Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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did I mention

that you can send pics?  Not sure if you can upload them here but try, n’k?




since I am back

I feel like running yet another contest.. Here’s the challenge.  I was inspired by Cindy Keery’s blog the other day regarding people’s organizational tips… So this is the scoop. Since I am absolutely and utterly OBSSESSED with any type of container or box or pillow case or ziploc or garbage bag, I think it would be fun to talk about how we organize our goodies.  I am asking this for a selfish reason.  My DH Ryan told me that he is willing to take a coupla days off this week to reorganize my whole OFFICE/STUDIO/CRAFTROOM (please don’t be confused with the laundry room as that will be the next fiasco to tackle).. Sooooooooo… If anyone has anything that is JUICY and CUTE and PRACTICAL (as if we can all reinvent the wheel).. it would be great to hear!!!  I want LOTSA comments.  I am a little upset cuz I know I have lots of lurkers on my blog and I wanna “MEET” everyone.. so really, if you never said HI, please do so… I know I am not talking to my famous 8 people only!!(I love all 8).. So will ya?  HUH? HUH? HUH?  Maybe this will be the first step to a potential Yahoo group? 

Prize?  No clue yet but they are usually really good (at least I think so..LOL).

So come on.. you have a few days to reinvent the wheel and give some groovy ideas.. I would love to HEAR!!!!!

Don’t be shy.. you know you are with fella-bellas.. so TALK, will ya?  Even if you don’t have a tip, say hi and make up a tip..



P.S. thanks to all for the good wishes re. my trip.. my next entry will be about that


I just wanted to remind again (hopefully some people will be reading) that I will be gone until Monday night.  I will, however have my mobile with me and will try my best to respond to all emails in a timely fashion…. If not, I sincerely apologize and PROMISE I will get back to you tomorrow night or Tuesday morning at the latest.

To all the sistahs, Have a great evening and Monday and will speak to you soon




where’s bella?

This should be said like “where’s waldo” a famous children’s book where there are pages of mumbojumbo characters populating a page and the point of this is to find “waldo” a jovial little character dressed in a red and white striped shirt, a tuque and a pair of pants amidst this chaos of people.. sounds like fun, no? Well my son takes his little “fingie” (what we call fingers in this household) and immediately points to Waldo.  While I.. completely myopic, am squinting and staring at a pirate thinking that HE is waldo.. hmph.. not so good at this game.. but what I AM good at is telling you about Bellas travels!  Where has bella been so far you ask?  Well, she is in the Netherlands, in Norway, in China, all over the U.S., in Canada, in Belgium, in England, in Australia, in the Phillipines.. Let me think of where else?  I think that’s it for now.. Oh there are some soaking up the rays in Hawaii….

I think I wanna be a bella.  Beachabella por favor.  I wanna wear a ‘kini and carry a cute tote (at least I can do HALF of that equation–I’ll let you guess which one).

 Isn’t it so much fun watching her travel?? And KNOWING that the sistahs have helped them in their travels?  I LOVE IT.

Can’t wait to see where they are off to next.  All I can tell you is THIS Bella is taking off to Niagara falls.. not so exotic but good enough for me!!

Love to the sistahs



I know you wanna

I know you ladies would like to meet my artist.. she is PHENOM and an amazing asset to Stamping Bella.. she has the hands and brain, and I have the creative mind and together we make the bellas.. I will call her and say.. “the hands have to be here, she has to be holding.. her hair… her outfit etc” and together we banter and come up with the bellas… the bella evolution is amazing.. if you saw the first bellas created and now to see what they have become is incredible.. Unfortunately my artist is anonymous on the website and just to let you know, I do some drawing as well!  All I can tell you is that she is beautiful, a wonderful person, phenomenal to deal with, understanding (I mean she HAS to deal with me, right?) and patient (again, I repeat.. she has to deal with me!)… And On top of everything else, like I said, she LOOKS LIKE A FREAKIN’ BELLA.. hmph.. double hmph.. triple hmph



ya wanna LAFF? (luv that spelling)

Ok, I am back.. the attack is over.. feeling groovy.. worked all day… got lots accomplished.. just a *GOOD* day overall.. I booked Sunday off and Ryan and I are off to Niagara falls for a little break.. recoup.. etc.. we try to do that every coupla months.. SO SO SO SO SO excited!!! Luv to gamble, Luv to eat, Luv to shop.. I think I will be able to cross over the border and go craft shopping too!!  Anyone have any goodies they would like to share with me that I need to have that is available at Target, Michaels, Joann’s or ACMOORE? (was that the longest run on sentence you have ever read???-I am still trying to catch my breath from WRITING that- HUMONGOUS giggles  over here) .. You ladies have 1 day.. count ’em 1 DAY to give me the scoop of what I *NEED*  n’k? n’k.

Ok, so here’s the scoop.. I have been reading the posts on SCS and I have to say that I love everything everyone is talking about.. just the recommendations, dream bellas etc.  I also saw a thread talking about having plus sizabellas, hotflashabellas etc.. LOLOL.  This is the story.. Being a little “plussy” (that’s PLUS size in a cute way) myself, I was getting irritated that all my artist was coming up with were skinny minis… so I  told her to draw ME.  Anyway, she cannot, for the life of her draw an overweightabella.. either she looks like a potato sack or pregnant… if you would see her, you would understand why.. the girl has no idea what being overweight means.. *giggles*.. She is a sticklet, picklet bella.  So.. it is in the works.. need to sit down and model for her..LOL and maybe we will have a cute frizzybellachubbabella… Oh but I am TALL which compensates for the plussiness..LOLOL..

So, it’s not that I am a barbie lover.. TRUST me, I SO am not.. but since I knew that was not my artist’s forte, I decided to settle for the skinny beauties but I couldn’t make them dumb.. at least make them GORGEOUS, SKINNY, and BRILLIANT.. shoot.. a really perfect woman.. maybe I should create one with a mole, no?



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