Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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I have been so neglectful I AM SO SORRY sistahs!!

It has been crazy busy around here and haven’t had a chance to do much but work 🙁 but here I AMMMM!! with a VERY FuUnny BELLA-esque story.. SO I thought I would share 🙂

Yesterday, Nicky, Dena and I went on an adventure.. an adventure to one of our distributors to meet other retailers and basically product knowledge.  Now that I am more involved in scrapbooking, I am really trying to learn more about it.. to read more, study, play, dabble, find out more about myself in terms of journalling etc.. a little bit of an self-expressive journey “so to speak”..

Anyway we walk into the warehouse to the usual greeting “BELLLLLA” and I grab a cart (of course, I need to shop).  Now the cart is one of these industrial two tiered carts with a long handle which basically steers the cart.. it steers the two front wheels basically… so nicky and dena look at me and whisper under their breaths to not use that cart as the wheels look “wobbly”.  UMMM do you think I listened to them?  Nope.. I am my old bella stubborn self (need to explore this “quality” in my journey of self expression..LOL).. so I proceed to steer the cart FULL of goodies and sure enough, we hear a CRASH.. and a BANG and I am standing there with a cart HANDLE.  NO CART.  CART COLLAPSED.  I WAS SOOOOOO embarassed and I think Dena and Nicky wanted to hide and admit that they had no CLUE who i was.  HMPH… everyone took a peeky at DA BELLA with a HANDLE in her HAND.. but they quickly forgot as I joked around and tried my best to ahem “change the subject”.. Same thing happened at CHA that I really didn’t want to talk about but I think I HAVE to now.. so I can get all my baggage off my chest (LOL) and start new…

When Nicky and I were at CHA we bought this BEEEYOOOOOTIFUL ribbon (will be posting shortly).. we were having a blast (as usual) picking colors and textures.. OMG.. YUMMMALISH.. so ANYWAY.. I end up leaning on one of the plastic displays joking around with one of the employees at the booth and what do you think happened?  BASICALLY a WHOLE WALL of ribbon came CRASHING to the floor.. the plastic trays broke, the spools were in the middle of the rows .. I was ducking so that no one would spot DA ACCIDENT PRONED BELLA.. the owner of the company just stared at me (thank goodness I placed a big ordah :)) and claimed that the booth cost him $35k (which I believe..LOL) so I remembered seeing a plastic display booth and quickly whipped out my map to tell them which booth would lend them what..LOL.. all in all, we became close friends and they WON the cha AWARD of the show!! so there you go.. maybe it was a GOOD thing that I destroyed their booth… LOL

SO that’s my story sistah.. Lots of stuff going on.. posted some new goodies in the what’s new section and the ribbon is going up tooooooo and maybe a coupla images cuz I missed you so 🙂  Oh and we are planning a BIG event on stamping bella… not an event per se, but it will be a fun GAME that we can all partake in.. more to come..

mwah to da sistahs who missed me just a little bit 🙂


yes it’s my fault

I mentioned my new embellishments and I had NO TIME TO post them soooo…I have extended the free shipping for one more day! (for all orders over $45).  your NEW code is 013847 so enjoy sistahs! tomorrow the NEW BEAUUUUUUUTIFUL embellies will be up n’k?

For all the local sistahs, we are having a “re-GRAND opening” after building our new extension called the “SCRAMPING” area.  This is taking place on Thursday Sept. 11th at the BOOOTIQUE from 4-8pm! We will be having light refreshments served and the CUTEST make n takes EVAH! Dianne and Nicky have been hard at work and we are sooo excited! so please come and visit! there will be sales and gabbing and lots of fun! So.. Local sistahood, come on by will ya? won’t ya?  

Mwah to da sistahs who will visit


NEW CODE for today! ed4bcc (case sensitive)

sorry sistahs, the old one expired!  this code is for free shipping on all orders over $45


oh and a new embellishment we created has ARRIVED!!!! TO DIE FOR!! WILL BE POSTING ASAP!


free shipping CONTINUES til tomorrow midnight (code fea404) and a GOOD CAUSE AND A SURPRISE!

Hiya sistahs!  Hope you are having a wonderful monday morning!  I know I am 🙂  Beautiful day, back at Bellaland, kids are enjoying school, FREE SHIPPING… what could be BETTAH?

My darling CHICHIBOULIE with her heart of gold and amazing talent has decided to donate to a great cause.  She is hosting an auction on her blog to raise money for a family who went through something terribly unfortunate.  You can get all information on her blog!  Start bidding sistahs!  Let’s see how we can make a change!

ANNNNDDDD.. Gretchen and i have been working on this idea for a lonnnng time..  aside from her beautiful fairies (who are still coming!!) we have decided to create a “sistahood” for Bella!  We decided to create a friend for Bella…Actually MANY friends for Bella.  I have decided to launch her first friend BEATRICE BELLBOTTOMS… I am IN LOVE WITH HER and I have noticed a HUGE “peace” theme throughout fashion and jewellery.. charms, clothes, symbols.. and of course PEACE is a wonderful thing no?

leave a comment and let me know what you think of her and I will send one out to you as a prize!

Mwah to da sistahs who cry PEACE


free shipping Sept 3- sept 9 fea404 (case sensitive)

for orders over $45

Sistahs, I just went school supply shopping and FUH-REAKED out.. I just went to buy my kidlets some clothes for school and I FUH-REAKED out at how much the bills were..LOL!  so we decided to offer a little bit of ease on da wallet with some free shipping.  Ryan and I just celebrated our 11 year wedding anniversary, and we just opened up our “scramping” room so that is another reason we decided to celebrate with a free shipping extravaganza.

Is this a nice surprise???

you likey dat ideaR?

mwah to da sistahs who deserve something NICE.



our first guest designer… guess who it is?  come on.. guess?  K. GIVE UP?????? It’s my sistah SHANNAN TEUBNER.. people may know her as “steuby” which is what I call her… I LOVEY HER AND HER WORK!!!  Her constant support and her talent are unsurpassed.  I have never really wanted a ‘design team’ per se but I do think it is important to acknowledge some of the important sistahs in da HOOD.. of course there are SOOOOO MANY (all of you actually) but I had to start somewhere and Shannan was da perfect choice 🙂

I know many people who organize bloghops, but I think Shannan has a blog- hop-skip- and a jump to be different.. Nicky has worked very closely with Shannan so I really don’t know what they have up their sleeves!!

Happy scouting sistahs!

p.s. I wanted to thank everyone who emailed me regarding my health… everythin is AOK right now and have recovered beautifully!  Thanks sistahs for your constant care and support

mwah to da sistahs who need a skip-and-a-jump


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