Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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FREE SHIPPING! dec 8th and 9th

to honour of Stamping Bella’s ONE YEAR anniversary!  Enjoy shopping! thank you for your support!
Free shipping applies to orders over $25 and the code is ae64e4 (case sensitive)




do ya think she can find a good bargain or sale?  I don’t think she cares about prices really.. do you?

[photopress image=”sassyshoppabella.jpg”] Is NIcky’s card not AMAZING?

guess who is listening to Bon Jovi??

Yes, it is IPODABELLA… is she not amazing?  you asked for her.. now you GOTTED HER.  oh and PLEASE don’t forget the sentiment to go with her “FEELING GROOVY”..LOL!  cuz that’s just how I feel right about now 🙂


NEW SHIPPING CODE: orders over $25 type in ae64e4 (case sensitive)





She’ssss up and she comes with “OUR WORDS” to go with her!! You can place the words on her hand .. like she is blowing  a kiss!!!  Check out Nicky’s card..   Nicky grabbed her before i could even see her take her! You can make your own background paper with her.. you can mix her also with Billboardabella’s words as Nicky did…. OMG OMG OMG. This party is gonna be sooo much fun!!!

Hmph.  I am in love with a bella.  Who blows kisses.

[photopress image=”mwahabella_001.jpg”]


Mwah to all da sistahs with 7 layer dips.


ever feel like this?

LOL.. I feel like her all the time AND I want her title

[photopress image=”bellabustah_003_1.jpg”]


I used Goldfish baubles

copic markers

Stardust glitter pen (which looks a little TOO OBVIOUS in the picture but much more discreet IRL- in real life-just learned that one)

bellabustah (of course)

and my Roseanne sentiment which I LOOOOVE.


You likey?  I lovey! and I feely likey her-y




P.S. you ready for the PARTY tonight? LOL.. I AM SOOOOO READY.


anniversary/birthday tooooo meeeeee… happy anniversary/birthday TOOO MEEEEEEEEEE, happy  ANNIVERSARY/BIRTHDAY TOOOOOO MMMMEEEEEEeeeeeee…. Happy ANNIVERSARY/BIRTHDAY toooooo meeeee…  actually to US.  IT has been 1 full year since da SISTAHOOD was formed.. can you believe we have been BFFFF’s for that long?  feels like YESTERDAY when I was being screamed at re. shipping.  hmph.  SEE WHAT I REMEMBER?  I am such a half/empty type of gal.

Seriously sistahs, it has been the BEST year of my life.  THE BEST.  I cannot BELIEVE how much I have learned and grown (we won’t discuss which “grown” I am talking about.. hmph).. between learning how to conduct a business, learning to balance family/friends and business (still working on that one..LOL), moving twice.. OMG.. so much has happened.  ME SOOOOO HAPPY.   We have SUCH projects in line for da sistahs for the next year to come.. you have no idea.  NO IDEA.. already working on it. Nope, not giving hints.. NOPE, you can’t twist my arm.. the only thing I can promise is that you will be HAPPY.. my love of “PRODUCT” / QUALITY/ INNOVATION and of course FUNKYNESS will be provided to you.. the ideas are BRIMMING.  

 I wanted to thank all of you for sticking by me, for supporting me AND for being my friend.  MY TRUE BLUE friends.. you have no idea what it means to me.   As I mentioned a million times, you don’t have to OWN a BELLA to be a BELLA.. and all of you are bellas and sistahs and OMG I am speechless and look like  a bumbling (is that a word?) fool.  I hope you have enjoyed the journey and will “ride on ” with me..

Ok so the SCOOPAGE.   Tomorrow is DA BELLA BALL on splitcoast in my members forum –> (since after ONE YEAR I cannot provide a proper LINK.. double hmph).  Basically it is semi formal..potluck.. bring yourselves and your senses of humors please.. DO NOT Leave them at home.  or at the office.. or wherever you are coming from.  Make sure kiddies are in bed so you can FOCUS (that has been my main word at home with Tyler… FOCUS  TYLER).. we are sure to have a BALL.. LOL… Who’s gonna be “DA BELLA-DA-BALL???”  we shall see.  Lots of activities provided by all da sistahs.. Katie Skiff and Laura Evans will be the hostesses along with Shannon Teubner, Lori Brown (AKA pinky dinky doo), Amy Rysavy, Gina K.. did I forget anyone? OMG.. there are tons more of da sistahs hosting.. if I didn’t mention you PLEASE forgive me.. I am too excited to even THINK! 

Here’s the snag.. or maybe it’s a good thing..LOL… My DH Ryan has purchased Bon Jovi tickets for us tomorrow night so I will be out from about 6-11:00 EST.. LOL.. can you believe that?  But I trust da sistahs taking care of it and I will have my blackberry with me so I will know your every move.  SO BEHAVE.. ya hear me?  NO WILD PARTIES TIL I GET HOME.  I will reveal a bella before I leave so that I can “whet” your appetites.. she is scrumptious and sexy and actually has a new look for this collection… YUM!  There will be challenges on the hour and LOTSA prizes.  Nothing will be sold out so don’t panic and take your time… you will get everything you want! (that is, ahem, if you want it!).  There is also another bonus but can’t tell you that til manana….

So tootsie roll sistahs… enjoy the day, rest tonight, prepare the ballgowns and


 Mwah to da sistahs who supported and *LOVED* me for the past year

may we continue to grow together

mwah mwah mwah

love you


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