Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok

I am kinda better…. NOT completely better, only kinda .. I am better enough to be parked at my desk filling your orders! and loving every minute of it.. Oh and I am better enough to have sent in a coupla new bellas to be made into RUBBAH… so get psyched sistahs.. they are a comin!

I wanted to thank everyone for their good wishes.. didn’t realize there were so many of ya’s out there!! so thank you!! 

As I mentioned I am a bit behind in the orders but will be working through the weekend so there should be no more backlog!  IF anyone has any questions about their specific order.. do not hesitate to contact me.  Also, once you get the ‘processing’ note from me.. that means my little paws are touching YOUR bellas and stuffing them into bags with TLC and that they will be in the mail the next business day.. s’aright with all of you?

 Love to all and you have NO &*(&%*&% idea how much I love you


chief getting better a bella

pneumoniabella ( well borderline at least)

so I went to the clinic this morning cuz I was crying out of pain.. and I am NEVER SICK.. I even worked all day yesterday trying to catch up until I had to be scraped off my Ryan.  SO the doctor says… (drumroll).. you have bronchitis, borderline pneumonia!! How does that happen?  could it be my two little bacteria infested petooties walking around my house with the sniffles?  I think so.. but i still love ’em.

So this is the scoop… I am going now (noon) to lie down a little bit and rest –just took medicine (people reading this are probably saying “like I really care…” (*giggles*) but that never stopped me-abella.  At about 3:00 I will revive and sit back down in position and rifle through some more orders til about midnight..LOL.  depending how I feel.  So ladies, anyone reading.. if you can post it on the SCS thread (I can’t do that) and just tell people how SICKABELLA I really am, I would be so happy.. At least people know.  I still have lots to process and promise, even if it takes all day tomorrow, it will be done!


Oh, and as a reward??? OMG… you will all FREAK OUT with what bellas I am coming up with.. OMG..

chief bla bla sickabella

a.k.a pity party bella

I hope I feelabella

wanted to let all the sistahs know that I have malaria. No, not exactly malaria, but the “influenza”.. YA “INFLUENZA”.. well not really.. would love it to sound a little more exciting.  I am Sick.. plain old sick.. throat and chest caving in, coughing and very sleepy.  Just wanted to let you all know (don’t want you to catch it..LOL) and that orders MAY be delayed by a day.. those that have a ‘pending’ status may have to wait an extra day.  My hubby came in my office about 3 times telling me to go to bed while I am packing orders.. I think I should listen.

 Good night all the sistahs

The Sick Chief.

YA I caved

[photopress image=”marshmallow_002.jpg”]

Ok, those who are just tuning in, you will probably think you arrived at the wrong page.  Unfortunately you haven’t.  Read a coupla posts down and you will understand.  I went shopping with my kids and hub today and YES, I had to buy this camping marshmallow kit.. JUST for the marshmallows.. I am not sure if you can see them or not but they are C_U_T_E! hmph.  I will never get better..LOL.  I am one crazy chick but am about to have a blast when I (I MEAN WE) crack this baby open!

 Toodles to the sistahs


so who is this masked woman?

Christie Ortman that is!  I don’t know how I found Christie, but I think, actually, she found me (we are not affiliated in any way, just new friends)!  If you really want to know who she is, I can tell you.. she is a mother of 4 boys with LOTS of time on her hands (not–LOL!).. she has designed the Stamping Bella Gallery the way it should be.. except it is in the wrong place!  It is on HER blog/website and NOT MINE! LOLOL.  My gallery is still under construction, OK?????? really!!! I SWEAR!!!!  Christie and I firmly believe in the PAY IT FORWARD theory (rent it, buy it, I don’t care, just watch it! with Kevin Spacey)… Since that movie, I have always tried to follow that philosophy.. helping one person in such a little way can really snowball into an effect of kindness that is unbelievable.. so please SISTAHS.. always pay it a little forward.. let’s see how far we can get!

Ok, yet again , I DIGRESS.  Christie has developed a new ‘sensation’.. a card in a box.  She is investing her artistic abilities and giving it to you in a box.  What’s a box, you ask?  Basically, you can read up on it on her blog/website.  She has created a new business called Paper Pretties (Is that NOT a spectacular name?) and what she does is designs a card (you have all seen samples of her work on her blog.. if not RUNNNNNN, GO SEEEEEE), and supplies you with all materials (see her website for exceptions) to reproduce this card 6 times!  Now I know PLENTY of people who need this inspiration and knowing and seeing the quality of her work, I think you will likey!

So all of you, sign up for her membership, get the boxes, make the cards, buy more stamps, have a smile on your face, enjoy, relax, and ALWAYS remain a sistah.


Love to all



I LOVE what you sistahs write

in SCS.. and make sure you KNOW that I read them all.  I cannot really participate as I would really like other vendors not to be upset with me and to give them the opportunity for their lines to be posted too.. I respect all of my fellow stamp companies as I have been a “collector” myself and have supported them lots!   soooo I rely on my blog.. I keep on sneaking in new stuff (I try daily).. so if you THINK it is new, it probably is!  Just wanna keep you on your toes!!

I am taking all of your recommendations and ideas into consideration as they are AWESOME!  SO please keep the inspiration coming.. if I LOVE it, it will come true.. Unfortunately for my wallet, I have no time to wait.. I need to have it in RUBBER pronto!!

Keep reading ladies, PLEASE and keep posting on SCS.. I really love you for it!


chief bla bla once again

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