I decided to treat my patient sistahs to llllloooootttssaaa eye candy. Decided to post lotsa stuff cuz you have been sooo kind and soooo patient and soooo nice to MOI. So here goes.
You got yer saycheesabella
you got yer partygirlabella with her FUNKORAMA sentiments that I am in love with
you got yer bellababybubblebath
you got yer bella baby twin bundle
you got yer bella baby pacifiah
and my fave saying for the day that goes with my dare to be different flower is “dare to be different” I love the font and the meaning.. I so identify with it!
Mwah to da sistahs who even DARRRE to be different!
Mwah mwah mwah!
I lovey you all
When Vanyabella sent me this, I just HAD to ask her permission to post. I LOOOVEY IT!
Way to go Sistah Vanya
hope this makes your Saturday!
mwah to da sistahs!
[photopress image=”GRUMPABELLACOSTUME.jpg”]
It is now 6:34pm. I am sitting in my office. I am looking at my 18 walls. I am looking at the boxes on my floor. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, I am looking at a LIVE computer screen THAT WORKS!!! SISTAHHHHHSSSSS MWAHHHHHHH, I LOOOVEEEY YOUUUUU AND MISSSSSY YOU…….. OH how I have wanted to say that for the past week.
Phew! I feel so much better now.
So a little bit about this past week. IT WAS HELL. I worked so hard as did Ryan and everyone around me. I have moved boxes, unpacked, put up racking etc.. but I am INNN. I thank you so much for everyone who wrote me and supported me through this. It’s a great thing, don’t get me wrong.. but really was not prepared for the intensity of the work involved.
So this is why I couldn’t BLOG. I am so embarassed to admit this but hey.. there is never a “filter” here so why should I start now? LOL. First of all, I got a new laptop that for some reason, blew my router and didn’t have internet at home for eons. THEN I had to order another one and it blew again. Then I wanted to blog so badly BUT… I didn’t have my password to get in! ( how embarassing).. I only had it as a bookmark on THIS computer in my office and I didn’t HAVE internet at my office.. BLECH. The internet providers promised to come on Tuesday and never showed up.. I got my computer guys to do some handiwork and get things going. SOOOO here I am… BACK IN CYBERFLESH. and LOOOOVING IT.
Ok, I am too excited to type. Gotta go tap dance on my new hardwood (fake) floor.
Mwah to da patient sistahs who I missed so
I am moving tomorrow and haven’t packed a thing.
but still MWAH.
“slack”.. or is it “FLACK”.. UCHHH let’s just call it SLACK/FLACK, for not being ‘around’ and writing to you… I have heard that people enjoy reading my blog on their coffee breaks.. so here goes.. a synopsis of my life at this particluar point in time
No just kiddinK.. much more has been happening .. like ……work! DId I mention I have been wooorrrkkiinnggg? hmph.
It’s been a CAR-AZZY week.. THe Creativ (not spelled wrong) Festival is on in Toronto this weekend.. I will never forget when I was at Cherished Scrapbook’s booth doing demos a year and a half ago and they launched my stamps to the public.. well I sat there and demo’d prismacolor and odorless mineral spirits and lots and lots of GLITTAH.. I had GLITTAH fights going on at my table.. I used to come home and I would tell Ryan about my exciting day and I would SPIT glittah as I spoke excitedly.. am I not SOOOO lady like? uh-huh.. I am. I also mentioned in my SCS forum about how even if I SAT on the cupcake that cuppacakeabella is sitting on, I would STILL eat it.. now how is DAT for being a lady… (NICKY would just shake her head reading this… telling me to just TRY to filter my thoughts.) I can’t Nick, cuz I AM ON A ROLL. I am overtired, and just feel like blabbling and venting.. S’aright with you?
So in terms of the free shipping HUMP.. I believe that is over and am now tackling the 10th of October .. I figured out that no matter how long I work, my pile doesn’t seem to be slimming down (hmmm sounds familiar in another topic.. but don’t even get me started on SLIMMING DOWN.. hmph). A cute little story happened this morning (yet another tangent I know)…. I went to my gas station at the corner where I buy my extra jumbo hazelnut coffee every morning.. the owner knows me and actually would pour my cream in my coffee (I know I Should have non fat but…) ANYWAY… so he says to me .. “what do you eat everyday”? and of course any “juicy” bella would be mortified and think right away “OMG HE THINKSSSS I AM FATTTT”.. so I pretended not to hear him.. (LOL) and he says to me again ” what do you eat everyday”.. so of course I LIE and say ” a salad”.. (lol again..I am so glad I can make myself LAFF.. otherwise I swear I would cry)… so I say “WHY do you ask?”-petrified of the answer- and he says “because I want to know what makes you so beautiful every day”.. OMG I quickly almost leaped over the counter to give him the BIGGEST hug but controlled myself and simply asked him if I could fold him up very nicely and SHOVE him in my pocket so that every time I needed a boost, I could take him out and press a button (LOL)… HOW NICE WAS THAT? I tell ya, he totally made my morning.
Then, reality set in.
I got to my office and looked around me and almost threw up. The sick thing is that I am moving on SATURDAY. YES SATURDAY as in 2 days from now???? and it looks as if I am moving in my office cuz it is a DISASTER but I haven’t packed a thing!! I am trying to fill orders to the last second before pulling the plug on Friday night… after friday it may not be until Tuesday til I can ship again.. OMG.. I am FREAKING OUT. I Don’t want anyone to be unhappy 🙁 but this is for the best to run a more efficient place where I can have people actually take classes, buy, shmooze, hang out.. so I gotta close my eyes, grin, and bear it. I promise to those who I haven’t shipped to, I will try my best to compensate any which way I can.. I promise. Bella’s honor.
So the floors are going in tomorrow.. it is almost completely painted, I need some furniture but I am telling ya sistahs, this is going to be worth a trip to T.O. I bought a coffeemaker and a kettle.. have some ink pads, blocks,stamps,baubles and paypah and we are READY TO BOOOOOOOGIE. SO that is my light at the end of the tunnel. Please bear with me.. I beg you.! I have had my 3 elves with me all the time working.. I have become somewhat of a slavedriver 🙁 sorry Dena, Hannah and NIcky…
That’s my update right now.
I hear a little snoring boy in the room next to me.. I swear that TOO keeps me going.
Mwah to da patient sistahs who DON”T/DO have to listen to little snoring boys
Oh and please visit NIcky and Cherished Scrapbooks booth at the Creativ Festival.. code word to identify yourselves should be “sistah?”.. she’ll know EGGGsactly who you are 🙂 I will try to be there at some point on Sunday if I don’t die in the moving process 🙂
cuz cuppacakeabella is UP.. I AM IN LOOOOVE WITH HER! whaddya thinky? If I sat on a cupcake.. well.. I don’t think I would want to discuss it at this particular point in time..
[photopress image=”enjoylife_001.jpg”]
Mwah to da sistahs who along-with-me, would smooooosh the cupcake and Mwah also to those who wouldn’t *winks*