My dearest sistahs
I am so sorry i have been MIA lately but have been “cookin” up some surPRIZES.. do you forgive me???
I will be releasing my new valentines images next week and OMG… you will RE-HEALLY freak out.. there will be a bella, some stellas (LOLOL), some HUGGABUGGS and some bittyblooms.. OMG.. it will be a REAL treat.. I PROMISE!!
I will also be releasing more embellishments which I am totally in love with 🙂
This is a beautiful end to year 2 of Stamping Bella online. It is with EXCITEMENT and LOVE and PASSION that I greet 2009 and TRUST me sistahs, I will try my BESTEST to make 2009 the BESTEST year EVAH!
so Mwah to YOU my loyal sistahs for helping me continue my passion and sharing all of your experiences, likes and dislikes, passions and dreams with me.
have a healthy and happy and SWEET new year
raindrops and roses and whiskers on kittens… (did everyone know that the sound of music is ONE of my FAVORITEST MOVIES EVAH??)… going to buy tickets to see it live here in Toronto (hint hint Ryan)
Weekend was great.. we went to see Disney on Ice with the kidlets.. aside from taking the subway and having to walk 67 miles to get to the DARK theatre (we were late) and almost falling down 85 CONCRETE stairs to find our seat.. it went GREAT! LOL.. this kids really enjoyed it.
Ok, onto BIDNISS…. I am so EXCITED to launch these new embellishments. I can GUARANTEE you that there will be 60 kajillion (plus or minus a few kajillion) sets coming out… They are called BELLA’s BACKED BADGES… BACKED is the operative word.. We have magnetic backs, zipper pulls, flatbacks and pinbacks 🙂 back back back back back..LOL
Have I mentioned how in love with them I am? they will be offered in ZIPPERPULLS, PINBACKS, MAGNETS and FLATBACKS
These designs will be available in MAGNETS, PINS, ZIPPERPULLS
You can find them all here in the what’s new section
The hippie chick set– did you know that this year is the 50th birthday of the peace sign? This one is my tribute
Huggabugg set- need I say more?
Mwah to da sistahs WHO LOVE these embellishments…
you wanna just SNUGGLE them.
SARAH PENDERGAST.. COME ON DOWN!! you and your kitty story win the contest 🙂 (#42 picked by mr. fella here)
Mwah! Email me and we will work out da DEETS
sorry I haven’t written in a while.. I was SOOO EXCITED to release something new and *POOF* a blizzard.. they are calling it “STORMAGEDDON”.. LOL.. have you evah? We had to close the store early and not sure about if we can open tomorrow.. weather permitting!
So Monday, we will be launching new embellishments and BOy will you be happy.. we are thrilled!!
So how about we give out a christmas gift certificate of $50 on monday to the store 🙂 whaddya think?
I need some funny stories to keep me company on this BLECHHY day..
so put a comment in and if you feel like telling a story, please do 🙂
as you know I read each and every comment and i just love them all!
mwah to da sistahs who are in sunshine and yummy WEATHAH
contest ends sunday night 🙂
Check (kinda)…
All Ducks in a Row?
Check (kinda)…
Ok.. this has been a lovely monday so far…
listen to THIS story by the ‘braindeadabella.’
I have been suffering with diverticulosis as you all are WELL aware..LOL.. so of course I have been in and out of the doctor’s office when I had my flare up 3-4 months ago… So I get this call from my doctor’s office advising me that I have an appointment with a dr. so and so.. located at so and so address and my appointment is in a week (today)… I was kinda scared and didn’t wanna know what it was about.. so I just “accepted” that I had this appointment and planned around it.
Then I started to get curious..
So I called the doctor so and so at such and such a numbAH.. and it was a voice mail saying absolutely nothing about who he is..
So I let it go.
THEN… I looked up on the internet last night the doctors name to see if I could get a HINT.
Found out today that I had the doctor’s name wrong.
So this morning, while Ryan was driving me downtown today TO THE DOCTOR’s.. I felt I really should know who he is and what he does.
So I call again. And I listen to the WHOLE message this time… mentioned something about breast clinic.. blablabla
I panic.
I call my DOCTOR to see who this doctor was.. the receptionist couldn’t answer me. Had no idea (Note to self, change doctors)
I panic.
Finally we get there.. and BLUSHING and APOLOGIZING for being such a STOOOPID girl I humbly asked why I was there and what the doctor specialized in.
“He’s a general surgeon”
So she saw my face and told me I was there to just discuss my “condition”.
What a day.
I toldja I had a good one 🙂
Mwah to da sistahs who NEVER panic and NEVER NEED TO
Ryan and I had a GREAT week! Lots of fun.. LOTS of learning.. talk about information overload! I am not sure my brain has NOT worked that hard since Mcgill University..LOL
So I have to unwind my brain.. remove it.. shake it up a bit.. and I will be back to normal by Monday 🙂
Here’s a little tutorial for you 🙂
I will be giving this to tyler and jayden’s teacher’s .. Hope you enjoy!
Hope you enjoy the tutorial!
you can find the coaster in the what’s new section and the punches
Mwah to da sistahs who will enjoy their weekends with a brain IN their head while da bella rests hers!
for celebrating our anniversary! It was DA BESTEST anniversary EVAH!!! we hope you lovey your goodies! Ryan and I are away now learning some new things/products that will be a phenomenal addition to our current line!! IT should be introduced in early 2009 and you are SURE to be pleased. We are SOOO impressed with what we will offer you that it will be sure to knock your socks off!! I just wanted you to know that I am away on training and will try to post as much as I can but if you don’t “hear” from me.. you know why!
Mwah to da sistahs who are as EXCITED as we are of what’s to come!
Em (and Ry)