Remember these friendship pins sistahs? OMG.. I had a KAJILLION on my shoes when I was young… did you? Well the symbolism of this picture is the title of this post: FRIENDSHIP. GRATITUDE. LOYALTY.
I must devote this post to all the people in my life who help me get through my days (In no particular order)
Denabella- thank you for helping me get through every day…. with our laughs, our giggles.. our non stop chit chat.. shipping, receiving, for our friendship
Helenabella- for whipping me into shape.. keeping me GROUNDED.. keeping my chin up on the hard days.. and for just being there for me
PAULABELLA and LINDABELLA for being there at a moment’s notice.. travelling with me.. working their tushies off for ME. For Stamping Bella. For expecting nothing, for being loyal, for doing beautiful work, and for just being there for me.
Ruby-my household savior.. need I say more?
For my Design Team for producing the most beautiful samples representing Stamping Bella.
For my teachers in Bellaland for continuing to spread the stamping addiction
My Friends, Family and PETS (lol)- dealing with me every day
Every day I am grateful for who has entered my life and I firmly believe that there is a reason. And for that I am grateful.
Ok, now that I am tearing up.. let’s get on to some funny recaps from the show
As you know, we just came back from ARCHIVER’S SCRAPFEST in Minnesota. This was an amazing event and we had so much fun.. SO much fun..
Line ups were crazy
I also decided at the meet n greet to be all SNAZZY and wear my shoes without socks.. OMG… have I mentioned that the mall is 27 square miles?
Needless to say it was flip flops for me for the next three days.. I can’t even tell you about the blisters but I think Lindabella saw BONE… LESIONS.. I was hobbling 🙁
Our stamps looked PHENOM in a prime spot in Archivers.. I was so proud
Between Linda and Paula teaching and me demoing, it was a crazy weekend.. met so many great people .. ate good onion rings (shh don’t tell) and had such good laughs with my friends :).
I have SO many stories to tell that I don’t know where to start.. so I think I will just leave this post as a GRATEFUL post. A thank you to everyone in my life for being in my life.
Mwah to da sistahs who love a sappy sistah
hehehehe.. don’t tell my kids that n’k?
Well we are all packed (ok.. Ryan is… i’m procrastinating a little..) .. Paulabella and Lindabella are snuggling as we speak, ready to take off tomorrrow and meet us in MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA! We will be at SCRAPFEST in the MALL OF AMERICA and I am just thinking about how I can get my butt in an AMERICAN GIRL store for me *ahem* I mean Jayden.. LOL
We are SO looking forward to this although I am a bit petrified of the huge crowds that I will be surrounded by.. apparently it is JAM PACKED… I am very shy sistahs.. what am I gonna do?!?!?
I am not sure I will be able to log into my STAMPING BELLA facebook account.. but please “LIKE” us there so you can see the goings on.. if you don’t see anything there, then be sure to request me (Emily Block) as a friend on facebook as I will be posting updates there. I will try to blog from there but I most likely won’t be able to but again, I will try!I need to be connected!
Also, if you are a local sistah, be sure to call the store tomorrow as we are having a “BOSS IS AWAY” sale in store only….The reason why I am telling you to call is because I am really not sure what is on sale..LOL. Denabella and HELENabella are up to no good. I hear them whispering and keep asking them what is on sale but they are telling me not to worry about it and just have fun in Minneapolis. I am thinking I should be worried.
I wish you all a very good weekend and I am back on Monday night hopefully VERY inspired!
Also, Christine Dol is teaching SOLD OUT classes in the store.. I am not sure if there are any seats available in the classes coming up but if you are interested in taking a class, hers are the ones to take. I tell you, each class is different.. there are techniques and styles that will make your jaw drop. She is SUPER sweet, super accomodating and PROMISE you will not regret it. You will meet amazing people in Bellaland and make lifelong friendships. That’s what makes my heart sing 🙂
Ok, now that my heart is singing, I think I will torture you with another little hint of our surprise… I am not sure if you will get it.. and I am not prepared for you to “get it” yet.. BWAHAHAHA… so just enjoy the teasers… My “partner” in crime and I (NO don’t ask who it is cuz I ain’t tellin’)…. Maybe if you ask HELEN, she may tell you but I threatened to BEAT her if she did so I think you are outta luck. My partner in crime (hehehe) and I are going to be REVOLUTIONIZING some older concepts, freshening things up and will create some new terminology which will become a very important household term for you and your friends. I PROMISE. Ok, enough torturing.. I am tired.. LOL and need to sleeeeep as I am waking up very early to hopefully get a bit of fondling at Customs by wearing extra metallic things so I can BEEP.. (shhh.. I didn’t say that out loud). All these hints WILL make sense to you at the end of this journey. I promise.
Mwah to da sistahs who are CONFOOSED.
hiya sistahs,
so sorry for the delay in the post.. as i mentioned, someone wh will not be mentioned lost her page… but *ahem* she happened to find it under a stack of papers…
before i start this post i have to apologize to those customers who have been waiting a long time for their orders. i am beyond upset about this as i know how it feels to wait. you have all been so patient with us and for that i am truly blessed. we are incurring major growing pains and trying our best to get the rubber out as expeditiously as we can. we will keep you all informed and if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to email me.
ok here goes! our challenge this week was to work with your favorite quote… i mean i know i have a kajillion of them but this one just meant something to me.. it starts off my journal. i love it 🙂
is that art journaling candy or what????
i encourage you sistahs if you have any questions to post it in the comments.. this is where we can share all of our knowledge in da sistahood…
until TOMORROW.. because “SOMEONE”.. not naming any names.. LOL is a bit of an IDDY (that is what we call an idiot in our house..LOL) and “misplaced” her page…
~ the one who has been named not to be named
but unfortunately, I can’t tell you what happened…. YET. Don’t hate me.. but you know I love to tease… and how much I aim to PLEASE… but please don’t eat any CHEESE (ok the last part sucks but had to write it to complete my stanZa).
there is a quote that depicts today..
“you may never know what results come from your action. But if you do NOTHING, there will be no result”
~Mahatma Gandhi
All things happen for a reason sistahs…all meetings, phone calls are not mere coincidences..
Had a meeting today that may just rock all of our worlds.
I know I can be a little dramatic (WHO ME???).. but really… I am happy
and YOU will be too.
Mwah to da sistahs who love to be “ROCKED”
So boxes are packed.. and being shipped to Minnesota to ARCHIVERS… I have SUCH a feeling nothing will get there.. LOL and I have to dive into my cutter this weekend and cut MORE stuff for my make and takes.. OMG.. I am STRESSED sistahs.. STRESSED!!!!
Ok, enough about me..LOL how are YOU?
Ok enough about YOU, Let’s discuss some WINNAHS!
Winnah for contributing to last week’s Bellarific friday goes to… ($20 in bellarific buckeroonis)
Here are your random numbers:
5-MARIA, you win!! please email me and i will send you your voucher
Timestamp: 2011-09-09 18:53:07 UTC
Now for the COMMENTAYTIN’ winnah ($10 in bella bucks)
Here are your random numbers:
9- Sandi N. you win!! please email me and I will send you your voucher
Timestamp: 2011-09-09 18:55:07 UTC
Now for da BABEROONIS!
Lindabella used PENGUIN WITH GIFT
Robinabella used MAVIS IN HER KINI
Paulineabella used AMIMALS ELLIEPHANT
Paulabella used BUNNY WITH GIFT
Jessabella made an art journal page using JULIE’S SPRING BUTTERFLIES, HANGING HEART BLOCK, and eclectic BUBBLE WRAP background
Ebrubella used AMIMALS GIRAFFE
is that EYE CANDY or WHAT?
Now let’s take a looky at our sistahood!
Like I said.. a SHORT and SWEET Bellarific Friday. Now there are NO excuses for the next BELLARIFIC friday due in 2 WEEKS as we will be in Minnesota next week (BY THE WAY, IS ANYONE GONNA BE THERE?). The theme is a sketch made by PAULINEABELLA
Don’t forget ART JOURNALING MONDAY! Our theme is using your favorite quote! I have mine ALLL ready.. do YOU?
Mwah to da sistahs who LOVE Bellarific Friday!