Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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oh, so now you are all talking to me?

haven’t heard from you in AGES and now that I hint to a new bella you decide to crawl out from the woodwork?? hmph.  I have missed you alllllll so much.

Ok, mushy gushy.. she’s up and running.. now you gotta find ‘er.  Sistahs have been BEGGING for her so I hope you like her!

Let me know if you find her



why is it that

Viagara sellers want to comment on my blog?  How about a Juicy Couture bag outlet?  Lasek eye surgery specialists?  Coach bag outlet?  Hmm a lovely mix, dontcha think?  I get SOOO excited to moderate a post (that means people are reading.. hint hint) and then I see who it is from?  how did they find me?  Do they know I buy from them?  LOL.. just kiddinK… That’s my thought for the day.  Other bloggers out there, let me know if you get the same SPAMOLA that I am getting! I would love to know that I am not the only ‘special one’

Here are a few updates for the week:

(1) Organization contest:  It could be over if no one else wants to participate?  Let me know if you still have comments.. I will keep it open for the next coupla days and then maybe end it on Monday

(2) RUBBAH:  If you see that you still have pending orders from last week.. no panic.  Actually, PANIC. (just kidding).. I have had a few rough days regarding my rubber order.. not that you need to hear this..LOL but I have received 2 inferior quality batches of rubber that I absolutely did not accept.. you probably wouldn’t have noticed the difference in quality but I certainly did and I made the decision to hold off and not ship until I received a quality I am confident about and happy with to ship to my sistahs.  Now don’t start panicking that you received inferior quality rubber in the past.  I have NEVER shipped anything that I personally don’t approve of.  The last couple of days were the only times I have ever ‘rejected’ an order… and you can always be confident that what you receive from me, is perfect.. if it isn’t, you all know I personally guarantee it.  So never worry when buying from a bella.

(3) storage:  GONNA BE READY IN 2 weeks!  (I am trying to bug them to get it earlier)

(4)  The Bella has something else up her sleeve regarding another type of storage but it is still in the works.. just wanted to keep you on your toes!

(5) do ya think I should introduce a bella?  hmmmmmmm



I love “donna’s SKOOTCH”

[photopress image=”nickyskootchcard.jpg”] 

 Don’t ask how this name originated..LOL.  I actually called it a “SPLOOTCH” and Donna (part of my dear stamping group and UBER talented in design and color) decided that it was called a “skootch”.. perhaps she didn’t hear me? (didja Donna?) or perhaps she just really liked the word SKOOTCH  (I know it sounds perverse) but it has stuck ever since.  It is great for a background for under an image (will ask Donna to give me the SKOOTCH original for the website) or as a beautiful layer as Nicky designed.. see above.  I just love it.. It is great on glossy paper or regular.. YA THINK I LIKEY?  I DO I DO likey!  Ooh and of course I just checked to see if my water vase was on line.. Of course it wasn’t so here it is too!

Mwah to my special Skootches out there



This is my typical kiddie birthday card

Nothing like rushing at the last minute to create a card for a birthday party my son is going to… I JUST LOVE these high tops.. I use them for boys or girls, lacquer them, watercolor etc.. I have used this stamp a Kajillion times!  The paper I think is Basic grey but I cut off the name.. hmph.. so if anyone can help me out, let me know.. I use that paper also for all the birthday parties cuz of the numbaHs.  LOVE IT!  And the variegated ribbon I think ties the whole thing togethah!  The sentiment is mine too.. perhaps I should check if I have it on line before I post?  or would that be too logical?

 Here it is

[photopress image=”seth__s_card_001.jpg”]



if you haven’t yet

read the comment from Helen, otherwise known as HELEH (when she mistyped her own name in a contest.. LOLOL) on my labeler post, YOU HAVE TO READ IT.. I was totally rolling on the floor laughing my tushy off.. She is hilarious!  I think I am going to turn the ‘throne’ over to her.. Helen, will you write my blog for me? LOL.  Ok, now that I have totally embarassed our wonderful Heleh, it is on to serious biDniss.

First, I VOWED never to put a picture of my children on the net as I just am petrified of everyone out there (paranoidabella) but I just COULD NOT resist this dynamic duo working on my room together.. (plus, my son is leaning back and you can’t see one feature-lol!)

[photopress image=”ryandtybuilding.jpg”]


Yes, I have survived the last coupla days (barely) and my room looks worse than before.. LOL.. Please forgive me as I am about to make up some words.  I am RUBBERMAIDED and STERILITED out.. if I see one more PLASTIC bin of some sort I am gonna FREAK out!  Thank goodness for PT.  If you don’t know PT, he is my new labeler.  I literally have labelled everything in sight and am on my second roll (those refills are bloody expensive!!!).  Ryan and I worked quite well together.. ahem I mean Ryan worked well by himself.  He kinda worked around me working shall we say but all in all, everything is IN the room, now it is the “throw -out- and- never- look- back- moment”.. I have realized how much money I have wasted in the past 5 years.. OY.  Scary.  But moving forward, I am sure to spend my money in a much more intelligent way (YA WHATEV..)

k, now that I talked about plastic containers and how “binned” out I am gonna talk about glass containers.   I went to IKEA and saw these amazing beautiful humoungo (sp?) mason jars with lids… so I had to try them out.  I bought 2 to try and then sent Hub to pick up 6 more..LOL AND to build shelves around these jars.  And of COURSE you will all relate to this.  I used to make jewellery and collected colorful beads for funky key chains, necklaces etc.  I have never gotten rid of the beads and I will NEVER EVER use them again.  So what did I do, you ask?  I invested $10 in a jar to store them in..LOL.  I mean, am I ever gonna get better?? EVER?

[photopress image=”jar_of_beads.jpg”]

And I mean, what the hell is that “marine themed” red anchor button doing there anyway?  Was I ever gonna do a nautical themed card or scrapbook page?  nope.  just needed to have it. I feel like that jar is like a kid’s eye-spy book.. or on sesame street “one of these things is not like the other…” (singing the tune in my head).

Well, that’s it for now.. will try to post more pics as the day/week/month/year progresses

MWAH! (and in case you don’t know what it means, just say it out loud!  It is the sound of a big wet smoochola)




I am IN LOVE with my label maker.. where the heck have you all been to tell me about these goodies????

Have I mentioned I am in love?  I am in the process of labeling everything that doesn’t move.

just labelled the screen.. do you see it?  it says “MWAH!”

1 634 635 636 637 638 653