, and would love to win her to add to my QK collection! She is so cute!
    I am heading back to investigate all the Bella and Ketto images….. I like!

  75. I just ordered the new die! Can’t wait to get it! Love the skulls and cross bones punch too. Had to have that!

  76. Too cute. I’ve always loved paper dolls. This die really takes me back to my childhood, Bellastyle

  77. She is adorable! How creative of you to come up with a Bella die! I am sure she will be very popular!

  78. Welcome aboard!
    It’s about embracing what’s in front of you, focusing on the moment and enjoying the possibilities and creativities she offers. Check Bella stepping off ‘Air Jamaica Flight 070’ in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Nothing can stop her now.

  79. Holy Moly!! Between this and all the blog hopping I’ll be spending a fortune!! She is just too fab!! Another must have!
    Thanks so mcuh!
    Sue B

  80. She is too cute!! I don’t even own a diecutting machine but if I win her, I’m going to go buy myself one! lol

    I’m new to this whole stamping thing and trying to work up the courage to actually buy a stamp and ink it up, but I’m loving all these bella and ketto girls! You don’t think you could do some digital stamps of them, could you? I feel so much more comfortable with the computer and the “undo” button!! 😉

  81. She is gorgeous!!!!!!! And of course a MUST have!!!!!!! Is she going to be the only one?? We need a beachabella too! and lots of clothes to put on her!!!! And also a fella and his little tools!!!
    Am I asking for too much??? Please say no!! LOL

  82. It’s still Monday here so I hope I’m not too late!!!

    I am in LOVE with this die! She is so beautiful! I can’t wait to see all the amazing stuff that will be created with her.

    Hope I win!

  83. OH MY a MUST for my quickutz collection!!!! I will have my fingers crossed!! What an excellent idea Ladies!!!

  84. OMG this is so freaking adorable! I am a recent (last 6 months) Bella lovah and this must find its way to me!!! Thanks for a chance to win her!!!

  85. I loved the paper dolls when they looked like my kids, but a paper doll that looks like me! Awesome.

  86. I am new here and just discovered the Bella line! I can only say I am hooked now! I’m hoping to get a die soon! Congrats to the owner of this lovely site:)

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