Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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once upon a time there was a

bella.  And her name was Em.  And she was COMPLETELY obssessed with ‘nifty’ (she never uses that word by the way) gadgets and tools.  Things that are ADORABLE but work amazingly too.  So she decided that she would gather allllll of her favorites (or at least work on it) and post on her blog.  So here is another one that bella had to introduce cuz she got them in her hands last night.  Ok, she bought one for herself a few months ago and HAD to find the source to share.  It’s a mini teeny tiny weeny winy scissor.. it looks like a tweezer, is sharp sharp sharp, is amazing quality and can be used to cut ribbon and even to burnish your double sided tape and lift off.. this helps it find the end that you keep on scratching with your fingertips to try to pick up?  even if you use peel off stickers, this works AMAZINGLY to lift it with one of the blades.

THIS TOOL IS AMMMMMAZING and deliciously cute!

bella wants to know…. DO YOU LIKEYYYYYYY???


em and her 15th personality


Pink and YUMMY

Not cotton candy but my tools..LOL!

Honestly, you know me.. ya I fall for every gadgety thing on this planet but really they have to be good.. oh ya and they have to be PINK.  OH YA and they have to look good in that famous tool bag that is permanently parked on the floor cuz I go NOWHERE.

 Ribbon Iron– DEEEELISH.  It gets just hot enough to really smooth out that ribbon.  Especially the ribbon you wrap around cards and then it gets that “CREASE” right where you don’t want it?  Oh ya and it is PERFECT for someone who will be buying silk ribbon.. know what I mean bean?  Another function is that you can smooth out the fold/crease in your cards.. just go over it once or twice with my hair straightener/ribbon iron and POOF, it is soooo smooooothhhhh.  And did I mention that it was small and pink? LOL

pom pom prongy thingy- inexpensive and cute.. you press the top and out comes from the bottom a type of prong claw thingy that holds the pom pom for when you chalk.. SOO CUTE

 Chalk eraser– ADORABLE!!! and REFILLABLE and really erases beautifully!  I saw demos being done where you erase the chalk in places and it gives a beautiful look!
Chalk eraser refills— DAHHHH! lol!!!!! — eraser that refills the chalk eraser

 stencil with pom poms– so cute!! (IF I SAY CUTE OR ADORABLE ONE MORE TIME, just SHOOT ME)…  you can chalk in the stencil as a card border with the chalk AND THE POMPOMS!!! so C & A see above..( I am not allowed to say the whole word)


dat’s it!




my sistahs notice when a precious bella is missing but they don’t notice when I POST THE-MOST-AWESOME-AND-CUTE-LOOK-AMAZING-IN-YOUR-BAG-WHICH-GOES-NOWHERE-TOOLS?


look in THE BEST TOOLS section.


still love you


Nicky’s creations… TAAADAAAAAA!

Ok take a lookey.  Can you tell that she loves my 3 line holiday stamp?  We are going to work on a tutorial showing you how versatile and easy my 3 liners are… to be continued..

Ok.. here are the cards.. all stamps can be found in my Christmas section

let US know what you thinky!  The stamps are so juicy to colour yet so easy to just accent too for a different elegant look!

[photopress image=”nicky__s_christmatini_card.jpg”][photopress image=”nicky__s_ornament_card.jpg”][photopress image=”nicky__s_gifty_tree_card.jpg”][photopress image=”nicky__s_snowy_house_card.jpg”][photopress image=”nicky__s_snowman_card.jpg”]


Em and Nick

you likey da wreathy?

Ok monstah sistahs…

[photopress image=”wreathabella_card2.jpg”]

here’s another one to compensate for the lack o’ ribbon..LOL!  I love her…   As you can tell I need a new blade in my trimmer.. actually a new cutting mat if I MUST be specific..LOL!  She was a lot of fun to color.. I finally cracked open my Quickutz Cookie Cutter Circles and did the main circle in white and the rim in the doodlebug sugar coated glittery turquoise paper.. YUM!!! (did you know that they are coming out with the SAME glitter that is on those pages??? DOUBLE YUM!).. I coloured in with my copics, used more glitter and then some more glitter, tied a bow in a reversible satin (turquoise/lime) ribbon.. and then layered 2 buttons on top of eacher.. they are sparkly too! (turquoise and lime).. P.S. I NEVER use buttons.. I have no ideaR what came over me…

Hope you lovey the bella too!!!




scoop about da RIBBON

Ok sistahs, this is the scoop.  I have in my little chubby hands the most PHENOM flimsy beautiful silk ribbon.. in 7 colours. NOW, the reason why it hasn’t been posted yet is…… drum roll please……. that it came directly from the dyers in a figure eight… think 150 yards of ribbon in a figure eight.. think of 150 NECKLACES tied in a figure eight.. Ya now YOU try to figure out how to detangle..LOL!  Ruby is working on it at home.. she is wrapping it around an empty water bottle.. I told her to take out a VODKA bottle, FULL.. maybe that will make it easier to unravel..LOLOL!

So that’s my story and I am STICKIN to it.. I do have some goodies to post today… hmmmmm should I????

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