Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Hiya sistahs!

did you have a great weekend?  We kinda chilled at home.. Ryan ran around with Tyler for hockey playoff games and practices and Jayden and I just hung out.. did some art, watched movies  etc…  When we do our art is when she decides to recap her whole week to me.. what happened.. who said what.. what said where.. she said this… can you believe I said that… AND she told me that her friend is scared of me.. So I stopped and said, why on earth would she be scared of me???  So she says to me “because you have crazy curly hair and wear glasses”…. LOL.. So jayden says to her friend (instead of really defending me).. “doesn’t matter.. she’s the COOLEST MOM EVAH”…LOL.. so basically does that mean she agreed with her friend? LOL

Then we spent Sunday shopping for clothes.. Jayden has a VERY unique style shall we say.  Friday was the straw that broke the camel’s back where I INSISTED we go shopping.  She emerged from her bedroom wearing a pink pair of printed leggings (which were now CAPRI LENGTH).. actually MAUVE… with a RED shirt and a TURQUOISE sweatshirt and pink socks.  She walked around quite confidently I might add WHILST Tyler and I looked at each other with mouths agape.  She looks at us and says “WHAT”.. I said to her kindly to please point out WHAT in her outfit matches.  She told me point blank that there is WHITE in everything and I TOLD HER that white matches everything.  HMPH.  what could I say to that?  I did tell her to march herself upstairs and put something on that matches..LOL.  I guess in hindsight I shoulda let her embrace her individuality.. which I usually do.

Soooo Sunday comes and we go to this store called JUSTICE.. my friends have been talking about it but I have never been in there.. everything was 40% off and if you go to the “BACK WALL” you get 50% and an additional 40% so I guess they paid us to take the stuff away.  So at the beginning of 2012, I forecasted that NEON would be in style.. and sure enough I walked into the store and it was like 1984 WHAM!  Wake me up before you gogo.. remember that era?    EVERYTHING was neon.. so we got Jayden some goodies.. and some SILVER blingy ugg type boots which I think she slept with.. and some other stuff..   I am so happy that she has stuff that matches and pants that are long enough..LOL  .  Tyler got some goodies too.  It’s so funny.. Tyler since the age of 2 would pick out his clothes and has a great eye.. his sister?  the ONE TOOTH WONDER.. not so much..LOL (shh.. she’s like her father).

Anyway, enough personal boring stuff  Let’s discuss AJ monday shall we?  The theme this week was to use pencils.. coloured pencils, HB pencils..   Let’s see what our sistahood did shall we?

Cindy Redding's page
Lindabella's Page
Lori (PINKY DINKY DOOO) card inspired by the oscars 🙂
Violet's page
Here is my page.. whenever I am in front of the TV, I ALWAYS have to do something with my hands.. and since I am staying away from RUBBAH (discovered an allergy).. I practice zentangling etc.. so I came up with this BIG flower and then decided to stamp my ARTSY HOUSE stamp and our THINKING BIRDS stamp.. I love the "villagey "feel of the different sized houses.. I just love that stamp 🙂 The flower was coloured in AFTER I visited JUSTICE with alllll The new NEON colors included in our NEW COLOR PRISMACOLOR KIT
Here's a closeup of our village 🙂
Here is Beth's page.. a different theme but I love it!

So that’s it for AJ monday today … Thank you for posting some suggestions for our themes.. I’m gonna use them all!  So NEXT WEEK’S THEME IS ARROWS (thanks PINKY!)… you can use them as a background.. as your focal point.. pointing to your focal point.. Get creative!  Can’t wait to see!!!   Since AJ monday is supposed to be FREEING, I just suggest themes.. you don’t have to follow them.. you can just send in anything you worked on that we can drool over 🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who participate and who match 😉


THIS WEEK’S BELLARIFIC FRIDAY THEME is POLKADOTS!  hope to see your creations!  And Bellarific Friday doesn’t have to be a card.. if you would like to use our stamps in a 3D project, mixed media project etc.. do NOT hesitate!  just follow the theme and use a bella stamp and you’re good to go


SEE? I told you my monday mornings start with this text

I TOLLLD YOU!  If you don’t know what “FRESH” means.. please refer to THIS POST

Now for this morning’s text..

Happy Monday everyone!

AJ MONDAY comin’ right up (hold the mayo.. cuz it’s FRESH)




And I am SOOOOO tired..LOL.  I am curled up in my basement… tv on.. coffee in front of me writing this post.  It’s a very snowy day here in Toronto and just dropped kids of at school… AHHHHHH piece and quiet (aside from the RODEO going on upstairs between the dog and 2 cats..LOL)

So here we are.. another Bellarific Friday.. where the HECK (LOVE that word) does the time go, hmmmmm?

Let’s see who won for last week’s BF

Winnah for COMMENTAYTIN’ ($10 in bellabucks) goes to

True Random Number Service

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

29-Claudine G you win!  please email me and I will send you your VOUCHAH!

Timestamp: 2012-02-24 14:20:15 UTC

Now for da CONTRIBUTIN’ sistah! ($20 in bella buckeroonis)

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

4- GABY DA MINIBELLA wins!  Gabby, tell your mom to email me for your money!

Timestamp: 2012-02-24 14:21:55 UTC

Ok no down to BIDNISS as usual

This week’s theme was a BEEYOOTIFUL Ebrubella sketch!

and let’s see how our BABEROONIS interpreted it K?

Cathabella used SPIT HAPPENS by Mo

Danabella used MATILDA on her SWING

Ebrubella used AMY

Lindabella used JAMIE

Paulabella used one of Mo’s Fairy PRINCESS

Paulineabella used BABY BUTTERCUP

Regabella used SKETCHY WILDFLOWERS (has been discontinued)

Robinabella used FROGGY KETTO

How’s DAT for da BABEROONIS? hmmmmm?

OK let’s see what da SISTAHOOD came up with.. STUN-NING

Christine L used used SADIE
Karen Motzabella used UPTOWN GIRL POSH
Leslie G used MILLIE
Margo S used AGNES KETTO
Maria used LULU'S TWO PIES
Mette use SNAILY huggabugg
Sheena used MATILDA on her SWING
Violet used GOLFAFELLA
Corey used LUCY KETTO

Aren’t these PHENOM entries?? you could be featured toooooo.. all you need to do is send me a card corresponding to our theme! k? k!

Our theme for next week is

JUST ADD POLKA DOTS!  Whether it be in the paper, a pen you name it!  hint.. it could also be a pattern in a DRESSSSSS….

So go crazy and don’t forget to email me your amazing creations!

Also, don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win $10 in bella buckeroonis!

AJ monday theme is PENCILS! Charcoal, colored pencils.. HB.. you name it! just use your pencils!

Have a great weekend sistahs




Hiya sistahs!  Well this week I was SOOOO tired.. and SLEEEEEPPPPYYY and was NOT in the mood for project life..LOL.. it happens ya know!

But I know ME.. and if I am TOOO late in getting it in my book, I will drop the project..LOL. SO I PUSHED myself… very hard.. and I did it!  I kept it simple.. used only ELLE Studio and some little stickers I picked up at the book store and off I went!  I used 6*6 photos so I didn’t have to journal much..LOL (SHHHHHH)…

a little blurry but you get to see my “toothless wonder”..LOL

there she is in all her wonder..LOL she came to the car and surprised me because I had NO idea she lost her toof!

Here’s Helen’s Project Life! GORGEOUS!




don’t forget Bellarific Friday! on FRIDAY! LOL


It’s AJ monday.. and all is VEWY QUIET

Hiya sistahs.. I am down in my basement/craftroom and boy did I get stuff done this weekend!

As I mentioned on SPLITCOAST STAMPERS,  my BFF’s sister had a little baby Ivy (LOOOVE that name).. Ivy Hunter to be exact and she is just deelish. Now I didn’t have a chance to buy a gift (she came rather quickly) so last night I was SO inspired.. ready to PAINT THE WORLD… and I sat down at my table and decided to make a painting for Ivy.  Now, I am not an artist..  or maybe I am?  I don’t follow ANY rules at all..  I don’t know the rules… don’t WANNA know the rules.. I just want to paint.  Actually I have wanted to paint all my life and never “could”.. I always wanted to draw… but “never could”… now I just don’t care… and I just “do”..LOL.. and I feel SO much better after it is out..LOL.  My friend Melissa (BFF mentioned above) was over today and she saw my workspace and she just looked at me and said “this is so good for you isn’t it”.. and I said YES.  She is one of my biggest fans and she encourages me to just DO all the time and her MOTHER is MAD at me because she says I should sell my pieces and make OTHERS as happy as I am..LOL.. and that’s exactly what I did.  I Lol’d!

Anyway.. I was like a little elf working away last night until I saw that it was 1 AM and just had to stop my painting and continued this morning.  I had to have it ready for Ivy this morning.  It is a canvas made with tissue paper, acrylics, collage… whatever was in my way.. and I made it so that it could match her room… I included a doctor Seuss quote, and of course, her name is in there too.. Actually there are several Dr. Seuss quotes but they are buried under the layers.  Needless to say Ivy LOVED the piece..LOL.. I have a great 3 day old audience.. Oh and her mom loved it too…   Here it is… I was so nervous to give it to Amanda.. and I am so nervous to show it here.. but what the heck.  I loved it so much and loved making it so much that I need to share :).. I don’t think the colours are very true below but you get the picture 🙂

Ok, now that I am “outed”.. I can continue with AJ MONDAY!  Sorry for the delay sistahs!

The theme this week was DRIPPAGE (that is when you have drips of paint running down your page…

Here is Christy S's page
Here is Corey's page
Hailey's piece! Hailey is Paulabella's niece and they had a GREAT mixed media weekend 🙂
Jordan's piece.. (paulabella's DAUGHTER who joined in on the fun!)
Here's Paulabella's piece!
Lori's page (pinky dinky)
Violet's page

How great are these?? OMG!!


Project life will be delayed til Wednesday!

don’t forget Bellarific Friday this week is a sketchypoo…

THEME for next week’s AJ monday is….. USING PENCILS on your page.. can be a regular HB or colored pencils.. or BOTH!

Anyone who would like to suggest the week after’s theme.. please put them in the comment section.. I need help!  a little brain dead over here…

Mwah to da sistahs who came here to visit 🙂

It’s FAMILY day in Toronto!

so I was asked veryyyy nicely if I could take a break today .. so I said I would


back tomorrow BIDNISS as USUAL..



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