Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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So I was speaking to my new BFF Chris at Peerless and she gave me a PHENOMALICIOUS ideaR.. What if I were to use a brush (you listening?) ok.. and then pick up some of the CULLAH (colour) from the corner of your peerless sheet and then STIRRRRR it into the bella liquid glittah… I proceeded to SHRIEK and tell her that she is *curse word*  PHENOMENALLYYYY BRILLIANTTTTTT… so this is a picture.. I didn’t sleep all night last night.. first I was thinking that I had nothing to wear in ONE DAY AT CHA IN CASE YOU CARE (lol).. and second of all I could NOT WAIT to mix the glittah.. and here is what I got!

[photopress image=”dyedliquidglitter.jpg”]

See the original one on the right and the PINK ONE ON THE LEFT???????????????????

here’s a close up of the light pink liquid glittah colored loopy flower… aside from coloring OUTSIDE THE LINES (lol.. I was in a rush, ok?).. is it not BEEEEEE-UUUUU-TEEEE-FULLLL?

[photopress image=”pinkglitterimage.jpg”]

Ok.. CHA tomorrow.. Will wear PAJAMAS

IS ANYONE GONNA MISS ME?  KNOCK KNOCK.. ANYONE THERE?  I need some love and I need to KNOW someone’s out there….

Mwah to da sistahs who will COMMENT


Once upon a time in 1885

a little company was created called Peerless Transparent Watercolors. 119 years later, DA BELLA fell in love with their product 🙂

[photopress image=”peerlesscollectionpicture.jpg”]

here is a little bit of the history taken from their website

Peerless Transparent Watercolors were developed in 1885 by Charles F. Nicholson. After many years of “revolutionary” chemical research, he developed the self blending line of Peerless Transparent Watercolors in sheet form. His unwavering ideal was to create an original form of presentation for watercolors.
After many years of perserverance, he successfully developed Color Film, or paper leaflet paint as many used to call them. Watercolors had never been offered in dry form and the novelty of the idea seemed to shock the artistic sense of the professional colorist. Even after 122 years, the self blending Peerless Transparent Watercolors still shock the amateur as well as the professional colorist!

Charles F. Nicholson was certainly a genius.
The formula he created for his special watercolors in 1885 has never changed. After 122 years, the same process is used in the creation of the colors. Being only the 4th person to obtain the Nicholson formulas, my goal is to continue manufacturing the colors as if Charles F. Nicholson were supervising production. I will continue to produce Peerless Watercolors with the same affection and care that helped develop it many, many years ago!

Ok, pardon the font change.. Now back to the BELLA story..LOL.  So about 4 years ago I met Chris (demonstrator of Peerless) at a stamping convention.  What she demo’d  with these paints and how she demo’d these pants was a MAGICAL experience.. I fell in love with HER and her demonstration skills.  So of course, I bought the whole set… (would you expect any less?).  The Peerless paints are amazing concentrated papers impregnated with pure watercolor paint… you lift a little with a paintbrush and paint away.. phenom!  It is also so easy to travel with them.. you know me by now.. if you can travel with something (I go nowhere by the way) and if it looks good in a tote (I still don’t go anywhere) then you are set!  My set has lasted me approximately 4-5 years and still see no end to their life (lol)

[photopress image=”peerlessemilybook_1.jpg”]

*ahem* pardon what they look like.. I am a little messy ya know!  I took the bonus pack (40 colours) and stapled them to a little book from the dollar store and VOILA! my pallette… LOOOOOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT..

[photopress image=”peerless1.jpg”]

[photopress image=”peerless2.jpg”]

[photopress image=”peerless3.jpg”]

Here are some samples made with the paints and my loopy flower  🙂

[photopress image=”peerlesssamplecards.jpg”]

[photopress image=”peerlesspencardglitter.jpg”]

I completed my image above (not sure if you can see the deets) but I put Bella Liquid Glitter for watercolours on top… YUMMY SHINE!

So back to my story about Chris.. remember her?  she demo’d for PEERLESS at the Convention I went to??? Well.. Wait till you hear THIS… so after 5 years of owning the Peerless and being MESMERIZED by these magical paints, I called and ordered from a lovely lady named CHRIS…. she told me that she loved the company so much, she BOUGHT IT!! I mean, after I heard that, I just had to become her bestest and favoritest customer..LOL (probably NOT her bestest and favoritest but I may make her smile from time to time)… If you know me, you know that I love to support small companies.. especially women-owned companies.. it makes me HAPPY.. So after blahblaing a little while, she told me about her limited edition PEERLESS sets where after she purchased the company, she found these sheets of colours that there was no recipe for 🙁 from the early 1900’s which she put together in sets that are not included in the complete edition or bonus pack.. and a PINK SET? I mean could things get ANY BETTER?  Ummmm YA.. my CHRISABELLA decided to put together a BELLA BLEND limited edition set (which I am waiting anxiously for) just for me.. COULD YOU BELIEVE?  is she not AMAZZZZING?  AM I NOT ANNNNNOYING??? lol but really.. that makes me very SHMAPPY.

Now Chrisabella, the proud owner of Peerless is like the “mad scientist”… when I asked her today what she was doing, she said that today was a DARK YELLOW type of day… know what that means?  That means that she had her pots brewing with paint, her hands rubbergloved to the elbows making the magical peerless potion :).. how cool is that?  Tomorrow, she advised, will be a sky blue type of day … I was hoping for pink but that may be friday *winks*

Anyway, if you are not familiar with this magical product which gets the BELLA STAMP OF APPROVAL a million times ovah, please try it out.. you will never regret it.. I PLOMISE (how my little Jayden says promise)…

2 days til CHA..


mwah to da sistahs who can sleep IN.


coredinations black magic and vintage are in!

you can find them here!  they are here in LIMITED QUANTITIES so enjoy sistahs!   I am also hoping you took a peeky in the Bellas’ favorite storage section!

we received more copic cases and I introduced a tool box which is TO DIE FOR… you can fit sooo much in there and it is a hard shell case for a cutter etc… YUMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOO

[photopress image=”toolpack.jpg”]

[photopress image=”toolpack1.jpg”]

[photopress image=”toolpack2.jpg”]

you can find them here

I was actually at a convention 3-4 years ago and saw this in a store and HAAADDD to HAVVE IT and have never looked back.  This company’s quality cannot be beat.. PHENOM.. it gets da Bella’s STAMP OF APPROVAL

CHA in 3 days.. WHAT AM I GONNA WEAR????

mwah to da sistahs who have clothes they like


and the winner is….

I wanted to thank EVERYONE for their recommendations.. It is SOOO appreciated!  I started reading everything to Tyler and asked him what he would like.. he nixed almost everything (LOL).. howevah.. he liked the idea of little english muffin pizzas 🙂 so GABRIELA DUCLOS??? YOU DA WINNAH!

email me at




Picking your own FROOTSSSS

Ok, so here’s a funny little story.  Oh first of all I should probably say that I will announce the WINNAH of the recipes and advice given tomorrow.  The lucky winnAH will receive a $20 gift voucher!  So stay tuned!

Ok, so back to da FROOT picking.  We have done this in the past and I always ask the same question.  WHY DO WE DO IT… then I forget and the whole cycle starts all over again…

Ryan “wanna go strawberry picking?”

Emily “why?”

Ryan “because it is fun.. and a way to kill 2 hours”

Emily “fine.  K. we’ll go.”

And then I realize that it is SMOLDERING hot outside and I am MISERABLE.

So we go in the car and off we go to the farm to pick strawberries and sweet peas.. then after that activity we go for ice cream and buy fresh fruits and vegetables.. OK.. let me get to the crux of the event

We park the car.. proceed to BUY 2 big white buckets to collect the strawberries in… we walk approximately 2 km (=90 miles in my head) to the strawberry vines (are they called vines)?  my Tyler and Jayden are slipping in mushy strawberries as are Ryan and I… we follow these people wearing strawberry shirts who advise us which “lane” to go pick from.  So off we go… stooping and pulling and sliding and picking these strawberries.. my children have RED mushy faces from eating.. I am sweating but starting to LOVE the challenge of finding the biggest strawberry.  Ryan and I proceed to enter a SILENT strawberry picking contest… where we proceed to pluck strawberries and raise them to the sky to show EVERYONE WHO THE CHAMPION STRAWBERRY PICKER IS… our children at this point are a little bit unsupervised.. ahem… and are filling the buckets with what they DEEM good strawberries but we don’t notice cuz Ryan and I are bizzy becoming champions.  Once we fill the buckets to the point where it is difficult/impossible to carry them to the BOOF where we pay for them… $20 later.. we are pooped, and I start my questions again as to WHY WE PICK OUR OWN FRUITS when it costs $0.99 to BUY it in an air conditioned market…

Ryan says it is the EXPERIENCEEEEE

P.S. the strawberries were mushy and soft by the time we got home so they were thrown out.. but it was the EXPERIENCE..


mwah to da sistahs who enjoy picking their own  FROOTS



’tis FUH-riday!  I miss da sistahs.. I have been SOOOO buried under piles of paypah but I have emerged for a second to say Hello!  soooo.. HELLO!  what’s everybody up to?  I think it is a loooong weekend there?  I hope you are up to lots of good times, barbecues, food, fireworks, rest relaxation 🙂 .. if that is happening in your neck of the woods, can I come ? 🙂

My kidlets started camp this week.. Tyler (6) is a veteran.. it is his 2nd year in a row hopping on a bus and going to a beautiful day camp… I grudgingly make his lunch (I don’t LOVE making lunches.. have I mentioned that evah?  I am running out of ideaRs)… Little daughter Jayden (3) started camp as well (in the mornings) and is loving it but when I see her little body walking with her GINORMOUS backpack I get these little aches and pains and pangs… I am not into making her lunch

Sooo my long weekend question to you issssssssss: what can I possibly give my kidlets for camp lunches.. fast, easy, and you guarantee me that they eat it.  I mean REALLY GUARANTEE anddddd that I will like to prepare it at 7:00am.. LOL

Big challenge and BLOG CANDY involved sistahs

Mwah to da sistahs who will give FOOD advice


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