Hiya sistahs!
Sorry for the late post.. time got the better of me… I am trying to plan for ARCHIVERS’ SCRAPFEST in MINNESOTA MALL OF AMERICA for September 16-18th.. who is coming to see me??? Paulabella and Lindabella will be joining and teaching 3 SOLD OUT CLASSES each and I am preparing for 3000 make and takes. Yes.. you heard me right.. 3000 make and takes!! I am hoping that you will come and visit me and say hi and keep me company :). Paula, Linda and I are hoping for some time to put on our roller blades and shop throughout the mall!! LOL re. roller blades!!
Ok let’s get down to BIDNISS.
Some winnahs from last week’s BELLARIFIC FRIDAY!
winnah for PARTICIPATIN’ (submitting a card) goes to….
Here are your random numbers:
1-ANGELA P! you win $20 in BELLARIFIC BUCKEROONIS! Email me your info and I will send your MOOLAH!
Timestamp: 2011-08-05 20:25:48 UTC
Now for da winnah for COMMENTAYTIN’
Here are your random numbers:
3-GLORIA! you win! please email me and I will send you your $10 vouchah!
Ok so now that THAT is done,
let’s discuss this week’s theme! METAL. Anything METAL on your creations… so let’s start…. NOW!
Paulineabella used BYE BYE GIRL
Robinabella used MARGARITA KETTO
Paulabella used LULU’s SLICE o’ CAKE
Cathabella used the sentiment from RUBY by MO MANNING
now how’s DAT for da EYE CANDEEE??????
Now let’s discuss da SISTAHOOD!
So how’s DAT for da EYE CANDEEEE????? FANTASTIC!
This weekend, my goal is to EXCAVATE my mojo from deeeeeeppp under the ground… LOL.. Why is it fleeting in and out of my life??? hmph.
Next week’s theme is PAPER PIERCING
Mwah to da sistahs who have DA MOJO
Hiya journaling sistahs and journaling lurkers 🙂
This week’s theme was TISSUE paper… crumpled, glued, glazed, layered.. you name it 🙂
Now the first tool I would like to stress as important for collage, gluing things down, sealing is a GOOD GLUE. you must arm yourselves with one. After trying a kajillion +10 brands, I really go back to the same one.. my PPA. Now I ALWAYS say that you must invest in good tools to achieve good results :). Every week I will post a couple of my favorite tools so that I can enable you a little more n’k? PPA matte after it dries looks like there is nothing there and your papers are sealed and protected.. it’s really AMAZIN-K.
Ok let’s see what da sistahood came up with for their journal pages!
So there you have it.. different ways to journal with tissue paper!! I LOVE the entries!! Please keep sending them!! (can I put more !!!!!!’s?)
Now NEXT WEEK’S THEME is DOODLING. Oh, the doodle.. grab a pen and just scribble.. draw a circle.. then another circle around it.. then scallops around that… oh did I hear dots? SURRRRE.. add some dots! That’s the evolution of a doodle! Swirls, Flourishes, Circles, Shapes.. doodles you draw while on the phone.. stick it in your journal!
Here’s another expense 🙂 ready? I have tried ALL pens… I am LOVING the SAKURA MICRON pens right now.. I have THIS set which has a variety of nibs.. it’s AMAZING! PERMANENT! WATERPROOF! FADEPROOF!! I LOVE IT! (great for journaling and doodling.. not the best for drawing over acrylic) And now for THE BEST WHITE PEN HANDS DOWN? the UNIBALL UM-153 in WHITE! FANTASTICALLY AMAZING..
Ok.. now me gots to go and do another page 🙂
Mwah to da sistahs who will participate this week!
BELLARIFIC FRIDAY THIS WEEK is METAL on your card… send it ovah!
That you have one extra day to submit your tissue infested art journaling entry 🙂
Will post tomorrow. Hope everyone has a bellarific day! ( now how CHEESY did THAT sound…lol)
Mwah to da sistahs who like holidays
Hiya sistahs!
Hope you had a good chuckle on my last post.. OMG.. there were some other things I failed to mention with the hair color.. like when Paula decided to PLAY with my color infested hair and make a mohawk and a shark fin and speak in a NEMO shark voice.. with her and Jayden LAUGHING their heads off at me… HMPH. oh well..
Ok back to bidniss.. Let’s discuss some WINNAHS from last week
Winnah for contributin’ goes to ($20 in bella buckeroonis)
Here are your random numbers:
5- TANYA you win!! please email me and I will send your vouchah!
Timestamp: 2011-07-29 13:23:50 UTC
Now for da COMMENTAYTIN’ winnah ($10 in bella bucks)
Here are your random numbers:
7- CARMEN L! you win! please email me and I will send you your vouchah!
Timestamp: 2011-07-29 13:25:20 UTC
OK so this week’s BELLARIFIC theme is WINTER/CHRISTMAS in JULY! Let’s see what our baberoonis came up with!
Jeaniebella used LULU’S SNOWMAN. It is with a really HEAVY heart that the baberoonis and I say g’bye to our dear CHICKEN Jeaniebella. Jeanie has just taken a great position at her work and is SUPER busy with that. We wish her lots of luck and happiness and expect her back in a week..LOL. WE LOVE YOU JEANIE!!!! You have been such a valuable person on our team. MWAH!
Danabella used MINTY COFFEE
Paulabella used WHO ME?
Paulineabella used WREATHABELLA
Robinabella used I EVEN LOVE TH E BOX
Jessabella used SANTA’s BIRDHOUSE
Cathabella used the CHOIR with a STAR ON TOP
How’s dat for da BESTEST BABEROONIS in da INDUSTRY?!?! HMMMM????
ok, now let’s take a lookie at DA BESTEST SISTAHS IN DA INDUSTRY shall we?
Next week’s theme is using METAL on your cards (I will even accept METALLIC INK.. shhh don’t tell da BABES..LOL), you can use metal embellishments etc..
Don’t forget to place a comment on this post for a chance to win $10 in BELLA BUCKEROONIS
Don’t forget to SUBMIT a card for next week for a chance to win $20 in BELLA BUCKEROONIS
ART JOURNALING MONDAY is around the corner…. Have you been playing?? Would love to see your work ! Using TISSUE PAPER in your journal is the theme for monday.
YOU HAVE LOTS of work to do.. so get CRACKIN’
you still here?
DID you finish your page yet?
love you.
Hiya sistahs,
just a little OFF crafting WOMANLY topic I wanted to discuss…LOL. So last week we had a BLAST in da BELLA home and BELLALAND of 2 days of crafting.. it was refreshing, fun, inspiring and liberating. It was simply blissful (and I never use those words). But this is a story that I have not yet shared. Paulabella did mention a little bit of it on her blog but I decided to discuss it in better detail here.. and it also has been a while since my last funny-OMG-I-Can’t-believe-this-happened moment post I have shared… so here goes. You ready? Don’t think I am a freak n’k?
Ok so some women RELISH going to the hairdresser.. head massage (my favorite), reading a magazine or ipad, just time to chill on your own.. right??? RIGHT?? n-uh-uh… not I. I get so STRESSED at the hairdresser.. looking at my watch every 5 seconds, looking in the mirror with my hair stuck to my head SLOPPED with color and of course a plastic bag wrapped around it for good measure just EMPHASIZING the chins, wrinkles etc.. cuz there is NO Hair to cover the bad spots! LOL.. I look at that white timer like it is the most important thing in the world… tick tock.. tick tock.. 45 minutes of itchy burning colour on my hair.. trying to look beautiful but to no avail cuz all I see peeking back at me is the chin, and a BLUR cuz my glasses are off.. hmph. I am a like my kids in my car going on a trip.. “are we there yet”? “is my color done yet?”… then the bell rings… FREEDOM.. but no.. my hairdresser is doing someone else’s CHINS-FREE head and I am sitting there waiting thinking she forgot about me. So I casually say “CHRISTINA???” (Ok, I kinda yell).. “MY TIMER RANG….. DID YOU HEAR??”…she says “yes Emily, I know it’s ready.. I am coming to put the GLOSS treatment on”… PLEASE INSERT SHRIEK HERE. I say to her “CHRISTINA, you KNOW I have no patience for gloss.. how long is that gonna take?”.. she says patiently “we go through this every time.. your hair needs it and it is 20 minutes”.. I just grunt, get washed, get GLOSSED, and wait again.. Then finally I go for my cut. Come blow dry time, I get up and run for the cash to pay .. she says “can’t i blowdry your hair?”.. I say “I GOTS-TA go Christina”.. love you.. MWAH! and off I go looking like a plucked chicken. Am I the only one who looks WORSE when a hairstylist does my hair?? Is that supposed to happen????
So it’s been 6 months ish since my last colour and I just kept putting it off due to experience above. My hair was getting GREYER and GREYER (thanks for noticing Susan..LOL).. Because my hair is curly I can get away with it for 6-8 weeks… but SIX MONTHS??? you can just imagine! but I DREAD IT so what can I do?
Enter Ryan.
“Ry, I can’t take my hair anymore.. I look like PEPE le PIOU.
“just go buy a box of colour some sort and I will put it in your hair.. don’t you remember I did that for you a while ago?”
ahem… YES I DO buster.. and I had to go to the hairdresser to FIX it.. don’t YOU remember that? (I’m thinkin’)
“Yes I remember.. maybe that is a good idea.. you’re right.. at least I don’t have to sit at the hairdresser’s for 3 hours.. ok I will buy the box and you will do it”
enter PAULA
“Paula, wanna put colour in my hair? I RE-HEALLY don’t want Ryan to do it so since you’re here and you colour your OWN hair, could you PLEASE do that with me so that I can continue to do art whilST marinating in colour?
“Sure, get that box out”
So Paula proceeds to take out the ingredients from the box (bought a FOAM cuz I thought it would be easier and bought MEDIUM ASH BROWN)
Paula feeling the vast quantity of hair on my head “Um Em, I think you need two boxes for your hair”
“What? Are you kidding me? ONE BOX IS PLENTY thank you very much”
“ok then”
So paula starts to massage the colour into my hair.
“Paula, do you think you should put a little vaseline or barrier cream on my forehead and near my ears to protect it from colour?”
” Nah.. are you kidding me? it’s FINE”
so Paula finishes up the “blending” and the back of my hair is BONE dry. ie. NO COLOUR.
“Paula, do you think you could maybe rub some of the colour to the BACK of my head so that it will take the colour as well?”
“Emily I told you that you needed two boxes.. I ran out.. but don’t worry it will be fine”..
So off I go to the shower to rinse and condition .. feels SILKY smooth..
I don’t dry it so it looks really dark but all hair looks dark when it’s wet right?
So we plan to go to the art store and Lindabella and Paulabella look at me and say “YOU GOING OUT LIKE THAT?”
I say “why”? They say “cuz your hair is wet”.. I say, I ALWAYS go out with my hair wet. Ok.. so off we went.
A few hours pass.
I come home. I look in the mirror. I SHRIEK.
my MEDIUM ASH BROWN is PITCH BLACK. and I mean PITCH black. like ELVIRA black. and the back??? Paula, the back?? is a 6 month old red/brown/blonde combo. You can just IMAGINE.
And the PIECE de RESISTANCE? THE COLOUR STUCK TO MY SKIN ALL AROUND MY FOREHEAD and VERY VERY CONCENTRATED around my ear lobes… AND IT DIDN”T WANNA RUB OFFF!!! (now Paula do you think I need Vaseline or Barrier cream? LOL)
So it’s 10pm and Ryan comes downstairs to check on us. I point to my hair and he casually suggests I should go to the pharmacy to buy some more color and that it closes at midnight so I should have enough time (his way of saying YOU LOOK LIKE A FREAK).
So off Paula and I go. and OF COURSE the pharmacy we choose has THE BRIGHTEST LIGHTS YOU HAVE EVER SEEN. So I am trying to duck in the hair color aisle… Paula is laughing cuz every aisle I pass there are TONS of people and all I want me and my TIGER STRIPED hair to be is INVISIBLE. So I grab 2 BOXES of LIGHT HONEY BROWN colour and go to the cash. There’s a lineup!! So I am STANDING THERE in PLAIN VIEW with this THING called HAIR on my head that looks like Daniel Boone’s HAT and have to WAIT for my turn under the BRIGHT LIGHTS! Of course Paula is having the BEST time seeing me SQUIRM. Hmph.
So we get home.. i RESUME position in my chair.. Linda is CACKLING and laughing.. Paula now has enough to SMOTHER my head.. it is 11:00pm at this point.
Moral of the story? ALWAYS BUY 2 BOXES .. LOL. And maybe it IS worth sitting at the hairdressers for 9879 hours to get a proper colour..
I hope I didn’t bore you to death..
Has anything like this happened to you? if so, you HAVE to share so I don’t feel like the only LOSER…LOL
Mwah to da sistahs who need to cover DA greys
Ok so I hope you had a week to “marinate”.. thinking about all the art journaling possibilities… Maybe you have done some research? bought some product? or just stared at the journal you bought. LOL.
We need to discuss BACKGROUNDS for a second shall we? Some people enjoy the white space in their journals and so they should! Some people are intimidated by the white space… there are “remedies for this ailment ya know” 🙂
Here are some things that can get you going
wet a tooFbrush, dip it in water (or “WADOH” as my friend’s 3 year old says..LOL).. dip it in some watered down paint, or liquid ink (LIQUITEX brand) and FLICK your brains out on the page.. Hey, you can even dip the TOOFBRUSH in the paint and paint with it.. you would get some neat textures
simply grab a paintbrush and use any medium you like… watercolor, acrylics, crayons, pastels and paint the background
spray and spread the spray like waterpaint (adirondack)
Spray through a stencil and see the amazing shapes that come from there!
take a pencil and journal all over the page
COLLAGE (stick down tissue paper/scrapbook paper scraps/ magazine clippings) and glue down randomly.. ahhh feels SO good to cut and glue (don’t laugh at me..i’m SERIOUS :))
Ok.. that should get you going.. now you have NO EXCUSE!
Ok, let’s discuss this week’s theme. Now this is not a contest. No one is gonna win.. I want this to be as free spirited as it can be. You don’t have to send me your page, although I would be THRILLED to post it.. even if it is not on the correct day.. and you do it late, just email me and I will post on the correctly dated post 🙂
Ok enough babbling..
Here is my entry.. i used JULIE’S WORDS TO LIVE BY, used my FAVORITE CRAYOLA COLOUR SINCE BIRTH – CARNATION PINK (which Is now finished 🙁 )… I melted it on a little iron and drew with the hot wax to give texture.. framed the whole page with vintage children’s book text and stained it… also watercolored the whole background which is fun because it resists the crayon so you just wipe it off whatever got on the crayon portion
Rhian made a gorgeous grid and used our FLOWER GARDEN stamp
ISABELABELLA used a clear crayon resistl
take a looky at her blog for a tutorial!
Lindabella just colored and melted…. FANTASTIQUE!
Paulabella melted some crayons
here is Jennifer B’s gorgeous page.. I love seeing so many layers! I think I see my flower garden in there again!
Here is Corey’s DREAMY page.. I LOVE IT!
Here is Sheryl’s page.. I LOVE the script stems and the crayon petals!!
Here is our resident minibella’s art journaling page! Melissa is Isabellabella’s daughter! mwah!
Ok there are more coming! just wanted to get this up since I was on a roll…LOL
Please don’t hesitate to send your entries in.. and if there is something you have a question about, just let us know! you can write it in the comments and we can all respond to eachother!
mwah to da sistahs who lovey their CRAYOLAS!
NEXT MONDAY’S THEME IS USING TISSUE PAPER ON YOUR PAGE! scrunch it.. flatten it.. glue it.. paint it.. it’s your choice!