Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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something smells fishy… hmmmmmm


 I am just sitting here and desperately wanting a break while I pack my orders!  I am sitting here watching wife swap (my dh has bought me a little flat screen tv for my office and I haven’t seen him in about 3 weeks.. LOL)… it is actually quite interesting tonight.. a continuation from last week… ok ok .. I digress..

 I have a coupla things to tell you.  Number one… I thank you all for the great wishes for my family’s recovery.. WE ARE HEALED (said in a gospelly voice)..  we feel much better.. so no more excuses.. it’s crunch time.  Ok, number 2.  I LLLLLOOOOVVVEEEE all the comments.. they drive me crazy with happiness! the more I read the more excited I get and I betcha this’ll evolve in a chatabella room (may be working on this..add to list).  SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue/start writing cuz it makes the bella happy.. n’k? n’k.

Now back to bidniss.  I have posted something new.  NOW DON”T YOU GO AND LAUGH AT ME.. ya hear me?  This stamp is dedicated to Stacy Croninger, editor in chief of PaperCrafts magazine.  She came to visit my favorite hangout, Cherished Scrapbooks back in November.  I was unable to meet with her (***ANGRY BELLA***GRRR) but the next best thing happened.  NICKY met her.. she taught some classes on the Joy of Cardmaking and Nicky told me all about her and I just thought she sounded AWESOME (oh and she likes the bellas.. can it get BETTAH?).  So Nicky found out a few things about Stacy.  She likes to fish.  TO FISH? you ask?  Yes.. and I betcha lots of women fish.. so THERE.  I made Stacyfishabella.. She is DEEELISH (just like her namesake) and the sentiments that go with?? TDF (to die for–love that sentiment). There is worm wishes, knew you could “tackle” it.. Congrats! and “fishing for compliments?… is that not amazing??? (listen to me… as if I have any right to judge.. it’s YOU who has to judge!)

 Here is another thing I have been working on and I will be working on it further this weekend… If you have noticed, there is a teeny tiny cute magnifying glass (yes I know you will want this in a stamp *giggles*).. if you click on that you will see the stamp AND what I recommend to go with it!!! Is that the COOLEST thing ever?  (I used to be very impressed with Louis Vuitton, a magnifying glass now intrigues me… oh how things change…).You will also see what other sistahs have bought along with the stamps you chose to look at


I have to go back to packing now. happy hmph.

MWAH to all!


P.S. I really do have a beautiful sample of fishabella which Nicky made but I can’t FIGURE OUT how to watermark it on microsoft photo editor.  I have to take a pic and do it on illustrator and then post it.. OMG can I tell you more about my boring life??? boring hmph.


the lilypad

Where do you think I come up with these names?  no clue.. but I likey and I have tons of fun making them up.  So this is the beginning of a shadow collection.. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THESE!! I have made them up in 3 sizes.. These lilypads are gonna fly off the shelves!! (listen to me… I just love them and then assume everybody else has to..don’t listen to me..LOL)

You can find the lilypad collection here.  The jumbo is a perfect shadow for DA BELLAS.. the medium is PERFECTOMUNDO for a sentiment or a base.. like grass, floor etc.. and the small one is perfect for a background… they stamp beautifully but do need a little cushion.. I think all shadows in general need cushion.  I stamped them on a foam mat base.. just put the foam mat (from dollar store) then cardstock and then stamped on that.. applied pressure and VOILA! lilypadabella! 


I hope you love them… I will try to make a sample later to show you




to my Canadian Bellas

Just wanted to let you all know that I now have my Canadian Currency button up and running!  YIPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEE.  the currency is calculated and updated constantly to match the bank rate! (top left of home page)

Thanks for being so patient with this BELLA.



oh sistahs how I love thou


long time no speaky!  I have been buried in kleenex with my children running from doctor to doctor, trying to get antibiotics for them to no avail (viral thang) and just going crazy.  I am trying to keep up with all of your orders the best that I can but at the same time getting over this hump with my sick family.. not so fun.  So please bear with me for the next little while to keep up with your orders etc. and if you have any questions on your order please please please don’t hesitate to contact me… I will answer you as soon as you write!!

Here’s the scoop and I need some feedback from the sistahood.  I am planning (rubbing my hands together and sporting an evil smile.. he he he ) and designing some type of storage for DA BELLAS and the rest of my collection (YES, THERE ARE OTHER STAMPS YA KNOW)… and it will be cute and funky and DA BOMB.. you have no idea what I have up my sleeve… so now this is the scoop.. I can’t give any more info than what I have just said but TRUST ME.. have I ever steered you wrong?  Remember.. I AM a stamper.. and I AM a sistah so put those two together?  a SMASHING duo. 

 This is what I need from you…. feedback… would you be interested in something like this?  what would you be looking for in terms of storage.. I mean the design is there and am in the midst of executing it (not killing it… just putting it into action *LOTSA GIGGLES*)… so please please please tell the chief sistabella what you would think about this and if it would interest you…


love ya tootsie rolls


p.s. mmmmmmm tootsie rolls……

ya happy now?

Here they are… check out my home page!  sistahoodabellas have arrived and they are AMAZING!  just as promised!  The great thing is that they come with 2 sentiments and it will prove our whole pay it forward theory!  Let’s see how far the Stamping Bella can get!  I LOVE IT!  Also, you are basically getting 6 stamps as I have left enough room between each stamping sistah to cut….


love to the sistahs..

this stamp is devoted to all of you!


fine. I’ll give you all a hint.

hello sistahs,

 I have been reading the posts on Splitcoast and I know you all wanna know what I am gonna come up with.  Well, OBVIOUSLY I ain’t tellin.  NO NO NO NO NO.  I am not tellin.  But, because you have all been so nice, and kind, and considerate and sweet and supportive and and and…. I must say  I so appreciate it.

 So, here goes.  I am an only child and always wanted to have a type of ‘group’.. some sort of sisterhood.. I can’t explain it.. and also after reading the Ya Ya sisterhood and considering the handful of close close close friends I do consider sisters I came up with Stamping Bella in the hopes of creating some sense of belongingness by women for women.. a type of group, you know?  So that’s a hint.  The stamp will have something to do with this theme…. you will LOOOOVE it.  I certainly do.

 So to my Yayas, sisters, friends

I bid you all a nighty night


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