bella baby has been born.. I know that bella has been preg for about 2 weeks ANDDDD she snapped back to her FAB-O figure.. Ya, that’s a bella for ya.. can you just KILL HER??? LOL Anyway, she has given birth to THE CUTEST BABIES out there (OF COURSE, look at fella and his bella??).. They are SMOOSHY and GOOSHY and FATTTSY and WATTSY.. I lovey them so much.. fun to colour fun to post.. Baby cards are DA BOMB.. and I was always out there looking for JUICY ones.. here they are! you can find them here –> baby. You can also look in the new card gallery to see samples!
and YES, there is a bella coming … LOL.. just wanted you to meet baby… YOU LOVEY MY NEW BABY?? Don’t you LOOOVE nicky’s card?
[photopress image=”nickypeacard.jpg”]
Mwah to da sistah who loves chalking blush on da baby
Love to da sistahs
and NOW it is time to talk bidniss. Sistahs.. oh sistahs.. I have a new collection coming out.. YOU WILL FAINT!! Coming out on friday.. at least a portion of it will… OMG.. I LOOOOVE IT.. and of course I will launch a bella too 🙂 I am still buried under orders from the free shipping bonanza so please forgive me… again you know I am ALWAYS here for you so if there is something rush, please email me and I will take care of it!
Have any of you seen our ‘home’ on Splitcoast?? we are having such a BLAST… please come and join and introduce yourselves.. it’s so important to me.. I mean we are a sistahood, no? so if you go to
and then under forums, you will see “member companies”.. I am a MEMBAH.. so you will see 7 wonderful companies there with their proper forums.. A GREAT place to be.. so will you come? please? pretty please with a “mwah” on top?
Love to da sistahs who will be “moving in” to my ‘other’ living room
Happy birthday Shmiz. I love you. And of course feeling SOOO guilty that I didn’t send you a card so here it is.
[photopress image=”bffcard.jpg”]
Let me tell you a little bit about my high-school-always-was-a-bad-influence-on-her-and-she-made-me-graduate-university-BFF-named-LIZ.
This will bore you but I am gonna talk about her anyway. Liz is the most wonderful, warm, amazing, SKINNY, BEAUTIFUL Bella. Not only is she BRILLIANT and GORGEOUS but a phenomenal wife and friend and mom. We have been BFFS since we were 12 and blabbed to each other in high school when the teacher would always get US into trouble when it was really ME who was the blabbermouth (shocking I know). Liz was the one who pulled all nighters with me and forced me to FOCUS and concentrate on my studies.. Liz was the one who Wrote, ahem, edited, my papers that I handed in to my professors in university. Liz and I got engaged within a week of eachother.. liz is DA BOMB but she lives too far away *sniff*.
Liz, you are the blond eating ice cream and I am the brunette (except you really look like bella and I, well, I have curly hair 🙂 ) ..
Happy birthday my friend
I love you and miss you
mwah! (she actually coined the term)
your sistah in every sense of the word
Ok, sistahs, I don’t know if you have seen this but I just had to share with the other mommies out there.. it is HILLLLLARIOUUUUSSSSS..
I have nothing else to post now *winks*.. But I just wanted to make your day. Turn your volume up n’k?
Mwah! To da sistahs who will sympathize
hellllo sistahs!
I was just nodding off at my computer.. LOL (I have NEVER said ‘nodding off’ before, have YOU?) when I decided that I must give you an update regarding my sistah sale last week… Nicky threatened to take a picture of me at my desk.. I warned her not to so that you wouldn’t be scared of what you saw!
This is the scoopage… I am backlogged.. VEWY backlogged. I am trying my hardest to process ordaHs but please bear with me… I blame the backlog NOT on the sale but on that one day I decided to spend with my family! LOL. just kidding. SOOO you know I am always here to answer questions.. and I am working this weekend to try to catch up and I have been working at least 12 hour days.. so PLEASE forgive me if you feel it is taking too long.. I am really trying my bestest! If any of my sistahs need their order in a true blue rush, please email me and I will try my best to ship ASAP
I have already seen a couple of new sistahs, have you? If so, quickly get a blanket, throw it over their heads and bring them over to our yahoo group n’k?
Splitcoast forums is gonna be DA BOMB’.. i mean, only if YOU make it da bomb.. we can totally blab, talk about new product, ourselves etc.. I would love to start a thread about all of us.. wouldn’t that be FAB-O? Our ages (i am 35 with a 6 year old mentality), our aspirations, marriage/no marriage, kidlets, etc… I am so excited! We can talk FREELY on this forum.. and there will be a link to albums etc… I trust you sistahs will make it a PHENOM place to be.. bellaholics has exceeded all of my expectations.. it is such a nice place to be.. everyone loves eachother (at least on DA board.. not sure what PM”ing is going on..LOL) very welcoming and just, well, nice. So let’s make this splitcoast ‘thang as great a place to be! Let’s get our symbolic ‘blankies’ and throw them over potential sistah’s heads and kidnap them into our forum.. sound like a plan?
my move. DON”T ASK. Ryan has been involved with the renovations of my new place.. OMG.. contractors don’t show up… things aren’t moved.. it is a disaster and I have to move in 1.5 weeks.. I am PETRIFIED and STRESSED out.. how am I going to survive?? Oh well, thank goodness I LOVE my job and ADORE my sistahs and there is always SOMETHING that is making me go on and making me love every single step of this journey.. even the contractors that don’t show up 🙂
Did I mention I have a new little teeny tiny line coming up? It may even be launched next week if I am lucky… TDF… I mean honestly, the images.. OMG.. I wish I could tell but I can’tttttt
Mwah to da sistahs who don’t have contractors
Ok I wanted to give out to everyone as each and every story was hilarious/ amazing. So I have decided to give to EVERYONE who participated in the contest.. I am in a CHEERY kinda mood and love my sistahs. Actually let’s give to EVERYONE who posted on this thread.
Please email me personally all of your email addresses ASAP… in the subject line, please put WINNER IN CONTEST.
sistahs’ you are all WINNAHS to me.
I shmuv shmoo (that’s what I say to my kids and my friend Liz in Montreal)