Ok I wanted to give out to everyone as each and every story was hilarious/ amazing. So I have decided to give to EVERYONE who participated in the contest.. I am in a CHEERY kinda mood and love my sistahs. Actually let’s give to EVERYONE who posted on this thread.
Please email me personally all of your email addresses ASAP… in the subject line, please put WINNER IN CONTEST.
sistahs’ you are all WINNAHS to me.
I shmuv shmoo (that’s what I say to my kids and my friend Liz in Montreal)
we had our friends in from Montreal all weekend. They brought their 2 little ones and we had a PHENOM time… so they left yesterday.. and RUBY (you know my right hand woman/hero?) Ya, well she promised to take Tyler and Jayden on a subway ride. Let me tell you HOW EXCITED my children were so when Ruby called on Sunday night I had a feeling…. Yes it was true, her poor DD Robyn was sick so she wouldn’t be able to make it..
Ryan and i talked about it and YES, we decided to do it. To have an adventure. So we took the kidlets on a subway.. went to a mall downtown to eat lunch, then we went outside and listened to music being played outside by spanish musicians (tyler gave them money and Jayden put on a little show herself dancing).. another couple was dancing in the middle of this huge area; ballroom dancing. Ryan said to me “what would possess people to just get up and dance in the middle of a crowd”… you know what? A while ago, I would have agreed with him.. how embarassing! but now? you know what? I found it beautiful! This couple did not CARE what other people thought.. they felt so liberated and moved by the music that they let go of their inhibitions and just danced and danced.. it was SO BEAUTIFUL to watch.. and I have PLENTY of inhibitions and I am trying to push my children to not be caught up by that, to let go, to dance when they want to dance and sing when they want to sing… it was really beautiful..
So THEN, we saw a double decker bus tour.. LOL and we took the kids on that, touring the city (LOL.. the tourguide asked where we were from and we told him NORTH OF THE CITY).. he was killing himself laughing.. and then we went on a boat ride on harbour front.. it was really nice… I knew I had to take yesterday to soak up the kids and the hub cuz the next few weeks I will be MIA due to work..
We then ended the evening with a cable car ride and the subway again.. Ryan and I have never been on the cable car before.. so it was sooo much fun.
So Sistahs, the moral of this story is to DANCE when you want to DANCE and SING when you want to SINGGG.. life is too short to have inhibitions.. we should let loose and just enjoy life. That’s my new motto. I mean it.
Mwah to da Singing and Dancing Sistahs..
actually just wanted it to rhyme .. it means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (my title, that is).. Well, I must tell you that this sale of mine.. just a little RAK I wanted to give everyone has had an absolutely overwhelming response.. I mean totally international (as far as MALAYSIA and SOUTH AFRICA!!).. needless to say, without getting into much detail, I expect all of you who ordered to MARCH YOURSELVES into my office and PICK your own orders.. s’aright? I will supply the coffee and the pizza.. extra cheese. Thanks.
Please be patient with me.. I mean RE-HEALLY patient.. It is a long weekend here in Canada and I was in work all day today trying to get organized for Tuesday (tomorrow we promised our kids that we would take them on a choo choo train.. aka SUBWAY for a nice long ride.. aren’t we EXCITING?)… So that’s the scoop. Thank you again for all of your support.. Thank you to da NEW sistahs who have resisted and decided to give Stamping Bella a chance.. I really appreciate it!
Mwah to DA sistahs who I LOVEY soooo much
So, I was out of town all day with the fam and I had time to think.. I says to myself.. what would make my sistahs the MOST happy? And I decided to extend the FREE SHIPPING for one more day… why not make World Card Making day a complete EVENT of the CENTURY (LOL)…. SO that’s right sistahs… one more day of free shipping… (crazy, aren’t I?)
NEW CODE for OCT 7th 0c10d0 (case sensitive and all ZEROS.. not the letter ‘o’)
Love to my free shipping sistahs
***me hopes that we get more “sistahs” out of this sale.. potential sistahs that wanted to buy some bellas but didn’t? I hope you are forewarned that we sistahs will snag you, adopt you, love you, and most importantly, be your friend forevah!****
Here is my card with the new perk me up daisy outline
[photopress image=”perkmeupoutlineddaisy.jpg”]
This is what I was talking in the previous post about the BLENDAGE… is it not superb? LOL.. Am loving my prismas again.. I am SOOOO FICKLE. But definitely love to shake things up as you must know by now. I am always saying “fantabulous” so I decided to make this stamp too.. nice and clean… Since I couldn’t find my larger scallop circle to layer (if you only saw my home office..oy yoy yoy), I decided to BLEND my prismas around the scallop to create a “faux” layer.. (do I not sound parisian?).
Here is my perk me up SOLID daisy stamp.. so beautiful when you colour direct with tombows (what i did in this card) or, ink in a shadow ink, or watercolor crayons direct on the RUBBAH).. YUM.. and of course, mustn’t forget the baubleypoos.
[photopress image=”perkmeupsolid.jpg”]
You likey?
They can also be used as two steppers which I will try my best to show a sample…
Lemme know what you tinky
Mwah to the tinky sistahs
had the sniffles yesterday so I decided to make a card.. i have been DYING to use this apple. I know an apple isn’t so exciting, honestly, but THIS ONE? the coloring possibilities? This apple alone is a therapy session worth $300/hour..LOLOL I LOOOOOVEY it!! The card is a little bIzZy but it just makes me so happy! I used my brand spankin new polky apple.. did I mention I love it? and the most AMAZING, most VERSATILE , most PHENOMENAL, not so bored border (notice the polky dots in the border match the apple.. huh? whaddya think of DAT one?).. I may sound so vain that I looove my stuff but honestly sistahs.. I sooo love these images.. honest. i swear. i really mean it… I was up til 2:00 AM playing and working last night.. I will post another card in a coupla hours with yet another new and SPECFABULOSO stamp.. Oh, I mustn’t forget my HOT LIPS baubles to add a splash of colour on the card.. the other exciting thing about this card is that I have been DETERMINED to use my prismacolours STRAIGHT.. not on the rocks with a little gamsol and after HARD practicing.. I think I have succeeded in the blending thang.. LOVING IT!!! My next card will show you the true BLENDAGE (is that a word?).
I have also created some sentiments with the help of my Nicky and my Donna M. apple of my eye, and an apple a day..
Please humor me and tell me you LOOOOVEY this apple? please?
Hmph. I am in love.
with a polkadotted apple.
[photopress image=”polkyapplecard.jpg”]