who cares if it is useful or not..LOL! Just kiddinK.. it is useful too! and it is PINK.. and it looks GREAT in your tool bag (we were just discussing this last night.. I have every tool bag imaginable and yet I travel NOWHERE..LOL). What is it you ask? It’s the new WE R MEMORY KEEPERS BRAD SETTER AND PIERCING TOOL! (oh and the piercing tool has a COVER.. you would think that would be a given but you would be surprised by what is out there.. can you believe I am giving SUCH importance to a paper piercer? LOL)
Last night we had an AMAZING time in Bellaland at my Art Journaling 101 class. I think people were a bit apprehensive about what it was all about..LOL.. but as soon as we got “down and dirty”, they were cutting gluing painting MANIACS!!! LOL… We had such an amazing time and since it was a really big class, I will be offering it again next month as well as a 102 class. WOOOHOOO! In my class yesterday, I mentioned my little teeny tiny obssession with MOLESKINES.. no FAKESKINES.. they MUST be MOLESKINES.. I’m like Pavlov’s DOGGY.. every time I pass the Moleskine section at the bookstore I IMMEDIATELY drool.. LOL. I will try to pile mine all together and take a picture just for you to really SEE my obssession.. or maybe I shouldn’t…. I just bought the LARGE sketchbook and am in love.. it usually takes a while to really find the journal that “fits” for lack of a better word. Molesine is the one for me!! It’s not too tight…. it’s not too loose (when will that ever happen).. it’s JUUUUUST right! Here’s a little technique that I did to make my backgrounds.. I used a dye inkpad, SHMEARED it all over the page and while it was wet (quickly), i SHMEARED (SPREADDDD.. SHMEARRRR just sounds bettah) it again with a babywipe to spread the inks.. YUMMMMMMM!! and I layered two of them! I also used our new “I AM STAMP” called FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS and the LITTLE MOMENTS QUOTE STAMP. Now please note, this is a page in progress but it’s yummy to stroke and lick..LOL (ok I don’t lick it but I do stroke the page sometimes when no one is looking…LOL)…
Don’t forget BELLARIFIC FRIDAY sistahs.. theme is ANY BELLA or STELLA (lol.. I got some EXCELLENT submissions so far!) Also, don’t forget TANTALIZING TOOSDAY special this week are the TIM HOLTZ EMBOSSING FOLDERS and Dena’s kitabella!
Mwah to da sistahs who lovey da MOLESKINES like MEEEEE
I said to Jayden as we went in for her 5 year physical knowing that she was going to get her booster. Tyler was busy chanting that he was SOOOO happy he was NOT getting a shot and I saw my little girl’s bottom lip quiver (I gave Tyler SEVERE EYE MAIL..LOL) . When we were alone together the night before chatting outside (we do that almost every night) and Tyler and Ryan were at baseball practice she asked me if the needle would hurt. I looked at her like she was CUH-RAZY (even though I am SCARED TO DEATH OF NEEDLES) and asked her if she ever heard of the BLA BLA BLAH medicine against a shot. She said “no mommy”.. so I told her all about the BLABLA. What IS the blabla medicine that takes away all needle pain you ask? Well.. this is a very big secret but I allow you to use it with your kidlets too. I told Jayden that as SOON as she knows the doctor is going to get the needle she MUST look at me and grab my hand. When the doctor comes in she is NOT allowed to look at him (LOL) and we just look at each other and say BLA BLA BLA (like we are having a pretend conversation).. sometimes the blabla goes to a higher pitch (like when the needle goes in) and then by the time she got to the third BLA, I told her it was OVAH.. she couldn’t believe it! She looked at me and said.. is it over? I said yes… she made sure to tell me that it “STILL HURT” just so I acknowledge it.. and she took a lollipop and off she went while Tyler STILL made sure that we knew that he was happy he didn’t have a shot. LOL. and our doctor looked at Tyler and said “YOURRRRR TURNNNNNN”…LOL. (he was joking).. Tyler was PETRIFIED and I said to him.. “ya wanna do the blabla medicine?”. He was NOT amused.
That’s one of my little nuggets of the day
Don’t forget BELLARIFIC FRIDAY this week is to use a BELLA or a STELLA!
Take a look at our TANTALIZING TOOSDAY special this week
Mwah to da sistahs who will start BLA BLA’ing ASAP
I been thinking.. wouldn’t it be fun to have a day every week to have a sale?? I think everyone would be happy with that no? So what I decided was that on TOOSDAY every week we will feature another product on sale. The sale will last from TOOSDAY to MONDAY (while quantities last) and then the following TOOSDAY something else will be featured on sale. (Oh and I may sneak some stuff in the SPECIALS section from time to time so you must check often 🙂 ).. Ok I can’t say TOOOOOSDAY anymore..LOL.
So this week I begged and pleaded with Denabella to make a little DENA kit that we will be selling for $10! (If you know Dena’s work and love it, you will be sure to be happy with this kit 🙂 ) This week’s kit is Crate Paper’s PLUM BLOSSOM kit.. it is GORGEOUS and the retail value is approximately $18. You get 5 sheets of double sided patterned paper (did I tell you that I LOVE CRATE PAPER? it’s one of my top 2 lines of paper that I adore.. from the quality to the design.. it’s BEEYOOTIFUL!). Another thing you must keep in mind is that the quantity is very limited so once it’s gone, she be gone! You also receive some orange ricrac, orange felt daisies, assorted coordinating brads, 2 MAYA ROAD new kraft funky envelopes, 2 sheets of Kraft paper which is really the new black..LOL. and two full packages of coordinating Crate Paper embellishments (sparkle chip, journaling stickers etc,..). Each kit will vary. But its YUMMALISH I promise!
Now for this week’s PROMO, we are featuring that kit as well as the TIM HOLTZ/SIZZIX EMBOSSING FOLDERS! Their regular price is 13.99 now on sale for $9.99 for 2 embossing plates and they are YUMMMMMMY! Plomise!
and now for the BONUSSSSS. I will be giving some blog candy away to 2 winnahs! First winnah will win one of the embossing plate sets.. second winnah will win one of the limited edition kits!
So place a comment, do the MAFF (math) and say hi!
We will be doing this every TOOSDAY (that word again)
Mwah to da sistahs who love TOOOOOOOOOOSDAYS (lol)
So it’s Sunday and Ryan is working and I am home with da kidlets. I like them to play “independently” at times (aka give mommy some alonnne time lol) so Tyler asked me if he can put on some face paint (devil theme) and I said yes and Jayden joined him upstairs.. Things were very quiet…. And down comes this MESS of a child I didn’t even recognize. He decided that ADDING water on top of the makeup would make things even NICER lol. This is what came downstairs
And then his sister posed proudly with him
Then we decided to go out for lunch and Jayden decided to dress herself ( she usually nevah matches). This one instance, because she matched albeit not really appropriate for 34 degree weather I allowed her to wear that out lol (legwarmers)
Just wanted to share how glamorous my life is lol.. I must say that we had fun.. Arts and crafts, backgammon.. You name it.
Hope you had as much fun
Mwah to da sistahs’ who can blog from their iPhone ( pardon the blurry iphone pictures)
This week just FLEW by and I haven’t “seen” you in a long time.. no comments nada! Are you there? YOOOOOHOOOOOOO?
Ok enough of me whining. I have a very special guest in Bellaland today. It is MAKEESHA BYL all the way from Australia and a member of her design team from Quebec City.. They are SOOO lovely and I am SO proud to have them here!!
Let’s discuss WINNAHS from Last Week’s Bellarific Challenge (July 9th). All of the entries were FANTABULOUS!!
Here are your random numbers:
8- ROBIN MCK you win! please email me and I will send you your $10 VOUCHAH!
Timestamp: 2010-07-16 14:48:37 UTC
Now for da WINNAH of $20 bella bucks for CONTRIBUTIN’
Here are your random numbers:
6-Linda C you win $20 in BELLA BUCKEROONIS! please email me and I will send it to you!
Timestamp: 2010-07-16 14:51:42 UTC
OK now let’s get down to BIDNISS. This week’s challenge was a BEEYOOTIFUL sketch created by Karen MOTZABELLA (who also came to visit me YESTERDAY!! How lucky am I?????)
So let’s see what da BABEROONIS have been up to!
Karen Motzabella used RUBY AND ROSE LULU
Danabella used BYE BYE GIRL
Paulabella used CHEFFA HUGGABUGG
Jeaniebella used PERSEPHONE
Let’s see what da SISTAHOOD came up with!
Now how’s DATTTT for I CANDEE??
Have a PHENOM weekend sistahs!!! I miss you already. don’t forget to place a comment and let me know you’re ALIVE!! I’ve BEEN WORRIED!! LOL. (and you can win $10 in Bella Bucks! )
Going sewing machine shopping tomorrow (ask me if i can sew..LOL)
Mwah to da sistahs who actually KNOW how to thread a needle..LOL
(1) this new book I just picked up from our bookstore called THE CRAFTER’S DEVOTIONAL (not the kindle edition..LOL). This book looks like an amazing reference. And it looks AMAZING on a bookshelf..LOL (isn’t that such a ME comment? but it’s trueeeeee). It has art journaling prompts, coloring, knitting.. you name it. I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! I am going to study it tonight.. will keep you posted.
(2) RED Z search engine. OMG.. This is an AMAZING search engine that I just discovered (and of course am advertising on). The great thing about this search engine is that it is a VISUAL search rather than text. You can scroll by dragging the web page to the right or left or your scroll wheel on your mouse and you see the website HOME PAGE… LOOOVE this.. you MUST check it out just don’t click on my ad cuz I pay for it..LOLOL just kiddinK. Please tell your friends about RED Z.. I personally think it is great!
Mwah to da sistahs who LOVE that little red donkey on RED Z