hehehehe.. I love these…
I have been hibernating at home for the last few days trying to get stuff done and have a sick son :(..Getting a LITTLE nervous that I will forget something for our little humble cute BOOF (booth) at CHA.. like stamps or something..LOL.. knowing me, I will forget the whole BOOF.. (not gonna happen.. it shipped last toosday :))
So now for a little sneaky peeky from PAULINEABELLA
meet FLORENCE the FLOWER POT girl by ELLIA HILL.. I just love her :). IS she not GORGE? (short for gorgeous.. not for eating yourself to oblivion 🙂 )
All the new releases will be up LIVE on TUESDAY JAN 25th.. the day before we leave..WOOHOO.. so you will have first crack at da GOODIES.
Don’t forget BELLARIFIC friday tomorrow…ANYTHING GOES.. send any card with a BELLARIFIC image!
Mwah to da sistahs who WISH they could FIT in a FLOWERPOT.
HMMMMM? BOOF numbah 4317. If you can’t make it, why not tell your local shop to come and visit me… we will take care of them.. PLOMISE! So Be THEH or be SQUEH ( as my BFF would say in her South African accent).. We are going to be doing some simple little colouring make and takes.. shading.. blending… oh my! You can meet my Ryan too.. is that not reason enough? LOL
ok ok ok ok ok .. I need to show you anothah sneaky peeky… but shhhh don’t tell..LOL.. just kiddinK.. tell everyone!
When Christy C. Croll (I don’t think that is her middle initial.. I just made it up but it looks good and has a ring to it no?) and I thought up these characters together, they were supposed to be teeny weeny which I love.. then I got all these complaints from Lindabella that she doesn’t like to colour teeny weeny so we decided to make these biggah.. but the teeny weenies will be coming too LINDA!! LOL. Paulabella coloured these up so BEEYOOTIFULLY and you just wanna squeeze these characters.
Meet ARTHUR and ANNIE… they will be sold togethah because they just canNOT live apart.. lol. I think you will eat them up.. I already started to nibble..LOL
Paulabella’s ANNIE card
Whaddya thinky? you lovey? I DO-ey!
Don’t forget Bellarific Friday this week.. ANYTHING GOES.. send me a card with any of our images on it and you’re IN!
leave a comment on THIS post, and you have a chance to win $10 in Bella Bucks!
Mwah to da sistahs who love da SNEAKIES and da PEEKIES..
nestled in between rainbows and palm trees is a little kingdom where only PIXIES live. These pixies are such a wonderful bunch. They are adorable, very friendly and affectionate and they grant wishes with their proprietary pixie dust. They are magical. They live in Pixie Palaces, drive Pixie cars and always help their neighbors whenever a fellow Pixie may be in need. they have squeaky little voices and teeny tiny bodies that are almost edible they are so cute. Each Pixie has her own personality.. no 2 pixies are alike.
So without further ado, please meet 2 of the new pixies drawn by Christy Croll for da BELLA.. there are several coming but this is the first sneaky peeky of the collection.
Here’s LINDABELLA’s sneak peek of PORTIA and PERSEPHONE pixie
Let me know what you think but in TRUE pixie FASHION, it has to be nice 🙂
mwah to da PIXIE sistahs
AND oh, what a week this is! Wait til you see the PHENOM entries! OMG.. I am so proud. It really makes me sooo verry happy when we have lots of entries from da SISTAHS and MINIBELLA’s alike!! Please please please, if you can, please enter as I just LOVE to look at the entries.. and so does everyone else!
So without further ADOOOOO let’s talk winners from our last Bellarific friday
Winnah for CONTRIBUTING ($20 in bella bucks) goes to…
Here are your random numbers:
1- AMANDA R. you win! please email me and I will send you your voucher!
Timestamp: 2011-01-14 18:56:48 UTC
Now for the $10 COMMENTAYTAH winnah! ($10 in Bella Bucks)
Here are your random numbers:
19-Jen Shears! you win! please email me your info and I will send you a vouchah!
Timestamp: 2011-01-14 19:02:36 UTC
Ok.. now to BIDNISS.. lots of cards to cover! So excited!
Here’s the sketch that we had to work with by Kimabella!
Now let’s see DA CREATIONS!
Paulabella used HEARTY PLANT for LULU
Lindabella used EUNICE
Jeaniebella used LITTLE PEEP’S HEART
Paulineabella used IZZIE HAS A LETTAH
Elaineabella used ALICE by Christy Croll
Ebrubella used BRONTE and LOUIS
and to see her Video on making the card, you can tune into our YOUTUBE channel!
Now let’s take a looky at what da SISTAHOOD came up with!
I had AMAZING INTENTIONS to finish this post earlier 🙁 but it got a little bizzy.. so I am sitting in my office at home WHILST my little Jayden is reciting the past 2 weeks of events to me (oy I have a BIT of a headache..LOL)..
I am in AWE of the posts this week… so PROUD.. so for that, I thank you sistahs!!
next week’s theme is… ANYTHING GOES! Sooooo.. any beeyootiful Bella card is eligible! Doesn’t have to be a Bella specifically.. just any of our stamps!
Have a GREAT weekend sistahs! I am going to listen to the end of this 2 week adventure 🙂
Don’t forget to post a comment n’k?
Mwah to da sistahs who contribute (and who don’t of course)
Hiya sistahs! the “OUTBREAK” has now subsided.. everyone is treated, nice and clean 🙂
I thank all of you for your funny stories and advice.. I love reading all the comments.. makes me HaPpY.
So CHA is around the corner and we are all running around with our heads cut off… I am participating in a sold out event before the show and have prepared such a cute little project of which I have to cut 75 kajillion pieces of paper but it is SO worth it.. I am NOT gonna show you the finished tin cuz it is under WRAPS but what I CAN show you is a sneaky peeky at some new stamps being launched at the end of the month.. and they are StUnNing if I do say so myTHELF (as my Tyler would say).. so without further ADO, here are some of my coloured up RECIPE ICONS (sold as a set of 4) and the RECIPE CARD stamp – both done by Jessica Rose.. I love them.
Don’t look at the colouring job on the one right above.. didn’t have time..LOL
SOOOOO whaddya think of the sneaky peeky? Should we do more of them?? hmmmm
lemme know
mwah to da sistahs who love sneaky peekies
Hiya sistahs…
How has your weekend been? Well let me tell you what mine was all about. And this aint no “AFTER RELAXING SHOWAH PICTURE” (taken by my Iphone)
So this is what happened.. in the midst of CHA preparations ,cutting, stressing, regurgitating (LOL) etc..
I decided to take my darling children to the hairdresser.. they were SO excited to get their cuts and Tyler decided to mention at that moment that kids were sent home from school for LICE. And then I get some FLASHBACKS whilst (love WHILST) sitting at the hairdressers waiting for their turn.. I decide to inspect their heads there and was unsure what I was looking for. Now here’s something I should not admit but Tyler has been scratching for a while and he told me that it was because he was RUNNING (LOL at the association of the two).. and LOL even MORE at the MAMA who was too busy to even realize what was going on… So then I see he has white stuff in his hair and DEMAND that he CONDITION his thick locks and he did… Ok so now back to the hairdresser.. one of them inspects and says it is nothing so Jayden proceeds to get her hair cut.. Tyler is in his chair with his hairdresser and I ask that they check him. So then the BIG KAHUNA OWNER comes over, parts his hair and immediately finds the MAMA wandering around my sons head. I almost FAINTED. The BK (BIG KAHUNA) decides to amble over to my daughter’s head and proceeds to PART IT and sure enough he found the MAMA wandering around there.. I literally almost needed an ambulance to come scrape me off the floor. Ryan was working.. I was on my own. Then the 2 hairdressers proceed to look helplessly at BK and ask if they should FINISH the haircuts!! Tyler was being BUZZED so UM… AHEM.. they saw the look of horror on my face and they finished the job. KINDA. There ARE a few crooked sections .. LOL.We had a group of people staring at my poor kidlets and I proceeded to pay VERY quickly and tip VERY MUCHLY. Then my darling son decided that he should STICK HIS hand in a chocolate box for a snack.. I almost DIED of embarassment. Thank goodness there was a pharmacy next door where we bought a $36 OIL shampoo and SNACKS of course and made it an afternoon’s event.
Both children were stripped at the door (shivering), beds were stripped in about 6 seconds and then they were hosed off..LOL.
Then Denabella came to the Rescue, with lice comb in hand and showed me how to do my job properly.
That night we mushed OLIVE OIL and GEL on their heads and covered them in showercaps for them to MARINATE…LOL.
Sunday was a day of combing and nothing more was found. The scary part was thinking that my head of hair had it but THANK GOODNESS it doesnt..
That was my weekend.
Mwah to da sistahs who feel so sorry for me and da kidlets
p.s. Don’t forget this week’s BELLARIFIC sketch! due thursday night!