So I went on an adventure.. an adventure to meet new people, new artists, ya know, to shake things up a bit (of course, WHY should things be STABLE and STATUS QUO in my life???).. In any event, on this journey I met a lot of sistahs… wonderful women who decided to take a risk and participate in my contest.. I appreciate all your effort. Sharon Gregory from has won my contest as I mentioned in a previous entry and her images have come to life in RUBBAH! Upon getting to know Sharon, I learned about a tragic event that occurred in her life.. a very sad time and I asked her if I could share with all of you. She wanted to have her story “outted” for lack of a better word and here it is written by Sharon
“I dedicate these designs to my son Daniel.
Daniel was diagnosed with a rare cancer(ewings sarcoma) in July 2006 when he was just 14 years old.During treatment the cancer managed to spread around Daniels body,and eventually to his brain. Sadly on 16th February 2007 Daniel lost his brave battle and peacefully slipped away,aged just 15 years xxx
Daniel loved to draw,loved to doodle….so its quite fitting that these designs be dedicated to his memory.
I hope you all enjoy using the ‘Doodle For Daniel’ Collection.”
Shaz x
So that is shazzy’s story (I AM ALLOWED TO CALL HER DAT N’K?? — SHE “LETTED” me)
Isn’t it amazing how everyone has a story, how there IS such a thing as FATE and REASON for meeting? I totally feel a connection and am THRILLED to have “met” Sharon.
A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the cancer foundation of Sharon’s choice
Mwah to da sistahs ACROSS DA POND and everywhere else!
MWAH to Daniel, the inspiration behind these designs.
I have just posted a couple.. should be all up in the next half hour or so
you can find them here –>
So I went on an adventure.. an adventure to meet new people, new artists, ya know, to shake things up a bit (of course, WHY should things be STABLE and STATUS QUO in my life???).. In any event, on this journey I met a lot of sistahs… wonderful women who decided to take a risk and participate in my contest.. I appreciate all your effort. Sharon Gregory from has won my contest as I mentioned in a previous entry and her images have come to life in RUBBAH! Upon getting to know Sharon, I learned about a tragic event that occurred in her life.. a very sad time and I asked her if I could share with all of you. She wanted to have her story “outted” for lack of a better word and here it is written by Sharon
“I dedicate these designs to my son Daniel.
Daniel was diagnosed with a rare cancer(ewings sarcoma) in July 2006 when he was just 14 years old.During treatment the cancer managed to spread around Daniels body,and eventually to his brain. Sadly on 16th February 2007 Daniel lost his brave battle and peacefully slipped away,aged just 15 years xxx
Daniel loved to draw,loved to doodle….so its quite fitting that these designs be dedicated to his memory.
I hope you all enjoy using the ‘Doodle For Daniel’ Collection.”
Shaz x
So that is shazzy’s story (I AM ALLOWED TO CALL HER DAT N’K?? — SHE “LETTED” me)
Isn’t it amazing how everyone has a story, how there IS such a thing as FATE and REASON for meeting? I totally feel a connection and am THRILLED to have “met” Sharon.
A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the cancer foundation of Sharon’s choice
Mwah to da sistahs ACROSS DA POND and everywhere else!
MWAH to Daniel, the inspiration behind these designs.
I have just posted a couple.. should be all up in the next half hour or so
you can find them here –>
Hi Ho the derri-OOOOOOOO, A Cherished we will GOOOOOOOOOOO.. You’re probably asking yourselves if I have FINALLY “LOST IT”.. well I havent’! I am SOOO excited.. I was invited to spend the day with “friends” and “family” cuz that is what I consiDAH my SISTAHs.. at Cherished Scrapbooks ( at their open house in Mississauga Ontario on Saturday Dec. 1st.. In case you have all FORGOTTEN, Cherished Scrapbooks (Lisa, Dianne, and NICKY and EVERYONE) have been the key people I am forever thankful to. They are the ones who launched my line in their store, spoke to everyone who would listen, introduced me to lots of people and watched me take up space at their cropping table cutting my RUBBAH. To my Cherished Sistahs, I am FOREVER GRATEFUL.
So I am gonna Mosey on in and just take up MORE space and blab and chat while Nickabella does all the work..LOL JUST KIDDINK.. I will help *winks*.
So if any of you wanna visittttttt.. that’s a great place to be
Mwah to da sistahs who feel “CHERISHED”
Won’t you come too?
click on the linky above to get the deets (love that word)
Ok, back to the stamping theme.. lol (NOT for this paragraph)…. ARGHHH clothes. Why is it that when you go up a size in shoes you don’t care? EVEN 2 sizes.. How about a bra.. you can go up a size and, I mean, it isn’t DETRIMENTAL.. you don’t freak out and cry? WHY is it that wallets ALWAYS fit and PURSES ALWAYS fit.. you don’t care if they are “too small” or “too large”? These are intriguing, earth-shattering questions, no? So this is what I did. I went to Old Navy and found the most LUSCIOUS, SOFT, cashmere sweater EVAH… long and hooded and cute.. So I bought all 4 colours. So I look the same every day but a different colour..LOL. So the eyeshadow may change a little (as if I have time to put eyeshadow on)… Why do I do that? Nicky does that too! We see something that fits properly.. we try it on and buy 100 million of the same thing.. hmm… So I put on the most luxurious Charcoal Grey colour of my sweater collection and it ripped.. I have not been the same since.. must goooo return it.. but you know what the good news is? I have THE SAME SWEATER IN A LIGHTER GREY! (ROFLMAO).. I am one sick stampin’ chick.. (oh that would be so cute to name someone’s blog!!)
So that is my deep thought for the day.
Now, let’s talk DOODLES. I think I am gonna have a little teeny tiny winy weeny woony moony toony loony reveal on Friday.. whaddya think? There is a story with this collection. The name of the collection will be called “Doodles for Daniel”.. it is going to be Phenom…..! I plomise (as my daughter would say)
So off I go.. back to work in my PINK version of DA sweatah dat fits.
Mwah to da sistahs whose bags and shoes fit without a hitch
I can’t hear you…………………………
what did you say?
Did you say I should wait a little?
mwah to da sistahs!!
Ok, there will be 2 winners in this contest.. the rest were all phenom but just couldn’t choose but trust me, this will happen again REAL soon!!
Stephanie Mayne, will you please step up to the podium and claim your prize? $50 gift certificate to stamping bella and some images to be made into stamps!! start pickin a name baby!
If you would like to see Stephanie’s blog.. she has WONDERFUL creations and great moooosic. So enjoy!
Mwah to da talented sistahs who make my head spin…..