hmm.. not sure if you will get that title.. it’s from Sesame Street or the MUPPETS when Kermit was a reporter… Hi Ho, Kermit DEEEEE frog here.. How silly do I sound if you have NO IDEAR what I am talking about lol
back from RALEIGH, north carolina.. LOL.. I mentioned it was SOUTH carolina and then realized my error. OH BOY did we have fun. I will post pictures of my creations and update you on the deets tomorrow but I have to tell you we had an amazing time, it was 3 pure days of ME time. ME time… what is that? I haven’t had that in YEARS where i didn’t get any questions, no calls (except to my fam), no emails (well, maybe a little wee bit), just doing stuff that interests me.. ME? what is that?? sometimes I lose me.. ya know? did you ever feel that way? I am now rejuvenated and ready to BOOGIE! Let’s start with a BELATED Bellarific Friday. So sorry for the delay sistahs but I was VEEERRRY busy with me..LOL
Here goes! Let’s see what our BABEROONIS came up with. The theme this week was a COLOUR THEME! It was pink, green and chocolate chip (yummmmmm chocolate chipppppssss)
Karen Motzabella used ANABEL LULU
Elaine-abella used IVY KETTO
Lindabella used EXECUBELLA
Paulabella used DAYDREAMABELLA
Danabella used GRATTY TUDE
Jeaniebella used RUBY by Mo Manning
Now let’s see what the amazing SISTAHOOD has come up with
What an amazing job da sistahood has done and for that one sistah will win $20 in bella bucks which will be announced this Friday!
Now if you place a comment on this post, you can win $10 in Bella buckeroonis! which will be announced on Friday as well
This week’s challenge is a gorgeous sketch! don’t forget to play along!
in case anyone was wondering.. LOL.. I know you’re out there but you are not COMMENTATING… I think you must COMMENTATE so that I will be motivated to keeeep onnn writtting
Ok, I was told by my DT COORDINATOR Danabella that I must post this amazing JEANIEBELLA sketch for next Friday MAY 21st Bellarific friday. So someone tells me something.. and I LISTEN! LOL
When you submit, please just put BF MAY 21 in the subject line.. s’aright?
Mwah to da sistahs who will COMMENTATE (lol) and who will miss me
OOPS, here’s the sketch
Hiya sistahs,
well I tried the lipgloss and it did come out a bit fuschia..LOL.. either it is a standard color, or my lips have WICKED pigment! Dena took a picture of my PUCKER but my darling Ryan took my card reader and i can’t post it!! GRRRRRR……
Let’s talk WINNAHS from last week’s bellarific friday
Here are your random numbers:
19- TERRI DODD! you win! please send me an email and I will send you the bella bucks!
Timestamp: 2010-05-12 20:46:14 UTC
and NOW for the $10 bellabucks COMMENTATOR winner:
Here are your random numbers:
51- LAURA! You win $10 in Bella bucks. please email me and I will send it ovah!
Timestamp: 2010-05-12 20:47:30 UTC
And now for my trip plans! I am going with my friend Sheryl to Raleigh, SC to take a class on a technique I have been wanting to learn about for a very long time. Encaustic Painting and Encaustic art. Art involving beeswax is so tactile and yummy and smells deelish (LOL) and is low carb (LLOOLL). We are taking a 3 day workshop with Patricia Seggebruch and we are so excited! Of course travelling with a friend who loves exactly what you love, shops for exactly what you shop for is a BLAST to travel with.. we already have our destinations planned in between learning a few things :). I have been so involved in art journaling, stamping, colouring, shmearing, shpritzing.. it’s been so much fun and I think we may introduce some classes at the shop. It’s amazing not to “care” what the end result is but to SO enjoy the journey getting there.. OMG.. it’s a place where I try new techniques I would like to introduce to everyone.. where “accidents” happen and I learn something new.. THOSE are the BESTEST accidents
So with that sistahs, I bid you an adieu, and have a great week. Don’t forget your colour themed submissions for this week’s BELLARIFIC FRIDAY which will be posted ON MONDAY unfortunately 🙁
Mwah to da sistahs who may want to take this WAX journey with us upon our return!
P.S. a little JAYDEN nugget from last night “MOMMY, DADDY, can we play GOLD-FISH?” aka go fish.. LOL. Almost SHOVED her in my mouth whole, it was so delish
Hiya sistahs.. I know that there are sistahs from all ovah DA world who come and visit my bloggypoo (at least I hope so…LOL). I am wondering if anyone else celebrated a SNOWY mother’s day. SNOW. Yup you hearded me…SNOW on MAY 9th! It was CUH-RAZY I tell ya.
Well, yesterday morning I heard a BIG commotion down in the kitchen.. I had a FEELINK that there was some preparation going on from da kidlets and sure enough at 7:45 My door bangs open and in come 2 little ones in PJS holding stuff. One had a plate with Rye bread on it and a knife and the other one was carrying a tub of margarine. There was a glass of water but *ahem* half was spilled on the staircase. They were BEAMING (i did not DARE tell them that the diet of the week was ATKINS and there were NO carbs going into me) so I pretended to Crunch and Munch and OOOOHH and AHHHHH saying how proud I was of them. MORE BEAMING going on. Tyler then proceeded to tell me that he had to STARE at the toaster oven and open it before it “rang” so that I would nevah SUSPECT they were making me toast (as if the rustle and bustle and clanging and banging in the kitchen would not give it away..LOL).. I confirmed his cleverness.. and Jayden was in the background piping up a big “YEAH ME TOO” every once in a while..LOL. How cute was that?!
Today Tyler had a book report that he basically had to do orally to the class. He was SO PROUD to tell me it concerned NON FICTION this time.. every 3 seconds he said the words NON FICTION cuz he was so proud that he knew what NON FICTION was (get the point about NON FICTION?) Then my darling almost 5 year old told me she didn’t wanna watch the movie cuz she saw it already on YOU TUBE… I almost SWALLOWED her when she said that. How does she know what YOU tube is? LOLOL
So I took Tyler and Jayden (not trying to be an annoying mama) to a birthday party for ADAM (remember NOT TODAY MAYBE TOMORROW? HUH CHESTER?).. that’s ADAM and his mom is my BFF. She decided to give me a little bag from the drugstore for Mother’s Day… Well guess what she bought me?
KNOW WHAT THIS IS????? LOL. It’s a LIP GLOSS (clear) that CHANGES with the TONE of your LIPS!! Does that sound remotely familiar? LOL. Remember this POST?
I looked at my BFF and asked her if she remembered my FIASCO with the last lip gloss I got that PROMISED to take the colour of my lips and enhance them naturally.. LOL.. they were FUSCHIA!! So I was a bit scared of the one above.. LOL. I am going to try it tomorrow and will keep you posted!
Mwah to da sistahs who LOVE NON FICTION, YOU TUBE and LIP GLOSS (LOL!)
Good Morning (now afternoon..LOL) sistahs! Hope you had a phenomalish week. We are FREEZING in Toronto.. I have no ideaR what’s up with the weathah but baby it’s cold outside…
So today is bellarific Friday! I love this day (after I post everything of course..LOL).. We will see what our BABEROONIS have been up to including our BRAND SPANKIN NEW BABE ELAINEABELLA!
Our theme this WEEK is FLOWERS! either as an embellishment or as the stamp
Elainabella used MISSMATCH KETTO
Lindabella used RUBY by Mo Manning
Danabella used FLOWAHBELLA
Karenabella used TILLY THE TEACUP GIRL
Paulabella used TEAPOT DAISIES
Jeaniebella used TOGETHAH FOREVAH
Now let’s see what my OTHAH happiness has done to my heart. DA SISTAHOOD’s CARDS! And we have a couple of MINI sistahs who have contributed again this week! I LOVEY da mini sistahs!
I want to wish all da sistahs who celebrate mother’s day a very happy, healthy, FOOD INFESTED (you deserve a treat 🙂 ) Mama’s day!
Don’t forget to leave a comment so you are eligible to win $10 in Bellabucks!
Mwah to da sistahs who are not FREEEEEZING
and I must share some yumminess first and then discuss some winnahs 🙂
Thank you for allll your well wishes.. I am feeling a lot bettah but still shuffling my feet 😉
I wanted to share a layout that Denabella made.. absolutely GORGEOUS using the American Crafts ABODE COLLECTION and some scrappy stampies namely ROUND MEMORY BLOCK and the TODAY memory block. BEEYOOTIFUL!
Now take a looky at JILL SPROTT’S LAYOUT.. MAGNIFIQUE! As I have said earlier.. I think it is an amazing challenge to use an image stamp and make it a focal or embellishment on your page! READY FOR THIS one? She paper pieced LOOOTS of hearty cuppycakes! and used the new Girl’s Paperie line.. YUM!
Yummalish? oui oui? (practicing my french..LOL)
Now let’s talk WINNAHS
the WINNAH of da CONTRIBUTAH of da week ($20 in bella bucks) is
Here are your random numbers:
8- JANE BRACHT you WIN! Please email me and I will send you your dinero! ( I am VERY international 🙂 )
Timestamp: 2010-05-04 20:45:09 UTC
Now for da COMMENTAYTAH winnah ($10 in bella bucks)
Here are your random numbers:
13- Michelle T.. you win! please email me and will send your voucher!
Timestamp: 2010-05-04 20:49:01 UTC
Don’t forget about Bellarific this week! FLOWERS FLOWERS FLOWERS (either the stamp or the embellishments) due Thursday May 6th
Mwah to da sistahs who love da layouts