Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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ok.. so here it is

it’s at a weird angle but me thinks me likes!


p.s. in case you didn’t notice.. these are my NEW and EXCITING scallop frames,, there’s a medium one too!

[photopress image=”manly_phone_001.jpg”]


I am so MEAN

my dearest Bella-issimas, 

So I make this card.. YA I REALLY DO MAKE CARDS, OK?  and I really LOVE it.  now I mean LOVE it.  It is really simple and clean.. nothing fancy, but it turns my crank.. this is the CLINCHER.  You ready?  I go downstairs to my photo studio (dining -room- with -2 -8.5*11 -pieces -of- paper -as- a- backdrop -against -a -vase- on -my -buffet- say that 10 times fast).. I take my camera and of course.. THE BATTERIES are DEAD.  I am so miffed (I could so say something worse but I won’t)!  So what I CAN do is show you the stamp I used.. it is called “MANLY PHONE” (that just made me laugh–where do I come up with this stuff?).. girly phone is on it’s way.. So hope you enjoy the stamp.. my card will be up as soon as I can revive the dead camera (you think CPR would work? *giggles*)

Have a BELLA-rific day (ok, now I am getting nauseating)

Emmabella- (not so nauseating)


look at my PEEPS go! (always wanted to use the word ‘peeps’=people)

laughing my &*&^ off reading the answers.. and a WHOLE WEEK OF THIS?  this is goooooooooooooooooooooood.


oops, in case you can’t see

the letters are C.C.B



I feel like having a contest-abella (I CAN”T STOP)

[photopress image=”businesscard_001.jpg”]


to my dearest addicta-fan-abellas

I know that I have promised to update the blog throughout the weekend but I didn’t have a chance.. YES I have lots to upload (not all bellas-yes other stamps in Stamping Bella *DO* exist *giggles*).. Tomorrow is my day to do LOTS of things and accomplish lots of things as well.. I will keep you all posted through the blog.. so now.. instead of blablabla’ing because those of you who know me by now can see that I can go off on a million tangents…LOL

 Here’s the contest.. ends Next Tuesday Jan 23nd.  I want YOU, my fellow addictabellas to figure out.. or *TRY* to figure out what the letters (‘credentials’) after my name on my business card stand for… fun no?  Most people tell you to choose the nicest card.. some blogs ask for the best technique.. we, at stamping bella, ask more important questions- like what letters stand for at the end of my name! (*LOL*)  I am not sure you will figure it out BUT the one that either gets it or has the most creative answer wins… the prize (I went to get it today– I LOVE it).. has a baby theme.. so it will include that and a stamp in that theme (of your choice) and maybe some other goodies.. again, my HUBBORAMA will judge it.  SO start getting creative and start guessing!  LOL

we could TOTALLY have fun with this one

emma-addictabella extraordinaire!

 have lots of fun



having a contest today.. it is now 11:12 pm and I had a loooong day at the ‘office’!  I have

oh boy am I cha-tty today

people who will log into their computers at work on Monday will have a lot of catching up to do!  That’s for you Ingrid.. I *know* you are out there!

 I have been up since 5:00AM as my dear dear dear children just felt like waking up…arghhh so my hub slept in and then he took them out to give me a little bit of alone time.. is he not THE BEST? (she -says -cuz- she- knows -her -mother -in law -reads -this every- day)–no really.. he is DA BEST.

 Anyway, as I mentioned I will be posting throughout the weekend.. I just posted the BEST sentiment ever (well not really cuz more are still coming).. I was inspired by a credit card.. I think it is american express but not sure.. since I have so *many*.. if any of you can confirm, please do!  Anyway, I have this discussion with my stamping friends all the time.. How much do you thing each handmade card has cost you?  I am thinking around the $1000 mark. *giggles*.. AND if they keep on coming out with new &*(&% tools and dies and dies with tools and bags to go with the tools and boxes and ‘bellies’ and and and and and , then the price is SURE to go up…. next question.. do you give all your cards away to people?  my answer is absolutely not, they are very very comfy in their shoebox.  hmph.  Would love to hear responses on this one.. (shoulda saved this for next week but couldn’t wait).. so take a look at “stamps, supplies” and let me know what you think…

are you guys worried that I will give a lengthy intro on each and every one of my stamps?  like you care what the origin and history of the stamps is.. oh well, TOO BAD.. you gonna get it anyway *BIG HUGE GIGANTIC SMILE OVER HERE*


love ya


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