Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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I really don’t usually do this

but I need to talk to my sistahs about something.  You know that i believe in the “pay it forward” theory.. where I can help, I always help and do and give etc.  My Bellas are my babies as you can understand and I really want to protect them and make sure that they go to a good home etc (LOL.. really nutty, eh?).  But most importantly, they expect to be acknowledged.. I know that this is SO NOT my style of email but I need to be serious for a moment.  All of my sistahs have been nothing but supportive, kind, thankful, fabuloso, inspiring etc.. and I do read your blogs and see the kind words and the referrals etc.  and I know that you do this from the bottom of your hearts and that is why I so love you all.  I have noticed that some cards have been posted on blogs without accrediting my image.  Now, you realize, I don’t need attention, I am actually quite shy (STOP LAUGHING), and really try to keep to myself (OK, NOW I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR LAUGHING).  SO please, just think about it.  No one is forcing anyone to post a bella card.. I only want you to do it with pleasure.  If you can’t give the bella her deserved credit, then please don’t post her.

I know I am talking in circles.. I am just a little disappointed at the moment and really hope you ladies understand where i am coming from.  I worked and continue to work so hard to maintain my website, to maintain my connection with all of you, to keep you all happy cuz when the sistahs IS happy, I be happy.  So please, when you are thinking of posting a Bella card, just give credit to the Bella.. she will really appreciate it

Do you think I am wrong? 

Thanks for listening

hope you didn’t hear violins in the background

hope you understand where I am coming from

I love you all and promise not to be sappy no moe’


paper.. it’s all about the paper, no?

hello chiquitabananabellas,

I am TRAPPED upstairs in my office working and I am not allowed to go downstairs.. CAN YOU BELIEVE?  I don’t usually wanna go downstairs, but now that I CAN’T, I am miserable.  They now poured the cement to level the floor and tomorrow the tiles with the grout are coming on.. but another restaurant night! (my little girl is ALL OVER THE PLACE).. LOL.. she actually sat at another table by herself tonight.. should I be offended???

Anyway, the point of this post is that I have been meaning to write about the paper I use for my “bella spirit” technique (good ole, artist quality odorless mineral spirits-dare ya to say that 10 times)   but had to make sure I received enough to share with everyone.  I found it!  I am a lover of good quality beautiful smooth cardstock.. actually any paper at all…LOL just not the ones that crack and are rough etc.. you get the pic…

 I thought about my business for a long time before I launched and I thought to myself self? (LOL–I know it’s getting old).. what exactly did I want to share with the public.  Obviously my luscious stamps but I also did NOT want to sell what everyone else sells in terms of supplies, embellishments etc.. unless I LOVE them.. Honestly, it’s good and it’s bad… I really can’t sell stuff I don’t like?!  I can’t create stamps I don’t like so of course I can’t cater to everyone (although I would love to!).  So back to the planning stages.. I surfed a lot etc and said I won’t sell stuff that other people have yet another gizmo at .10 less than the other website.  Of course price counts but I was always taught growing up that you get what you pay for.. so really if it costs a little more, it’ll pay off in the long run.. OMG can I digress a little more???? So you can see the paper here (as if a white sheet of paper will inspire you to no end-LMAO).  How do I describe it?  hmmm It is a beautiful sharp white and it has such a wonderful texture.. like a ‘creamy’ texture.. does that make sense?  It works beautifully with prismacolors… and when you stamp on it … MWAH!(gather all your fingers into a point and kiss the tip and raise hand in the air.. kinda like an italian chef.. you get the image?)… just beautiful.  Obviously I don’t use this for my actual card.. I use it just for the layers that I stamp so that a little bit can go a looong way.  The basic white cardstock that I use for cards is an Index Smooth white…

I have such a headache, I dunno what I even wrote above.. but I am hoping it is understandable.. oh do I have a HAIR PRODUCT blurb to write about… I need HELP ladies.

love to all


just to CLARIFY

my hand is NOT on my hippola, it is on Barb’s chair.. PHEW.


(like you care)




As much as I don’t like pictures taken and as much as I really don’t like to be part of the limelight, I must reveal Barb’s rendition of our meeting on Monday.  It completely captured the moment and really accurately described our wonderful day.  So, take a peek.. I am not quite sure why my hand is LODGED on my jutting out hip (oh how I wish it was a bone.. but it is NOT) in both pictures.  So read it up.. you will meet Nicky as well and I hope you enjoy as it is SO well written.. actually impressively written!  Oh and that kissy picture at the end was completely ad libbed (is that a word??)!  LOVED IT!


So I made a card this morning

Let me know what you think!  I think it is a little BizZy.. but that is how my brain has been working lately.. I also wanted to show an example that there IS life beyond the bellas …LOL (altho I want you to know that the Bellas are my life..*giggles**) but I have a lot of OTHER funky stamps too that I am trying to load but a little short on time…  Anyhow.. here’s the card

[photopress image=”wine_bucket_002.gif”]

A little crooked (that’s how my brain has been working lately too..) but you get the idea.. who wants to know the ‘studio’ for this card pic?  My daughter, Jayden’s bookcase..  I need to set me up a proper place.. OHHH maybe I can use my laundry room for that too! (LAUGHING MY HEAD OFF)

Anyway, I used brand spanking new “ice bucket” stamp.. I put it in the celebration section cuz people were complaining that it was EMP-TY.. ya happy now?  there is one happy ice bucket in there..LOL.  I also used my medium lily pad (LOVE THEM LILYPADS) and my 3 line funky celebrate.. I love my 3 liners.. I have them in different themes and there is SO MUCH you can do with them.. Nicky is preparing a tutorial on what you can do with these stamps (RIGHT NICK?).  Also used the new American Crafts paper.. LOVE that paper.. and of course.. of COURSE my swarovski crystals!

hope you have a great day and there is MORE to come!



So… enjoy the c

To my bellas

I am so sorry I haven’t posted a winner to my sentiment contest.. it’s been crazy and I really need to sit down with everything and FOCUS… so please bear with me and continue contributing cuz I think I will extend it to next Monday…so the prize will still be BLOG candy ANDDDDD a free stamp of your choice! (only a sentiment tho–JUST KIDDING).. so keep your creative juices flowing and I promise you won’t be sorry!  I have been soooo biZzY running around today to pick up and design new goodies.. OMGGGGGGG… OMGGGGG.. just ask Nicky and Natanya.. they got a sneak peak.. I promise I won’t make you wait til the first for something new cuz you have been so good to me… SOOOO in the next coupla days, you will get something new.

Remember my grout sticks? (see post way down).. well the day has come.. they are now DEMOLISHING my first floor..HMPH.. my daughter and right hand woman, Ruby, who works with me and my kids (she is the best Rubybella in the WORLD!!) ate in the laundry room (otherwise known as the BELLA showroom–how extravagant, huh?).. YA thought I was a fancy shmancy pants, huh????oooohhh fancy shmancy… that would be cute sentiment with a funky dress no? (OK COMPETITORS, I SAID IT FIRST N’k?)

Sooooo…  I just wanted to keep you posted on my life…. tomorrow the demolishing will continue, so I will try to get fresh cut flowers and some mood music for the laundry room.. will keep posted..

Ohhh I almost forgot!  I met with Barb K yesterday! What a delight!  She came in from Thunder Bay Ontario just to see me! (LOLOL.. just kiddinK..she came to see her lovely grandson and children).. so we shmoozed, had coffee and took pictures.. EEEEEKKKKKKK. Thank goodness I was wearing makeup.. Sephora makeup.. mmmm.. delish.. So MAYBE if she posts the pic, I will link you to it.. depends how it comes out..LOL.. It must be so weird for you to speak to a blank space?  Do I really exist? Oh gosh… here I go again…



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