Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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OK so I think he is considered sporty no?

So sports enthusiasts have won here.. LOL  But there are more sports comin’ .. I just love SURFAFELLA.. he is so summery and cute and the WHISTLE?  OMG.. how cute.. he just anchors all the bellas.. kinda like what my hubba hubba does to me… keeps me from flying all over the place (at least he tries)


So let me know what you think!



for all the piggy wiggies out there

“RECREATIONAL” is NOT what you are thinking! LOL


or am I the only Piggy Wiggy?

wanna see a new fella?

hmmmmmmmm ok, let’s make a game out of it

wanna see






sistahs… you choose… NOW DON”T SAY ALL n’k?

write back and I will tally up the votes when I think it is OVAHHH!

MWAH to all (and perhaps my new fella *winks*)



ummm did anyone notice

that I have had a ‘search’ button built into my site?  Located at top right… I AM LOVING IT… wanna know how that got to be born?  Well, a very bella-ignorant hubby was shopping on line for his wife (how Fella-ish of him, no?).. I was so impressed.  In any event, he emailed me in utter frustration recommending I have a search button cuz he couldn’t find anything his wife wanted..LOL. He managed to buy her her prezzies and all ended well but I thought it was so cute.. so for all you hubbyfellas out there, you can now use the search button to find everything on your wives’ lists.. HOW NICE AM I?  LOL.  I am so happy that that frustrated husband emailed me or else I wouldn’t even have thought of it!  Well maybe eventually I would.  but you know what I mean.  I so happy with my search button.

You have to try it out! LOL.

I am SUCH a loser.

mwah again



you gonna be SOOO HAPPY

So sistahs,

I decided to reveal two new bellas, bubble bella and craveabella.. OY I AM IN LOVE!!! I think you will likey!!  I LOOOOVEYYYY.  I am going back to work but just wanted to touch base and let you know that some fellas will be making their appearance soon too!!! So keep on checkin please..

Let me know what you think



I posted some scalloped frames!

They are in the funky frames section!  I LOVE these circles cuz they are not so perfect..LOL.  That’s how I am… I don’t like things that are so matchy matchy and perfect (obvious, no?) The large one does fit in the mega punch and the three of them together are so cute for a background!

I hope you always enjoy my ‘imperfections’

Mwah on a bleary (now is THAT a word?) Sunday morning


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